Peter Andre....


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2006
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....Has been taken to hospital with suspected menigitis :shock: :shock:
flipping hell!!! what a worry

hope hes ok, i watched that thing about them last night, and as much as i hated her i find the 2 of them really funny and pretty good together

get well soon peter
aww no i hope teh little ones dont catch it!!! and jordan is preggy too!!!!
awww i really like them both!!! Think they're great together. I really hope he's ok - he's been a great dad to Harvey aswell as his own.
jesus !!! i really likle thems a couple f harvey gets it they will bein trouble
I had the viral version and I was ill, let alone the bacterial version. Poor Peter, I am a huge fan of Jordan! She is fab!x
My sis had it :s

Poor bloke ... not really there biggest fan but wouldn't wish that on anyone esp with all they have been thru latley

I had the viral version and I was ill, let alone the bacterial version. Poor Peter, I am a huge fan of Jordan! She is fab!x

me to i totaly love her. she is my idol :)
not to keen on pete though hes a bit to wussy for me.

bless hope he is better soon.

been watching there show on itv2? i love it thurdays 9pm:headspin:
aww no i hope teh little ones dont catch it!!! and jordan is preggy too!!!!

and on the radio it said she has not left his bedside! Surely she should stay away from him, isnt it contageous ?

hope he's ok
i had teh viral one when i was 17, i was in hospital for 2 weeks and then off work at home for another 2 weeks after, it was horrible!

Have they said whether it is meningitis yet, and which type it is?

hope he recovers soon :(


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