People that understand...

It is supposed to be the best HPT out there, but it won't read unless your hormone level is at or very close to its minimum. Sometimes our bodies metabolize the HCG hormone better so it is very low in our urine. Also, I had only 20iu on my first beta which was 2 days after my FRER test adn then only 40 the next. I have a sac which more than likely has a baby in there and have yet to get a dark BFP. I am 22DPO. I have another beta tomorrow.
I lost the baby. She quit developing at 5 weeks. My betas dropped to 20 as of yesterday. :(
Oh I am so sorry :( .....I have been meaning to write to you to see how things were going.... sending you big hugs at such a difficult time :(
Oh GalvanBaby I'm so so sorry to hear that. :( Big big hugs to you.
I'm really sorry to hear this GalvanBaby :hugs:

WhiteOrchid, hi :hi:

I'm in a very similar situation to you. I have a little girl who is two and I have been TTC # 2 for 14 months! Hubby had an SA back in Nov and that came back fine so I think the problem lies with me. I've had all my bloods and they came back fine. Now I'm booked for my HSG next week and waiting for an ultrasound appointment.
Think this may be the route your FS will probably want to go down too.

I really do know what you're going through.:hugs: Every month is like a stab in the heart. It doesn't matter whether its your first child or 10th.

I'll keep you posted on my progress and how I get on with the HSG next week.

Xxxxxxx :coffee:

By the way, I conceived my little madam in the first month!
Hi Spockette!

Unfortunately our situation seems to have changed a bit...We got the SA results back on Monday and it seems that's where the problem lies.... 44% motility but ALL abnormal :( So upset but Dr seems positive that it can be changed. It has taken the pressure of the monthly challenges I guess (going to stop 'actively' trying for this month anyway) and now it's time to focus on making sure my hubby's health is better so lots of exercise for us both, no booze and healthy eating (which we do anyway) and need to find ways to reduce his stress! Also thinking perhaps acupuncture if I can persuade him - both for stress and to help his fertility....

Good luck with your tests and let me know how they turn out! Keeping my fingers crossed that all ok or that they can at least give you a solution/help if any problems. And thank you for what you wrote- had a big cry last night (hubby away) cause so fed up with being told "at least you have 1 child"!! Today's a new day though so trying to stay positive :)
Hi Spockette!

Unfortunately our situation seems to have changed a bit...We got the SA results back on Monday and it seems that's where the problem lies.... 44% motility but ALL abnormal :( So upset but Dr seems positive that it can be changed. It has taken the pressure of the monthly challenges I guess (going to stop 'actively' trying for this month anyway) and now it's time to focus on making sure my hubby's health is better so lots of exercise for us both, no booze and healthy eating (which we do anyway) and need to find ways to reduce his stress! Also thinking perhaps acupuncture if I can persuade him - both for stress and to help his fertility....

Good luck with your tests and let me know how they turn out! Keeping my fingers crossed that all ok or that they can at least give you a solution/help if any problems. And thank you for what you wrote- had a big cry last night (hubby away) cause so fed up with being told "at least you have 1 child"!! Today's a new day though so trying to stay positive :)

WhiteOrchid :hugs: Really sorry the SA wasn't that great BUT as upsetting as it is, you now know what needs to 'fixed' and it definitely will be!! There are loads of threads on here of suggested supplements that may help the little Spermies and of course the Doc will suggest various things too. Remember it only takes one :winkwink:

Thanks so much for the good luck. I will keep you posted on what's going on with me. It's frustrating not knowing what's wrong :cry:
Also, if one more person tells me the following:

'Relax, it will happen'

'You're thinking about it too much and it won't happen'

'At least you have one child'

Oh and the classic.....

'You're not doing it right' ](*,)

Take care hon xxxxxxxx
Thank you so much :)
All those little comments made me laugh only cause I feel your pain and frustration!! I particularly like the last how exactly would they suggest you do it!!!! ;)

I understand how you feel - not knowing is probably worse and certainly more frustrating cause then you have to just keep going and not understanding why it isn't happening. Thanks for the link as well - will get on that. I'm definitely feeling a bit more positive today and ready to deal with it.....I know we will get there in the end! As you (and my Dr said) you only need 1!! :)

Hugs and thank you again
Since the people who know I was pregnant hav efound out I miscarried, I have heard everyoe of those. The next person that says that to me is going to get theirselves kocked out. LOL It really hurts especially when you just started bleeding.

One a better note, Cheri22 predicts a boy for the month of June. :happydance:
Since the people who know I was pregnant hav efound out I miscarried, I have heard everyoe of those. The next person that says that to me is going to get theirselves kocked out. LOL It really hurts especially when you just started bleeding.

One a better note, Cheri22 predicts a boy for the month of June. :happydance:

I hear ya! I don't know what ppl are thinking - I would rather they said nothing that one of those comments - especially the "you just need to relax" one!!! :growlmad:

I hope you are doing ok - It is so difficult what you are going through but yay for the prediction and a June boy! :happydance:

No woman should have to go through what you have gone through,GalvanBaby. I wish there was something I can say or do to take the pain away.. Xx

WO, thanks so much. :flower:

All the love and hugs

I think I am coming to terms with it. I didn't cry last night nor today so far. I am starting to look forward to next month. I know I will get my rainbow baby one day ssoner than later I pray.

Fx for you ladies this cycle!! :hugs:
Hey lady, How's it going? I am dealing with too many people around me announcing unwanted pregnancies and to beat it all, they are due when I was due with my lil Angel.
I told OH that if one more person announces she is pregnant, I will need to be put in a mental hospital. This is just too much and so unfair!
Oh I am so sorry - that is so difficult :( I haven't been through what you have and so can't even begin to imagine but I know how hard I have been finding it recently with all the "announcements" and baby bumps and even babies!! That plus the dreaded question "are you just having the one then?!" (which I got on Sat from someone I had just met at a party FULL of babies and pregnant ladies!)

We are going to have a break this month and I have to say in some ways I'm quite relieved as no expectations, analyzing everything your body does and the dreaded 2WW.

Sending hugs....your time will come, I know it. :hugs: x
That is one thing that I am looking forward to this month, the break. No TTC thoughts at all. I will no longer be temping. I am going to post everything in FF except for the temps. My RE will be monitoring me so why should I worry about temping. I think it just causes extra stress to an already stressful situation.
I totally agree and I'm doing the same! No temping, and actually in a strange way, I'm enjoying it! Feeling much more relaxed this month knowing we are having a break and as much as I desperately want to get pregnant I think this is good for us both (the break) then hopefully we can get back to it next month feeling a bit more refreshed, optimistic and energetic!! ;)

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