Pets and Pregnancy


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2015
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This is going to be a sensitive is for me (I'm crying as I write it) but I need advice. When I got pregnant we had (still do) a developmentally disabled mixed breed dog and a young lab (he just turned a year). Now, we live in an apartment, so potty breaks are leashed walks, which have gotten harder and harder as our lab has gotten older. he's incredibly intelligent, and has learned how to st out of a harness, regular collar, facial collar and choker chain...he escapes everything. We live in a place with very bitter winters (last year -40 was not unheard of). DH has a different job and is out of the house 75-90 hours a week, so the dogs are my responsibility. I don't mind, I love the fuzzy idiots, but with our lab's propensity for escaping everything and running around the neighborhood, I'm starting to feel like it may be better for him to find him a new home with room to run. I'm terrified that he's going to escape and get hit by a car, and at 9 months pregnant, I can't chase him anymore. It happened today and I tripped and fell. :( Then, when LO arrives, it's not like I can leave her to chase the dog, much less take her out in that cold for the same reason. Ugh. I guess I'm just not sure what to do. It comes down to loving my dog like crazy, but knowing this isn't good for either of us.
Is there a neighborhood teenager that you could pay to walk your dog for a couple of months. It's only goung to get more dangerous for you and your dog. Your not being selfish thinking of finding new home your thinking of his well being too
Unfortunately, there isn't. We are in a strange complex, where everyone except us is on the elderly side. A friend of mine offered, but she works 60 hours a week and it's not something I feel comfortable with expecting from her. I'm hoping that, if it comes down to it, my dad's best friend will take him. He has a farm and an 8 year old, and it would be great environment for Bear. It's just so hard because we would keep our other dog, but he literally does nothing but sleep, eat and drool, and as such is really low maintenence. Plus, he's afraid of snow so winter potty breaks for him take under a minute, start to finish.
Labs have so much energy my mom has one and she's 6 now and still has lots and lots of energy she's mental tbf, my mom can't walk her without a haulty without it she pulls with it she so controlled she's like a different dog completely, but if you feel its best to rehome him and a farm would be a dream for him labs are such big dogs and need a lot of walks and you being 9 months pregnant and the fact he's pulled u over isn't good hun. But if you still feel you want to keep him I recommend a haulty it changed my moms life with her bouncy dog xx
We had a local dog training club we took our pup to. I used to be a dog trainer. Do you have one nearby? Even if you plan to rehome in the end it'd be good for the next person to have a dog that listens. What about a dog park or somewhere enclosed he/she can run free? Also a good place to meet good dog owners if you want to rehome
Its really sad and hard for everyone involved but it is true that sometimes giving your dog a new home is the best thing for it. When my parents divorced when I was young my mother had to cope with two kids, two dogs and a cat while working full time and looking for a place to rent because our family home was being sold. We ended up having to live in a house that was too small for one of our dogs - a Border Collie - and she ended up giving her to a family friend that owned a farm on acreage with a lot of room to run around. That was many years ago now and we know for sure that she had an extremely happy life and it was the best thing. It won't be easy, my Mum still gets upset about it at times over 10 years later, but if its the right thing for the dog then that's what you should do. Just be very sure you are careful to choose a lovely family if you do end up taking that path.

It is very hard having pets while pregnant. I have an elderly dog and a cat and they drive me insane! My dog has a skin condition that is treated but nonetheless her favourite activity is having a loud scratch that echos through our house due to timber floors. My cat is basically just a brat and wakes me up 5-10 times a night wanting attention or to be let into closed off rooms of the house. It's a very different situation than yours, neither of these things warrant at all giving them away and I never would, but I do definitely sympathise with how hard it is being pregnant and hormonal and having to deal with pets as well!

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