Please don't think I am a nutter, but weird goings on in my flat past few days...


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2011
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First of all, please don't think I am crazy, I am a level-headed person who isn't particularly a believer in the paranormal, and always tries to disprove any alleged 'paranormal activity' though I do have an open mind to things. Also, this post is not a wind-up, I'd only like serious replies as I am genuinely unnerved and concerned about this. I know this will all probably sound ridiculous and I feel a bit of an idiot but I just need to say to people.

My LO is nearly 4 weeks old, and OH and I live in a small rented flat which we have been in for 4 years and nothing particularly odd has happened up until now. There has been maybe once or twice things have moved that I have been sure I haven't moved but I've never been 100% sure of anything and I think everyone experiences this at times anyway?

2 nights ago it was mid-evening and I was sitting in the living room reading a magazine with LO in his pram, and OH was in next room looking through stuff, and both doors were open. Our central heating is pretty useless so we use a plug in electrical heater to heat the living room. It definitely wasn't on as hadn't been on all evening. Suddenly, I heard a familiar sound of the heater whirring on, I hadn't moved from couch for over half an hour, and my scar from my c-section was hurting so there's no way I'd have bent down to switch it on even subconsciously, I'd have been too sore. I was freaked out and immediately felt covered in goosebumps. I shouted through to OH. He insisted I must have done it subconsciously but as God is my witness, I didn't and I have never experienced anything like it, the heater really did switch itself on!

Last night OH and I were sitting in living room, it was around 10:30ish and he suddenly jumped up and asked 'what happened there?'. I was unaware of anything and he said the lights had just quickly flashed on and off. Odd, as I had been in room all the time and not noticed it. Ok, this could be put down to an electrical fault or surge in the power, however what was weird is I never saw it. OH doesn't have an over-active imagination either.

Then today, this along with the heater incident from 2 nights ago makes me think something weird is going on. There are 2 large windows in the living room both with pull down blinds. One window on the left side of the room is the window we mainly have the blinds open or open the window for air from as we can easily access it. The other window on the right side of the room is behind the TV, TV stand and couch and we have to climb in behind it to get to window, and this window is never opened unless when washing them. Both windows are hard to open and close, and need to turn a handle and also small key in each so they can't just swing open easily. Yesterday the blind was pulled down when it got dark and the windows were definitely closed. The blind remained shut all day today and it was just me and LO in house as OH was at work. Just after OH arrived home, he opened the blind behind the TV commenting how dark it was, and he asked me why I had opened the windows. I hadn't, and right enough, there were both windows lying open, each opened to one latch!!! I had been in all day and I know I definitely never opened any windows, I had been sitting with heater on all day, and I had been feeling the room a bit extra cold and draughty for past 2 hours or thereabouts but couldn't work out why.

I honestly can't find a logical explanation for the heater switching on or the windows being opened today (last nights lights flashing OH experienced could be something electrical although given other 2 things I am slightly dubious), and I am feeling pretty freaked out. Even OH admitted he is a little spooked (in between asking me for the umpteenth time 'if I am sure' I didn't switch on heater or open the windows today).

This I am not that bothered about, as babies do this anyway as they are learning to focus, however I have also noticed LO staring at the one spot in living room and bedroom for past week or so, and it is always the same spot.. But this could just be something babies do and I am not saying this is anything strange (even if it is a little freaky)


I'm going to repeat what your OH said and ask if you're sure you didn't open them?

Can't think of any other explanation.

weird stuff like this has happened to us too since sophie was conceived. i think its her angels. and i dont care if people think im nuts lol

I'm going to repeat what your OH said and ask if you're sure you didn't open them?

Can't think of any other explanation.


Definitely 110% didn't. I honestly don't know what caused them, especially as the heater went on right in front of my eyes.
All I'd ask is why a spirit or whatever would bother turning on your heater and opening the windows?
we've had phones and keys fall off shelves, clinking of plates that are stacked tidily

the worst was bread that was on the counter right against the wall. we were watching a scary film and heard a massive bang (scared the crap outta us lol) went into the kitchen and saw the bread on the floor

nothing had happened til sophie was conceived so i firmly believe its angels or si's dad who died.

dont be afraid of it. just say out loud that you know 'they' are there, thanks but theyre scaring you lol
All I'd ask is why a spirit or whatever would bother turning on your heater and opening the windows?

That I don't know or would have a clue, but I just can't think of any explanation.
griffinh, That is really weird!! Maybe it is something like that, hopefully nothing else strange happens.
We have not long moved into a new house and there are some freely things going on here, I do believe in the paranormal though, 2 brushes have gone missing in past couple of days searched high and low for them can't find them, my daughters are 5yrs and 4months but I had used the brush on my 5yr old before school and when I came back from the school run it was gone!! She hadn't moved it as she ran outside as soon as I had done her hair, I hear noises up stairs when there is no one there, the boiler switched from the controls to timed and stopped working for 4 days before just coming back on!! I sometimes hear voices when I'm in bed and theres no tv on etc and LO is still in my room so it's not coming from the monitor, my 5yr old comes down stairs alot saying she's scared of the ghosts! Scary scary stuff, my husbands home for a week though so all will be quiet lol xxx
If you let them know that you know they're there but can they please stop scaring you that may help. Many a time I've said aloud 'I know you're here but I
Don't want to see you or hear you or feel you'
Going to stalk this thread to see if you have any further experiences! It doesnt seem sinister so I wouldn't worry

My LO is always looking over my OH's shoulder and smiling at something (or someone)...i'm convinced its OHs mum he can see
I've always been open minded to this sort of thing as well and my good friends whole family are very tuned in and have been with them where strange things have happened one of which was we went from her lounge with all kids into the garden to play when we all came back in together the family portrait had been taken down from the wall and put ontop of the sofa none of the kids could reach it even if they tried

I've only had one experience where we live an old lady used to own and died we brought it off her son and when we first moved in we had no tv hooked up so listen to the radio a lot in bed the 4 th night we were here turned the radio on as normal and it had been tuned to a differently station with really old styles music on ( something my nan would listen to lol )

I just said I guess you like this music but we want to listen to ours lol

Nothing else has happened since that couldn't be explained although I have kept her old walking stick that was left here just so I don't piss her off lol

They do say babies/ children are more intuned and give them more energy
I believe u Hun crazy things like that happen to me all the time and did get worse after having Evie! Like
Evie woke up one evening around 11pm and I went up to her cot and fed her am some of her bottle and all of a sudden the tv from downstairs was on full blast!!!! I left it in quite low as I was the only one in the house! So I ran downstairs and the remote was still sat on the arm of the chair and the tv was on the loudest setting.
Also again when I was in the house by myself I started running Evie's bath and went downstairs to get her undresses left it about 10mins to let it fill and when I went bk up someone/thing had switched the tap off I'd say just after I'd gone down! As there was hardy any water in the bath!
Also Id put Evie to be in her cot and closed the door to and gone down stairs me and hubby were making tea and I decided to go for a quick cig (bad I no!) but we only smoke outside so went and sat out back and I looked up to Evie's bedroom window and her bedroom light was on!! And I no 100% I would not if left it on!! Plus she was asleep and she would of never fallen asleep if I'd of left it on! And me and hubby had not gone bk upstairs!
It is very freaky and I don't have any advice, just didn't want u thinking u were on ur own xx
I thought something or someone has been in my house since my LO has been born, she constently stares at one corner in her room and smiles and laughs, only occasionally does she seem upset by that certain corner in the room, also when me and my husband are down stairs while she is asleep in her cot upstairs we have the baby moniter on and a few times when she has woken up she has cried and all of a sudden we hear her mobile start to play music and neither of us has been up there to turn it on and my LO couldnt have turned it on cause you have to click and slide a button to start it, im sure it is my husbands mother taking care of her new grandaughter. Strangely im not bothered by it at all, and im the sort who can never watch a scary film or read a scary book but i find her nan watching over her a comfort
Do you have a spiritualist church near you? I'm a total skeptic but I sometimes go along to one with my mum and auntie just for the craic. One time, yeeears ago now, one of the 'mediums' picked out my mam and told her one of the 'spirits' were messing with her kitchen cupboards to let her know they were there. He said it was an auntie of hers or something.
Sure enough the cupboards had been opening themselves for weeks. While we were there actually, my sister had text us to say it had happened again without knowing it had been mentioned. It still happens now and then!
Wow, that is pretty spooky! And some spooky stories from other posters too. I've not had anything spooky happen to me since my baby was born except for one night last week when she woke up in the night and I went to her room and I looked down the landing in the dark and at the end where there was a corner lit by the streetlight that comes in through the bathroom window, I thought I saw a little girl stood there :o I am 99% sure it was a trick of the light or a shadow or I was just seeing things because I'd literally only just woken up and stumbled out of bed. But every night now when my baby wakes in the middle of the night I still find myself glancing at that spot just to check there's nothing there! xx
Oh I wish I hadn't read all these posts now as im scared :nope: haha!

I've heard before that babies pick up on stuff like this, it creeps me out if Jessica is staring at a certain point.

nothing spooky has ever really happened to me but I get freaked out when im home alone, im constantly closing bedroom doors so I know if any have been opened etc and I always hear weird noises :( x
Weird things happen in my home all the time too. A few months ago (like 6 or 7 months now) my son's blue rubber ducky went missing. We hunted high and low for it - thinking he must have taken it from the bathroom, but couldn't think how as he's only 1 year old, so would have been with us, and we never rememebered him taking it. Anyway...

Months later, we still hadn't found it. My drains in my bathroom then began to play up so I called a plumber out and he took the wooden side off the bath (you can't do this easily) and as I was downstairs, I heard a "Miss Henderson?" and I went up to see what was needed. Turns out he had found the blue rubber ducky (which is big enough to hold two other rubber ducks as it is large) was wedged underneath the bath in amongst the pipes.

Have no idea how that happened.

Also, a random door and hangman drawing appeared on our wall one night (badly drawn, and very light, but that's what they appear to be). Have left them on the wall as they're barely noticeable and wouldn't want to offend the ghosties :p (It couldn't have been LO as it's on a bit of the wall on the stairs, and he doesn't go there alone, plus he can't really draw yet)

Oh, and we hear footsteps running along the upstairs landing and up and down our stairs regularly.

Creepy damn house (should add that my house is built on the site of an old mental asylum :/ ) xx
Oh god I don't think I could buy a house if I knew it was built on something like that :haha:
Haha, yeah luckily it's not a bought house. Just renting. The sooner we can get another one the better :) Not only is it hella creepy, it's too damn small for us :haha: xx

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