Thanks for your advice on posting the baby pics in the gender prediction. I just posted them and will see what people think. I will have to check out the jewelry styles online. Sounds fun!
Haha, good to get your response on the house. I don't talk about the house to many people because you never know the reaction you will get, but just had a feeling you might find it interesting for some reason. How interesting for you to grow up next to those places. I never really thought about the fact if ghosts were real or not until moving here. I never told the kids the history (they were only about 8 and 9 when we bought it). They would come to me with stories of seeing things. About 6 months after we moved in, my older son would come to me crying in the middle of the night (my husband was still deployed) and say someone was staring at him and crawl in bed with me. It got to the point that I had to switch him rooms. It doesn't seem to have a negative feel to it though. Just a little eerie at times like someone is watching. More so when we first bought the house and when we remodel a room, but I think I'm used to it now. Things still show up in my pictures most of the time. Especially holidays it seems. I was getting my hair cut one day and one of the ladies there (small town where everyone knows everyone) said that a girlfriend of hers had gotten some ghost hunting equipment for Christmas. I invited her and her group over thinking it wouldn't hurt anything. They had me purchase some cheap flashlights before hand. When we got started, all the power was shut off to the house to not interfere with the equipment. They said, "If your here, can you please give us a sign?" The flashlights were set up around the room and turned off. One by one, the flashlights turned on and I was the only one close to them. At that point I was a believer. I think I even may have peed myself a little and ran downstairs, lol. I was fascinated by it all at that point and started traveling around the United States with the group, going on ghost hunts at old maximum security prisons and historic battlefields, old hotel bars, etc. Amazing experiences, but haven't done it in a few years. My husband came home injured and I didn't have time for anything much other than home life. I will try to add a few pictures of the house tomorrow though. I tried to add a few tonight off my computer and the site won't let me, says the files are too large so I will have to look through my jumble of pictures files to see what I have. The house isn't really huge, but it is large. It's about 4000 sq ft. There is a larger rectangle portion that was the hospital, and a small portion on the other end which is where the doctor, his wife, and 3 kids lived back then. It's all red brick with 3 sides of it having separate entry doors. When we first bought it, I would come downstairs in the morning to the kitchen and make a wrong turn and end up in what the previous owners had as an exercise room. Took me about a week to remember not to turn that way for the kitchen. It's rooms are sectioned to be separate from the other rooms, like a bunch of rooms in square and rectangle shaped blocks pieced together with large doorways (if that makes sense?) The upstairs has 4 bedrooms (patient and recovery rooms), a large bathroom the same size as a bedroom (old surgical room) and a long attic room that remains unfinished as it's a bigger project to take on (old morgue). The downstairs has a laundry room, kitchen, parlor (funerals were held), formal dining room, living room (old waiting room), foyer, craft room (doctor's office), dressing room (turned the exercise room into a department store style closet

) a larger private bathroom in the back and a company bathroom/powder room off the dining room. The living quarters where the doctor's family lived were a bit smaller than what the hospital portion was. It's probably not actually as big as it sounds when I list the rooms like that, but I love the high ceilings (10 - 12 ft in some rooms). Hopefully that gives a visual until I get the right pictures to post. Yes, I'm passionate about the house, but restoring it has been a huge part of our lives the past 7 years. All of our extra money and time has gone into it. Now that it's nearly finished, I honestly miss the cozy, small little apartments we used to have. I call the kids on their cell phones to let them know dinner is ready. Seems like everyone in the family goes their separate ways. When we had the smaller places, we had much more quality time together. But, in our small town, it's at least a 40 minute travel to the larger towns so the properties for larger homes is much cheaper than the bigger surrounding cities. Our house payment is actually cheaper than the rent for a two bedroom apartment was in upstate NY.
I would love to hear some stories of you growing up next to a graveyard if you ever have the time