Pins and Needles


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
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hey guys,

I keep getting pins and needles in my feet, im not sure if its pregnancy related or not?

Anyone else had it too?

That would do my head in!! lol

I have had a weird clicking pulling thing on the very inside/fold of the top of my leg. Its really annoying & I've had it for about 2 weeks now ARGH & I'm not sure if thats related to this pregnancy but its bloody sore when it goes GRRR
Layla i got this really bad around 20 weeks with Colby, it always happend as i was drifting off to sleep, then it would get really itchy and really annoying, then my legs would go into cramp :cry: it was awfull :hugs:

best thing that helped me with the itching after the pins n needles was calomine lotion but it was a bit messy especailly as it only happend to me at bed time

I get numbness and pins and needles ...

Mine is related to sitatica??? Any chance you could have this or trapped a nerve??

havnt got any back pain, i did wake up to my right hip and leg aching but thats about it

I used to get this in the later stages of pregnancy, like extreme pins and needles to the point that my legs were so numb I couldnt feel them, it was hoprrible, I didnt know this was linked to sciatica, that will explain it then! Its one thing Im dreading with pregnancy no.2. Its nothing to worry about though xxx
Hows the pins and needles??

I can't feel my legs at the mo lol!!

still get it in my toes on and off but its not to bad

im getting this really bad and even have itcht toes and they go swollen, what is is i cant walk some days and have nearly fallen down stiars
i get it in my arm. it wakes me up in the middle of the night! they call it carpel tunnel syndrome & it's in my preg book as a symptom! what a pain eh? excuse the pun!
I think your circulation gets messed your when you're pregnant due to all the extra blood flow to your uterus. If I don't sleep in my left side my feet or hands or legs go to sleep. I hate it.
i get pins and needles in my fingers which wakes me up ?? i also had it in my right leg from hip to calf but that seems to have passed but in my fingers is a pain cos i cant turn the alarm off or pick stuff up for a while lol x
i get it in my arm. it wakes me up in the middle of the night! they call it carpel tunnel syndrome & it's in my preg book as a symptom! what a pain eh? excuse the pun!

I got this for the first time this morning. Pins and needles in my right hand and a bit of numbness, it really scared me for a while!
I've been getting pins and needle in my feet... Mainly my right foot. I'm not sure if its pregnancy related but it can't half get annoying x

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