Period 13 Days Late, Negative test and lots of symptoms getting stronger each day


Dec 5, 2014
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I joined this forum since I have been trying to search for any help or advice regarding my own current situation.

My boyfriend and I have been having unprotected sex for a long time now since we want to have children together but don't want to be stressed out with worrying about trying to conceive, we are just letting it happen naturally. My periods are once in a great while irregular but they usually show up around the time my period calendar app says they will. According to the calendar I did have unprotected sex frequently during my fertile time. My last period started on October 19.

Now my period was due on the 22 of November and now it's 13 days late and even before it was late I have been going through the symptoms associated with pregnancy and they are becoming worse. I even almost threw up at my boyfriend's grandmother's house when he tried to feed me deviled eggs (I usually love these). The food aversions, nausea, frequent urination, occasional constipation, sometimes craving things, migraines, vivid dreaming every night, fatigue all the time, and my cat has even been acting more and more clingy and kind of nuts. And now I have been having the feeling of being bloated and feeling gassy all the time to the point I feel the need to poop a lot or burp but unable to. (sorry for tmi) The lower back pain is getting worse too and I feel cramping as if my period wants to come but no period. I can't even sleep comfortably since I usually lay on my stomach to sleep but it is so uncomfortable to.

I took a pregnancy test about 3 days ago. It was negative. I have another one that I am waiting awhile longer to take in case the hormone isn't wanting to show up yet.

I am just wondering if any other women had symptoms like this or could describe similar symptoms and it turned out you were pregnant or a false alarm? I just hate feeling so uncomfortable and almost in pain in my own body.It's frustrating too because I feel pregnant but I can't even confirm if I am and I worry I am being crazy because I feel pregnant.

I plan on going to the doctors as well if this continues on and still no period or a BFP. Frankly I am really hoping for a BFP soon so I can understand what is causing these uncomfortable symptoms.

Thank you anyone who has any advice or suggestions.
you could be pregnant but the hcg could not have build up enough to show on a test just yet. I would wait till maybe Monday or Tuesday to retest as it will allow time for the hcg to double. GL!
Being that you are that late for af you need to go get a blood test as they tend to show hcg more than the tests especially if its building up slowly. There could also be a medical issue why its not shown up. I wouldnt wait if you dont have too. The sooner you know the better.
I'd say since you're 2 weeks late and getting BFN you're likely NOT pregnant, although there is still technically a chance, I just think it's probably unlikely, especially if you were testing with a sensitive test like FRER. Are you sure of your ovulation day?? Maybe you ovulated late; hence period would be late.
I've had symptoms of pregnancy before and got BFN then a heavy awful period which makes me think chemical pregnancy.

I was once 2 weeks late for AF too, and lots of symptoms as you do, with BFN and all and still no answers why that happened. I did pass some tissue when AF finally arrived, and it really resembled a 5-week fetus, but nothing was confirmed, unfortunately :cry:

I don't think it's necessary to know right away, as if it's a chemical there's more emotional pain than anything (I've had 3) and just not worth the heartache if you ask me.

:dust: of course I'm hoping you just have a shy BFP!!
I am also late for AF 10 days now.i have done loads of test.some are faint positive and done are negative.i am also extremely bloated ,crampy,nausea, very veiny boobs and the nipples are painful. I can smell last test was on in 5 days because I have spent loads of money in buying pregnancy test.i don't know what to think anymore.i have an appointment with my doctor next week and am requesting for blood test.
I have read that some women do not get positive urine and might show a positive blood test.or some do not get both or urine and blood test and they are I need pregnant.its something to do with the how the metabolise HCG on their urine.
I hope this us the case for us coz symptoms I have is too strong to ignore.

It could also be a cyst which can cause missed periods and also pregnancy symptoms.only the ultra sound will tell the truth
Sorry I haven't responded right away. Yesterday got really busy and hadn't had a chance to get back on here. I am happy though I got some great responses back, thank you for replying.

I am going to try testing again on tuesday to see if I just needed more time for the levels to build up if that is the case. I really am hoping for A BFP so thank you for those of you who wish me that :)

Lutz: I know exactly how you feel, sometimes certain smells are just overwhelming. The other day some fabric softener had spilled and I nearly threw up right then and there.

If I do get another negative on Tuesday I am going to go and call the doctor's to set up an appointment to see what's going on. I really hope they aren't cysts, I did have those a lot in my teenage years but they never made me sick or have all these weird symptoms. I know though from past experiences that the doctor doesn't usually want to do blood tests and will just do a urine test. Plus the pregnancy tests I have been using say they are as strong as the doctor's office ones. It is really hard to even convince them to give an ultrasound. My best friend had that issue when she was first pregnant with her daughter.

I will let you all know the results of the test on Tuesday but does anyone have advice on how do you hold in your pee until the morning? I am always having to go these days and it is torture. I just want to make sure I have enough for the first morning urine because they recommend that for the tests.
TerriH.. i will try and request blood test from my doctor. she knows that i have an history with ectopic pregnancy. so probably she will give me a blood test. i am not sure if she will also do an ultra sound but that it usually difficult when one doesn't show hormones. i will see what the blood test says on Thursday. i will also test on Tuesday by then i will be close to 2weeks late. i have never been late for my AF. i dont have history of cysts. so i dont really know whats going is sooo frustrating.
i will update my tesingt on tuesday and see what happens..good luck
Lutz: I hope it goes well with your doctor. Sorry to hear though about your history with ectopic pregnancies. I can't imagine how that would feel. Hopefully neither of us are having that right now.
Thanks I will be crossing my fingers for the both of us. Hopefully two BFPS :)
Well there is a chance I may not make it to Tuesday. I have had very light spotting today. I will know most likely by tomorrow if it is a full blown period since usually when I am getting my period I spot for 1-2 days prior. Will let you all know tomorrow if it is. Feeling disappointed though. If it does turn out to be my period I guess it was just extreme pmsing that I was suffering from with all the symptoms.
Well unfortunately I am not pregnant after all. AF came today with a force of vengeance. I was so positive I was pregnant with how I was feeling but I was wrong. At least I know though for sure now. Just really bummed because I was hoping I was. There is always next month at least. Thank you all again for your advice. I did appreciate it.
Sorry that AF got you.. I still haven't gotten AF yet and I tested today.looks like a BFP to me.what I don't really understand is why it's very faint.nway I still an appointment with the doctor on Thursday.good luck in the next cycle

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