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placenta accreta/percreta question!


I just delivered a baby via vag last week. Undiagnosed with the placenta accreta until after delivery.

I did have a low lying frontal placenta in my last pregnancy that was monitored during and after the delivery, it did cause a slow trickle bleed which I did loose a lot of blood. My midwife was able to clear my uterus in delivery room to stop the bleed. She was fantastic. Didn't require a transfusion of any sort though.

Well, the boy I delivered last week was born on due date, via induction as I labor extremely quick (under an hour). My midwife was aware of the bleed I had last labor so she was sure to have everything ready this time just incase. Well right after baby was born, it was realized the placenta wasn't moving. She called the OB in within 10 mins and he realized I needed a D&C asap or it could be a possible hysterectomy. After 1hr in the OR, he preformed the D&C successfully. I had 3 iron infusions and 4 units of blood and am feeling much better.

After speaking to 3 obs and 3 midwives, it was made clear that if I continued to have babies it could get worse. The placenta could adhere itself to not only the uterus, but the bowels, colon, and baldder. If not causing internal bleeding, thus my life, it could mean a hysterectomy and possible pee bag and colostomy bag for the rest of my life.

I am not ready to stop having children and would like to know what are my chances. I've read and read, but nothing says no. I figure if I have my uterus still, the possibilities are possible.
Can someone please let me know what the chances are of having a successful pregnancy without any complications again??
For those of you that have had placenta accreta or percreta, I really am going crazy trying to find out what to expect during the last trimester. I am wondering at what point you started bleeding if you hadn't been bleeding throughout. I would love your stories and insight! Also did doing certain things make it better or worse and did you have any pains with it that you didn't have with previous pregnancies? Thanks for any advice!

Hi there! I know I am a little late finding this post, and I hope people are still able to respond! Jenner, I was just diagnosed with Placenta Percreta with bladder invasion 2 days ago. This is my 6th baby. I am still in shock.

I am hoping to find out how things went for you. I have not had any bleeding yet. I am 20 weeks. I do know that I could lose my bladder , which is a bummer, but I will gladly give up my bladder for the chance to survive this thing.

I have to have an MRI, and another ultrasound tomorrow to find out how far it has already grown into my bladder. The dr who found this said in his 40 years, he has never actually seen it himself. He had only read about it

Luckily, the dr and hospital I am being referred to, she actually just did a whole lecture on this rare condition! I will be seeing her tomorrow also.

Im so nervous. I am hoping everything goes smoothly so that we can deliver a life baby with a chance at a normal life. I do not want to leave my children without a mother.

I am so happy for the early diagnosis! My dr and i had a planned vbac originally, which would have surely killed me. I have not had any actual bleeding yet. But I have had blood in my urine this entire pregnancy and they couldnt figure out why! Now we know!!

Please let me know how you are doing! We moved from Utah to where we are now, so we are no longer around family etc so the whole situation is going to be very hard without support. And theres something to be said about someone else understanding the situation!

This pregnancy itself was a total shock. Because our last child was a fertility baby, I hadnt had a natural cycle in over 5 years and then BAM I got pregnant 3 months after having surgery for endometriosis. Im still going through a lot of emotions with this whole thing. Its scary and a lot to process.

How are you? Have you delivered yet?

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