Pfffff - waiting to find out gender


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2014
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Hi ladies

My main concern and worry is about having a healthy baby. but at the same time I'm really excited about finding out the gender.

My scan is 8 days near yet so far.

How far away are you from finding out? How are you keeping yourself occupied? Is anyone really convinced it's a boy or girl and have you bought anything yet?
I may have bought a girly cotton onsie in the sale already - ooops, but that's ok because if it's a boy I'll save it as a present for a friend.
Lol not long to go! Im only 6 weeks so still aaaaages to go but im already driving myself nuts, mostly because im hoping for a sister for my 3 boys.

I think knowing the sex of the baby is getting to my husband more than it is me, lol. I went to the ER at 12 weeks for some spotting, but to be honest haven't been to a regular physician yet. I called to make an appointment this morning and don't have my first prenatal check up until September 2nd. I will be 21 weeks at that time and they don't seem too concerned that I get in right away so must not be too big of a deal. I expected a lecture when I called and told them that I was in the 5th month already and they didn't have any comments about it. Anyways, it is starting to make me anxious, knowing that they could very likely tell me what it is now but I am having to hold off another month for the first appointment and when I get there I'm sure they will schedule a scan for another week or two later. I had a scan at 12 weeks at the ER and they did a potty shot with no boys parts showing at all, but the tech said it was too early to tell. I went shopping for the first time last night to look at baby stuff, and that's when I realized how badly I wished I knew what it was. There isn't much out there for gender neutral baby supplies. Everything seems to be pink, blue, or bright yellow rubber duckies, lol. I guess to occupy time to speed up the wait, I am "spring cleaning" the house so everything is done, washed, carpets shampooed, etc. I have two teenage boys, almost 15 and 16 years old (yup, baby was a huge surprise), so I feel like everything needs to be deep cleaned and done before the baby arrives since my life will be hectic enough without trying to do extras. I have to convert my craft room to a nursery and haven't started that yet either. I recently realized how fast time has been going and how much there is to do yet for my mental to-do/check list. I'm very close to 18 weeks, which means 22 weeks left tops... break that down, and that's 22 Saturdays. Doesn't seem like much time to do everything I plan on and still work full time, lol. On a side note... I did buy just a few newborn girl outfits and no boy outfits. Praying really, really hard that it's a girl ;) So excited for you to find out so soon though!
Lol not long to go! Im only 6 weeks so still aaaaages to go but im already driving myself nuts, mostly because im hoping for a sister for my 3 boys.

Good luck. Is there anything different about this pregnancy yet?
Armywife - eek, when you say 22 saturdays left that makes it very very close indeed. I keep thinking next year next year, and that feels such a long way away. I'm due Jan 11 so just before you.
Sorry to hear you are losing your craft room to the nursery but I guess you won't have time to craft for a while.
What crafts do you do? I like jewellery making and I'm keen to try different techniques. I started lampworking before dd but I was just beginning and I haven;t had time to get back to it since. I've also just started making some cards for family and friends.

Do you have a nub shot at 12 weeks? (or a sideways view of baby in the hope we can see a nub). There are often some clues there to gender.

I wish I knew how to make jewelry, lol. I was into refinishing furniture and antiques. I live in a small town (one stop light) and my house is an old hospital from the early 1900's. It was converted to a home years ago before we purchased it. I wanted to decorate in the antique fashion, but we moved from a tiny apartment in NY where my husband was stationed and when we came back to Michigan we had very limited items. After just purchasing a house, we didn't have a lot of money to buy furniture to fill the entire house the way I wanted, so I found furniture and antiques at estate sales, thrift shops, yard sales, and Craigslist. I learned to refinish the furniture and the antiques because it was the cheapest DIY to furnish the house in that décor. I found out at that point that I absolutely loved doing it so I started working on extra items to sell. I don't refinish/clean them correctly to keep the antique value, but in a way that brings the old character back to life. Now I have an entire full size basement full of project pieces that I had good intentions for but a lack of time to get them done. We have remodeled 11 rooms so far, which at first we were excited to work on, but now it just feels like work and is exhausting, lol. Really thought I would love having a large house after living in such tiny apartments, but to be honest, it's so much work to keep it all up. It's a never ending circle of cleaning, so my house is rarely all clean at the same time. To get everything sorted for a big yard sale clear out and the house all clean for a fresh start is my goal before the baby arrives.

Can I ask what lampworking is? Don't think I have ever tried that, but interested to know what it is :)

I do have a few pictures, but they are on my husband's phone. The ultrasound tech wouldn't print any pictures for us, so my husband was standing behind her and snapped a few pictures with his phone. I will see if I can get them sent to my email and save them to upload on the site right after I post this message though. I would be really interested to see if you have any guesses! I had never heard of the nub theory or the skull theory until I found this site. I have asked in a few threads what the theories are and what to look for, but no one has responded.

So nice to meet you :)
Baby Hacko Profile.jpg

Baby Hacko Side.jpg

Baby Hacko Potty Shot.jpg

These are three pictures, not sure if they are the angle your looking for, but the last one is a potty shot. Thanks for any guesses!
Armywife - your house and your projects sound amazing. I guess though when you do something too much it does just become work.
Lampworking is using a hot torch to melt glass and make glass beads. I love love love beads. He he.
The nub theory is supposed to be a scientific way to tell gender between 12 and 14 weeks gestation. At 11 weeks it's 50% accurate (so not accurate at all lol), at 12 weeks it's 80% and at 13 weeks it's 94% accurate. Every developing fetus has a nub which will either rise to be a boy (penis) or stay parallel with the spine to be a girl (and then form a clitoris). The skull theory is just a theory and not accurate. In an adult you can tell if a skeleton was male of female by the shape of the skull but this shape doesn't take place in the womb.
That's just brief but I hope it helps.

If you get those photos we could have a look at them to see if there is a nub or not (a nub isn't always visible, sometimes a leg is in the way).
What cute little photos.

Perhaps post them on the main site (or even in babynub). I'm finding them a little tricky.
Thank you so much for the explanation! I have tried to Google the theory after I read about it on this site, but wasn't finding an explanation, more advertisements for Chinese gender charts and private ultrasound locations. I uploaded the photos that I have and it shows on my thread, but have never uploaded a picture on this site so if you don't see them shortly, please let me know and I will try again.

The beads sound so interesting! I wish New Zealand was closer so I could get a lesson, lol. Can you do stained glass too with that method, or more the blown glass for jewelry like at the mall kiosks? I'm in love with unique methods and jewelry styles. Much more interesting and beautiful than the generic styles. Do you have a picture of any of your lampworking pieces? Would love to see what you do.

With the house projects, my husband was in Afghanistan when we purchased the home so he had only seen pictures on the internet from the property listing. It just looked like it had so much potential if it had a little work put into it. I never knew it was an old hospital until I took pictures. (Yup, I'm going to sound like a nut case, but it's interesting at least, lol.) I took hundreds of pictures so I could send my husband the best ones to show him the house after the kids and I moved in. I had to sort the pictures carefully because with the internet so slow where he was, I could only send about 3 pictures per week. When sorting them on the computer, I saw strange things in the pictures that shouldn't be there. I started researching the house history, just like one of those TV shows that I never would have believed. It turned out to be an old hospital with a surgical room, morgue, waiting room, patient rooms, etc. It was a quarantine for Scarlet Fever and TB patients, along with being a regular hospital. I was cleaning up the yard too since it had been neglected for many years. I was tearing out rotted porch boards to replace them and was digging quite deep to pull large roots out and weeds, and found a bunch of sawed up bones. I was working at a hospital at the time and one of the physicians was a medical historian. I brought the bones in to him, he took them for a while to study them, and when he brought them back he said they were human amputation parts. All seriously creepy, lol. Reminded me like one of those scary movies around Halloween time. Anyways, while researching the house, I found a few old pictures that had the antiques placed around with the elegant furniture, and thought it was a shame to modernize the old style, so tried to replicate the classier look to it. I promise I'm not crazy, lol. Just interesting facts to the house being a hospital in 1908...
I'd love to see some pics of your house.

When you say 'things that shouldn't be there' do you mean ghosts? Inwhich case i don't think you're a nut job because I grew up living next door to a graveyard and old church (I'm English) and I saw all sorts of things that shouldn't be there.

I bet the place has a fascinating history (oh I love history too). I enjoyed reading about your house. Does the place have a nice 'feel' to it?

I just made glass beads but it's been a few years day and I'm not very good. If I find a photo of something I'll post it lol. But people who lampwork can make vases, horses, blow glass etc etc but that's not for me.
I'm not sure how stained glass is made but i would be interested to find out. Also I bet if you googled glass bead making you'll find lessons everywhere. it's very popular in the US and Uk too.
Thanks for your advice on posting the baby pics in the gender prediction. I just posted them and will see what people think. I will have to check out the jewelry styles online. Sounds fun!

Haha, good to get your response on the house. I don't talk about the house to many people because you never know the reaction you will get, but just had a feeling you might find it interesting for some reason. How interesting for you to grow up next to those places. I never really thought about the fact if ghosts were real or not until moving here. I never told the kids the history (they were only about 8 and 9 when we bought it). They would come to me with stories of seeing things. About 6 months after we moved in, my older son would come to me crying in the middle of the night (my husband was still deployed) and say someone was staring at him and crawl in bed with me. It got to the point that I had to switch him rooms. It doesn't seem to have a negative feel to it though. Just a little eerie at times like someone is watching. More so when we first bought the house and when we remodel a room, but I think I'm used to it now. Things still show up in my pictures most of the time. Especially holidays it seems. I was getting my hair cut one day and one of the ladies there (small town where everyone knows everyone) said that a girlfriend of hers had gotten some ghost hunting equipment for Christmas. I invited her and her group over thinking it wouldn't hurt anything. They had me purchase some cheap flashlights before hand. When we got started, all the power was shut off to the house to not interfere with the equipment. They said, "If your here, can you please give us a sign?" The flashlights were set up around the room and turned off. One by one, the flashlights turned on and I was the only one close to them. At that point I was a believer. I think I even may have peed myself a little and ran downstairs, lol. I was fascinated by it all at that point and started traveling around the United States with the group, going on ghost hunts at old maximum security prisons and historic battlefields, old hotel bars, etc. Amazing experiences, but haven't done it in a few years. My husband came home injured and I didn't have time for anything much other than home life. I will try to add a few pictures of the house tomorrow though. I tried to add a few tonight off my computer and the site won't let me, says the files are too large so I will have to look through my jumble of pictures files to see what I have. The house isn't really huge, but it is large. It's about 4000 sq ft. There is a larger rectangle portion that was the hospital, and a small portion on the other end which is where the doctor, his wife, and 3 kids lived back then. It's all red brick with 3 sides of it having separate entry doors. When we first bought it, I would come downstairs in the morning to the kitchen and make a wrong turn and end up in what the previous owners had as an exercise room. Took me about a week to remember not to turn that way for the kitchen. It's rooms are sectioned to be separate from the other rooms, like a bunch of rooms in square and rectangle shaped blocks pieced together with large doorways (if that makes sense?) The upstairs has 4 bedrooms (patient and recovery rooms), a large bathroom the same size as a bedroom (old surgical room) and a long attic room that remains unfinished as it's a bigger project to take on (old morgue). The downstairs has a laundry room, kitchen, parlor (funerals were held), formal dining room, living room (old waiting room), foyer, craft room (doctor's office), dressing room (turned the exercise room into a department store style closet ;) ) a larger private bathroom in the back and a company bathroom/powder room off the dining room. The living quarters where the doctor's family lived were a bit smaller than what the hospital portion was. It's probably not actually as big as it sounds when I list the rooms like that, but I love the high ceilings (10 - 12 ft in some rooms). Hopefully that gives a visual until I get the right pictures to post. Yes, I'm passionate about the house, but restoring it has been a huge part of our lives the past 7 years. All of our extra money and time has gone into it. Now that it's nearly finished, I honestly miss the cozy, small little apartments we used to have. I call the kids on their cell phones to let them know dinner is ready. Seems like everyone in the family goes their separate ways. When we had the smaller places, we had much more quality time together. But, in our small town, it's at least a 40 minute travel to the larger towns so the properties for larger homes is much cheaper than the bigger surrounding cities. Our house payment is actually cheaper than the rent for a two bedroom apartment was in upstate NY.

I would love to hear some stories of you growing up next to a graveyard if you ever have the time :)

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