Kala.....here are some NICE guidelines about Induction:
Failed induction
• If induction fails, healthcare professionals should discuss this with the woman and provide support. The woman’s condition and the pregnancy in general should be fully reassessed, and fetal wellbeing should be assessed using electronic fetal monitoring.
• If induction fails, the subsequent management options include:
− afurtherattempttoinducelabour(thetimingshoulddependonthe
clinical situation and the woman’s wishes)
− caesareansection(referto‘Caesareansection’[NICEclinical
guideline 13]).
1.7.2 Failed induction
Failed induction is defined as labour not starting after one cycle of treatment as described in If induction fails, healthcare professionals should discuss this with the woman and provide support. The woman’s condition and the pregnancy in general should be fully reassessed, and fetal wellbeing should be assessed using electronic fetal monitoring. If induction fails, decisions about further management should be made in accordance with the woman’s wishes, and should take into account the clinical circumstances. If induction fails, the subsequent management options include:
• a further attempt to induce labour (the timing should depend on
the clinical situation and the woman’s wishes)
• caesarean section (refer to ‘Caesarean section’ [NICE clinical
guideline 13]). For women who choose caesarean section after a failed induction, recommendations in ‘Caesarean section’ (NICE clinical
guideline 13) should be followed.