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Mummy & WTT
Jul 8, 2008
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Sorry, this is probably gonna sound more like a rant than anything but...

How are you guys finding people are reacting to your fantastic news that you're pregnant?

I told people at work due to various reasons and although everyone knows me and my OH have been together a long time (6ys in Dec), they are all completely and utterly shocked to hear that I'm pregnant and I'm getting sick of that horrible silence after I've told them and then I have to say "don't worry, it was planned" before anyone shows any kind of happiness for us!

It's kinda getting me down in a way because all my friends when I was at school used to call me the most un maternal person who hates kids... when in fact I love kids I just hate spoilt brats - there's a difference! Just makes me feel like maybe everyone else sees me and thinks that too :blush:

I just can't help but think why is it so hard for everyone to believe that I could actually want children of my own??

Sorry, rant over!
aww hun :hugs: some ppl just dont get it......dont take no notice hun just enjoy ur lil baba xxxxxxxx
It's annoying eh? don't worry you'll get that for number two as well :p some people always seem to have a way of putting a negative spin on things!

i had the same reaction from some people at work. my boss even said i would say congratulations but you are only 21!!!! i mean how rude is that (dont worry i did complain to HR) others just say sorry how old are you again. like it matters!

i completely symapthise with you!


i had the same reaction from some people at work. my boss even said i would say congratulations but you are only 21!!!! i mean how rude is that (dont worry i did complain to HR) others just say sorry how old are you again. like it matters!

i completely symapthise with you!


omfg how rude!!! :hissy: so glad u complained xxxxxxxx
Im only 20 myslef 21 at the end of the month me and DH bee togther 6 years and married 2. So its not like its a one night stand thing.
I cant say Ive had any problems was expecting them from his mum though.
I get this, because my last baby sadly died:cry:.

Ppl say 'oh u will fine' or 'this will make u better'

I like to think that the ppl who are just mean when we announce r good news are just plain jealous.

Take no notice, and enjoy ur pregnancy and baby to be.

V x x
Other people always ruin everything....

Other people are mean. selfish and stoopid!!
We haven't told anyone at all this time cos sadly we lost our little girl in February this year at 20 weeks.

I will be keeping this little one to myself until I can't hide it any longer. Sounds strange and can't really explain it but just want to wait! Dont really want family or friends to worry as I know they will.
Ignore them all!! Its what you and OH want that all that matters...! xx
My friend had the same problem, for some reason people saw her as someone who wouldn't want kids and were all shocked when she announced she was pregnant. I had people coming up to me saying "I can't imagine her being a mum".
So bloody rude, and none of them knew she'd been TTC for nearly a year. She loves kids and will be a great mum.
Ignore them!!
I've been getting this too.... sometimes I say "I just found out I'm pregnant, I'm so happy." It seems to lessen the horrified silence (for me anyway) but people are always going to be judgemental.

All you can do is remember that its you doing this, your choice and you know yourself and what your capable of or what you want better than anyone. Things people say are always going to bother us, but try and take what they say with a pinch of salt.
And people who are really your friends and really care will support you no matter what

Good luck hun :)
I haven't told too many people only my sisters and a handful of very close friends and of course my husband, and luckily I have had nothing but positive attitudes and genuine happiness for us both - even though this bubba was a bit of a surprise for both us (a surprise we are both very happy about). So far so good, but I am sure there will be someone out there ready to burst my bubble and make me feel like crap when I decide to tell everyone.
Haha, I thought it was odd when at least 3 people got silent and asked if it was planned. Friends didn't ask. They knew we were ready for it. I had been ranting about having kids for a while - how it interferes with work and how I'm totally afraid I won't have a life afterwards and how i'm still gonna have kids some day.

another thing that happened - someone at work started a conversation "and you love kids so you're gonna like the story" and I said, "I don't love kids" and she says, "I don't understand why people who don't love kids have kids of their own?". Totally stupid thing to say. Does she mean that I'm only allowed to have my own kids if I go all insane over every stupid thing that any kid ever says?! Or if I get all giddy whenever I see any kid anywhere? I can't stand spoiled kids and that's just even more reason to have a kid of my own - I will raise him better or I'll see how hard raising kids really is. I don't have to love all kids to love my kids!
Haha, I thought it was odd when at least 3 people got silent and asked if it was planned. Friends didn't ask. They knew we were ready for it. I had been ranting about having kids for a while - how it interferes with work and how I'm totally afraid I won't have a life afterwards and how i'm still gonna have kids some day.

another thing that happened - someone at work started a conversation "and you love kids so you're gonna like the story" and I said, "I don't love kids" and she says, "I don't understand why people who don't love kids have kids of their own?". Totally stupid thing to say. Does she mean that I'm only allowed to have my own kids if I go all insane over every stupid thing that any kid ever says?! Or if I get all giddy whenever I see any kid anywhere? I can't stand spoiled kids and that's just even more reason to have a kid of my own - I will raise him better or I'll see how hard raising kids really is. I don't have to love all kids to love my kids!

I totally agree!

If I see a little brat running about I can't help but mutter some comment to myself.. or if a kid is having a right tantrum I'm like, ffs shut it up!

That doesn't mean I don't want my own, it just means I cannot stand spoilt little sh*ts... not all kids are like that so why do people think that just because you don't like brats you wont want kids or even yet be good parents??

Ah sorry, ranting again.. gotta learn to control that :rofl:

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