Playing God?

Thanks mama06. It went great! My appointment with the OB is on the 10th and I think to start with they are only going to test progesterone since we have gotten pregnant twice in this year and lost them.

DS helped me today to restore my faith in meant to be and the right time. He came up to me and hugged me and said you're my mom, because I picked you. So I asked him how he chose me and he said that God made him and then sent him down below and then he went in my belly. I asked him why he chose me instead of choosing someone else and he hugged me again and said because you were the only one I was searching for. :cloud9:
Thanks mama06. It went great! My appointment with the OB is on the 10th and I think to start with they are only going to test progesterone since we have gotten pregnant twice in this year and lost them.

DS helped me today to restore my faith in meant to be and the right time. He came up to me and hugged me and said you're my mom, because I picked you. So I asked him how he chose me and he said that God made him and then sent him down below and then he went in my belly. I asked him why he chose me instead of choosing someone else and he hugged me again and said because you were the only one I was searching for. :cloud9:

Omg he is so sweet! That made my teary eyed!! :cry:
I'm not particularly religious anymore but a lot of people in my family are so it has come up as a topic of discussion now that my husband and I are doing IVF.

I think it helps if you approach it from a medical standpoint. Some religions don't allow you to get medical help at all but if yours does then assisted conception is not very much different. You have a medical condition and you are taking stuff or doing procedures to help.

We had an ectopic pregnancy back in 2009 and at the time I read a lot about how some religious people are not allowed to take methotrexate to terminate the pregnancy and instead allow it to rupture your tube before having surgery so they can then get treatment since they are now in a life-threatening condition. I understand the thought process somewhat because it's seen as an abortion by some but you already know you are in danger as soon as you find out about the ectopic. But some viewed it as less of an intervention because the med affected the baby while the surgery affected the mother. Regardless, if I went by the no medical intervention theory then I was meant to die when I had my ectopic and definetly am not supposed to be pregnant now then. Some religions do believe that and I'm fine with people believing whatever but for me I don't like to think I'm supposed to be dead and definetly just choose to think what someone else mentioned and that doctors are there to help you!

Though I will admit I struggle frequently with feeling like maybe this isn't meant to be. There's been so many ups and downs it's hard not to no matter what religion you are.

Good luck in your journey.
Thank you Bronte, that definitely gives it a different perspective when you think about the ectopic or other medical procedures in general. I am glad that things worked out for you :flower:
Thank you. It's an interesting topic regardless. My mother-in-law was raised in a Christian Science household and had to be pulled out of the house by a relative when she was young and had health issues and almost died as well. She's still very religious but now a Methodist (my father-in-law is a recently retired minister) so the medical intervention thing is not as big of a topic now. But to be honest I'm slightly afraid to talk with them about IVF in general and we haven't had a good chance now that we are starting soon though they know. I know they are supportive but I think my MIL in particular will struggle with our decision. But it was not made lightly as we have been struggling with infertility for more than 7 years and had time to contemplate a number of different options and did a lot of soul searching.

I honestly didn't think I'd be comfortable with IVF at first partially because of my religious upbringing but my views slowly changed over time after just considering and researching A LOT to figure out what is best for me.

You'll figure it out. If you are starting with progesterone that's not very invasive or much of an intervention and frankly might be needed if you have low numbers. It's not that different than taking any necessary meds in general during pregnancy.
Interesting to hear people's viewpoints! My opinion is slightly different but in the same idea: the most beautiful gift God gave us (if you believe of course) is our intelligence and wisdom and most of all free will. With that comes the responsibility of taking care of the lower creatures of this planet (biodiversity, animals etc). But also the possibility to use these great gifts to better ourselves: live longer and happier, feed the poor, give to our neighbour etc.

This is a crude comparison but I don't think using cars, technology etc are against his plan. Same for antibiotics, vaccines etc. Seeing a doctor to help conceiving is similar to me. Your child will feel as precious, unique and wanted - and a gift from God - no matter if you had a bit of help or not.
Interesting to hear people's viewpoints! My opinion is slightly different but in the same idea: the most beautiful gift God gave us (if you believe of course) is our intelligence and wisdom and most of all free will. With that comes the responsibility of taking care of the lower creatures of this planet (biodiversity, animals etc). But also the possibility to use these great gifts to better ourselves: live longer and happier, feed the poor, give to our neighbour etc.

This is a crude comparison but I don't think using cars, technology etc are against his plan. Same for antibiotics, vaccines etc. Seeing a doctor to help conceiving is similar to me. Your child will feel as precious, unique and wanted - and a gift from God - no matter if you had a bit of help or not.

I agree completely. Well said..
I have struggled with this idea at times. I've finally gotten to the point where I do my half and let God do the rest. So far, I haven't had any luck getting pregnant but at least I'm doing my best. This is what I think of the topic - I do not think that it's playing God when we use treatments to try for a baby. It does become that point - when we have control over the fetus - such as if the fetus has something wrong with them like Downs or whatever, or if we wanted to choose a girl over a boy or specific, then that's playing God. But when we're just trying for a baby, regardless of how they turn out, then we're just seeking help in trying to get pregnant. Nothing more, nothing less... God does give certain people talent to do their work for him (whether that be doctoring, or nurses, or teaching, or whatever).
I think if you're using God's plan as logic for pursuing ivf you also need to consider the same logic for any other meducal condition. Cancer, diabetes, hip/knee replacement. The World healtg organization considers infertility a medical condition with the same weight and seriousness as cancer (it's written similarly to that). While infertility is not life threatening, neither are all cancers. So if genetics has dealt you a hand with ovaries that have turned off the golden egg tap or your DH has had his tap turned off, our world has a plethora of options to help you be parents.
In my case my tap was turned off and I have immune issues that I found out about because I got testing done. Thrombophelia & Antiphospholipid Antibodies kill people via blood clots without even being pregnant. But get pregnant with either of these conditions (pregnancy naturally increases womens propensity to clot 4x over), abd ut could be fatal for both me & baby. Solution = blood thinners for 9 months. And after we found this out we were able to get pregnant naturally. I will also need to be on baby aspirin to avoid stroke & aneurism when I become a senior citizen. Good health info for me yes? So you haven't even been assessed for the reason why would you think that gaining information about your body goes against His plan? You can't even consider options until you know what's wrong with you.

There are a great many doctors who practice in combination with having sprirtual & religious beliefs. You need to put fear on the backburner and consider how we got to this medically & scientifically sophisticated era in the first place. Your job is to take care of your body, and as far as I'm concerned by using the reason that you might be interfering with His plan, it sounds more to me that you're using your religion as a crutch to avoid diagnosing your medical problems and you possibly fear moving forward. If you had cancer, would you use Him to avoid getting a lump looked into?

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