Please don't think I am a nutter, but weird goings on in my flat past few days...

Do you know what I keep asking my mum to show me a sign shes still around, but nothing!

Although the week after she passed Id fell asleep crying and in my sleep I swear to god I heard her say "im okay Kim" in my ear.
Why do I read these things at night when I'm alone!!! :wacko:
When I was pregnant I got a pregnancy reading done. She told me I'd have a girl which was true. She also said she saw a spirit linked to me and it wasn't common in pregnancy but she saw a father/grandfather figure. He was wearing a blue uniform and he was trying to get my attention. So I called my Mum and she said my great grandad was in the navy and it sounded like him. My father has also passed away so could be him but I don't think so. Anyways my Mum told me he loved girls and was dying for a daughter but his wife miscarried their girl and they had 3 sons, so she reckoned he was just really happy for me. Anyways I noticed weird things had been happening too...

I'd find windows open I KNOW I had shut. They had a click lock so not easy to open at all. One day I was taking nap and I had just been shopping buying baby clothes. The bag was lying on the floor and every time I shut my eyes it started rustling until I would look at it. Then it would stop. I'd lie back down and it would start again. Another time I kept finding my bread on the side as we used to store it on the toaster. I'd leave the room and it fell off again. A bra of mine also went missing and when I was first pregnant my boobs started to grow and it was the only comfy bra I had. It literally disappeared for 3 days. Then all of a sudden it appeared on my landing and I threw it into my room while I was talking to my house mate. I then turned around and the bra was hanging on my bedroom door nob after I had seen it land on the floor a few minutes before. Very creepy that one was. Also one night OH was making me noodles and he was shouting at me (joking) and one of the flames turned on by themselves and nearly burnt him. He'd have had to push the ignition and turn it which is pretty hard to accidentally do =/ Also lights would be on when no one had been in the room. They are the only things that have really happened to me that stand out....but

Last night I went over to a friends for a chinese and wine. I was randomly telling her about all I posted above as she was telling me she had recently had a reading and it was rubbish. 5 minutes after she went to the fridge and the bottle of wine that she had securely put in fell out and smashed everywhere. Coincidence I don't know but strange things always seem to happen to me. (Like recently I woke up to found a smashed lamp on my kitchen floor that wasn't even in that room the night before.) She text me about half an hour after I got home saying she went to get a candle out and when she opened her cupboard they all fell out too.

You are defo not a nutter. I don't know what I believe but it seems hard to not believe after what's happened to me x

Added - Brooke stares into thin air and laughs. That is the worse. I HATE it. =/ The other week she woke up from a nap and was talking and I could hear "shh shh shh" but that could of been someone elses monitor in the street but I don't reckon so!
this thread got me thinking about stuff like this today. An auntie of mine has been for psychic readings and the woman is apparently amazing at it.

I remembered my mum mentioning my dad has these weird dreams about people on the nights they die. So I asked him about it earlier...

When he had only just married my mum (so like over 20 years ago) his brother was ill with cancer. While they were on holiday in Tenerife he had a dream that his brother was shouting on him in a busy crowd. He eventually found him and his brother said 'i just came to tell you im leaving'. My dad woke up crying, phoned home the next morning to find out his brother died roughly the same time he had woken.

I've never been sure about spirits etc but I'm starting to believe them!
Thank you everyone for not thinking I am a nutter :) and also for sharing your experiences.

One more thing which has happened since, is today I searched high and low for LO's hat and couldn't find it anywhere in the flat. Tonight I walk into the bedroom and there it was lying in the middle of the bedroom floor! :wacko:

At least whoever it is, the spirit is helpful, and appears to be friendly!

we have weird things going on in our flat but to be honest im not scared any more! hes a lovely ghost!! i believe its my grandad! LO has pointed at 'nothing' & said 'grandad' a few times & waved.
heres a FEW things hes done:
the first few weeks:
flickered lights on & off
knocked things off the kitchen side.
opened the front door.
slammed the bathroom door in my face.
taken my covers off me while i was asleep at night. (this is the point i told him if he cant be nice to leave us alone)

since then hes:
made me a few cups of tea (just the way i like it)
put the bread in the toaster ready for me to toast.
turned the hot water on today as i was out in the rain all day & freezing! was dredding waiting an hour for it to heat up.
found LOs coat for me after i lost it.
ive found a few £20 notes down the back of the sofa.
quite often in the morning when i get up the kettle is hot - like its just boiled.

i dont know if it is him as the house was split into 5 flats but before this it was a nursing home.

but i hope hes just looking after us in this very tough time LO & i are having..
^^ wow! I thought was has been happening to me was scary! That ghost sounds quite caring! Must be a woman though as men aren't that thoughtful :) x
a ghost that makes tea and toast??? I want one! :haha:

Yesterday was my grandas 5th anniversary and after reading this I was so scared incase he visited :haha: had to sleep with the lamp on :dohh:
i dont tend to drink the tea because.. i dunno its freaky!!! lol

theres just no explination of how a hot cup of tea can appear over night?!
unless its my ex being a weirdo! :haha:
Things are always being moved in my flat. Mainly my passport. I think its my sons dad. Simply because, the January before he died, he asked me to scan his passport. A few months later, he asked me if i still had it. I told him no, because i genuinly thought i had given it back to him. He had to go to london to get a new one, because he was going away with the navy. After he died, i went to scan something, and found his passport in the scanner. Now every now & then, my passport will go walkies. I rarely use my passport, so it is Sam playing games :) x
Oh how odd hun.
I had a shit myself experience last week too.

I was in the kitchen cooking dinner around 7.30 and out my kitchen window you can see into my bedroom through that window, I can also see into next doors bedroom window and there kitchen. Well as i was cooking dinner this blue light caught my eye coming from my neighbours bedroom window there bedroom light was off but there was a blue light that looked like someone was using a torch and flashing it all around the room so every now and tgen i kept looking as i found it very odd 3 people live there a mixed race family a woman and her two sons in there twenties well the woman was still at work as her car was gone and i saw one son in the kitchen and the other was in the shower (can also see shower window) so i kept wondering what this light was and asked my OH to look but he wasnt bothered and said stop being nosy i looked once more and froze dead, in there bedroom they have mirrored wardrobes and as i looked again i saw through the mirror a white tall slim man standing there his face the most scariest thing ive ever seen and it looked as though he was hanging round the neck i jumped back from the window and froze solid almost in tears 10 minutes later id calmed myself and peaked again and the light switched on and i saw the woman so that calmed me but freaked me so bad!
Stuff like that has been happening to me my whole life!

At the risk of sounding like a nutter...I love stuff like this! :D
Stuff like that has been happening to me my whole life!

At the risk of sounding like a nutter...I love stuff like this! :D


i love hearing about things like this,. but if anything like this happened to me, i'd poo my pants! far too creepy for me!

i really want to go get a psychic reading done, anyone had one???
I don't think ur a nutter!

Me and my oh were house watching for my mum and dad, we sat down to watch a DVD on the surround sound... There was a cd already in it from my dad - Elvis.

My oh went to get the DVD remote it, in the mean time the surround sound switched itself on, turned itself up and skipped to track 7! I thought it was my oh but there was no batteries in the remote and he was no where near the surround sound.

Turns out my dads mum loved that song and she died in that house x
Physchic readings can be a total waste of time I've spent a fortune on them.

My mum got an amazing one done about 12 years ago.

He told her everything from my name, what I was into and told her my dad ( real dad ) was gonna cheat and he was gonna do this that and the next thing.

Ultimately he told her her marriage was gonna break down so she told him politely to f**k off.

5 years after having the reading she phoned him, apologised and asked to see him again. Everything he said was going to happen did. He divorced my real dad and is now married to my step dad aka dad lol. He was spot on. He met her again told her how her life would pan out and its all on tape (he records his readings)

The guy was amazing! Well worth the £50.

Phoned up to get a reading 3 years ago, he's now dead.... Shame he was very talented
Ah I'm hooked on this thread now!!! Stupid thing is it terrifies me!! :)
We have just moved to our new place which half of it is an old cottage built in the 1800's!! 1st thing I asked the old owners was 'is it haunted??' :)
So far nothing has really happened, hear the odd noise and we have something living in the loft but thats about it, we've only been here 2 months though!!!!
Our old house was actually only 10yrs old but belonged to my husbands grandfather before he went to spain and he had built a consevatory on the back. We still have a lot of his old furniture as we love it :) Anyway, sadly he passed away just before xmas last year, the whole family were by his side in the hospice when he died which was good for all of them, I had called in to visit a couple of hours before but had to go to a training session for work. It was based in a classroom and I had a desk to myself, about mid morning a bottle of water that had been on the desk right infront of me for a few hours and not moved suddenly moved about 2inces across the desk!! The girl sat on the desk next to me also noticed it. Freaked me out so much but then I just knew what had happenend, the whole class were torn between freaking out and thinking I was mad!!! When I later checked my phone, my husband had called a little while after it moved, and his grandfather had died :( I think it was his way of getting me to tell them that he had said hello type thing!
In the few weeks after he had died we would keep coming across a really really strong smell of tcp in the conservatory, we had none in the house and it certainly hadnt been cleaned, it would hang around for a few minutes then go. Also my husbands phone kept switching itself to spainish time on its own, and the lights blew in the house-which is apparently a very common thing for his family to do when they pass on for some reason!!!! :)
It all freaked me out, even though it didnt feel bad if that makes sense, we spoke to my husbands family about it scaring us and it soon stopped, which actually made us feel a little bit sad :(
I am a bit skeptic about it all, and before his watch and the tcp smell my husband would never have belived a word of it!! :)
I also had a reading once, everything she said was spot on!!!!! Thing is I can't remember who she was or where she came from!!!!

Sorry, but I can't remember who said they lived on an old metal asylum but there is no chance I would ever live there, you're very brave!!! :) :)
I bought a flat around the corner from an old one, which then had a new one built in its place whilst the old one had flats built on and we would always hear the helicopters out looking for those that had escaped!! :( :(
Sorry for the rambling length of this, always babble on :) xx

i love hearing about things like this,. but if anything like this happened to me, i'd poo my pants! far too creepy for me!

i really want to go get a psychic reading done, anyone had one???

I have had quite a few readings done over the years as it is something that has always fascinated me. Most of them have been pretty rubbish I'm afraid to say. The 'psychic' was fishing for info so I'd expand on it and give her stuff to use in the reading. Either that, or they'd say very generalised things like "you have had your heart broken in the past", or "you have been upset by something in the past 3 months", etc (doh, hasn't everyone at some point!). I even had one ask me if my grandparents were still in life or if they had passed over! (er, I felt like saying "you tell me, you are meant to be psychic, lol! :dohh: )

However! I did see one about 10 years ago who was fantastic. So accurate in every way, and said things she couldn't possibly know about without me saying a thing to her. Sadly she moved away so I can't get any more readings from her :( . She was a gypsy and her readings were crystal ball readings. She described my husband, when I met him, and how I met him down to the finest detail! She told me I would meet him through some old friends with a connection to a workplace at a party I would nearly not go to. She accurately described his appearance - average height and weight, very dark hair, blue eyes, and his personality. He would have connections to the area my mum is from, and live with a female relative next to water. She told me we would live a distance apart to start with but it would work out. My husbands family are indeed from the same part of Scotland my mum is from, when we first met he lived 200 miles away and we travelled to see each other at first. He lived with his mum in a house beside water too! I met him at an old work colleague's 21st birthday party which I nearly didn't go to as I had been tired after work that day and my friend who was going to come with me cancelled. I always remembered the psychic's advice "don't refuse or cancel on any party invitation or you may miss meeting your future partner". She said too that shortly into the relationship a male friend from my past with the initial D in his name, who I have feelings for and with whom something nearly happened with, would come back into my life and throw temptation in my way. She said I would feel tempted but I was to stick with this new guy as there was a reason nothing ever came of it in the past and the past should be left alone and kept there. A few months into the relationship, this did happen exactly as she said and I chose my husband, not because of her advice but because I didn't want to ruin things as it seemed to be going well.

Also, at the time of the reading I had just at that time, split from my first long term boyfriend and was feeling very down about it as he had ended it suddenly. She told me about him without any information given from me down to the last detail, she could tell me what happened when he ended it, accurately described his appearance and the clothes he wore, his personality and traits, etc. She told me he was a bit messed up in the head and there was an addiction there and that despite his cheery exterior, he wasn't a happy person underneath. She told me I would find happiness with someone else before he does, and it won't be until then that I randomly bump into him again on the street, but by then I won't care any more, the years will not have been good to him, and this will be a number of years down the line. Everything she said about him, appearance and personality was spot on, and I suspected he might have a mild drink problem when we were together so that'd be the 'addiction' and signs of unhappiness she mentioned. Not long after I met my husband I randomly found my ex's facebook page (he has a mutual friend and I noticed him on it). His page was full of drunken photos, he had put on a lot of weight and was going bald, and the page also said he was single. Then a month later I was walking down the street with my husband and walked past him. So it did turn out I found happiness before him, and when I saw him i the street, it was nearly 10 years after we had split and after that reading so the psychic was right about it being a number of years down the line. She was also right that it barely phased me seeing him as I was now happy and no longer cared about him. The only thing that phased me is it happened EXACTLY how she said it would!

She also said a blonde girl I know with blue eyes was going to have a surprise wedding on a beach, and a baby girl would follow afterwards. My cousin, who has blonde hair and blue eyes, nearly 40, and as far as I know was single announced she was getting married in Mauritius on the beach, and 9 months later had a baby girl!!!

Sorry for the rabble there, but just wanted to tell you about that reading as I truly believe that woman had something and was genuine. I just wish I knew of a good one now for a reading but unfortunately there are a lot of fakes out there.
Your lady sounds similar to mine!! Apart from she didnt have a crystal ball :)
Described everything spot on, including my ex that I hadnt yet met, a health problem my mum had that i didnt know about, that I would learn kungfu or a self defence course, which I thought was complete nonsense as I have no interest in sport, yet ended up joing the special constabulary and doing a self defense/combat course in the month she said I would (even though I didnt know I was joining the specials at the time of the readin) Plus a whole load of other things!!
I have however had 2 other readings since which have been utter codswallop!!! Complete nonsense, as you say, they just try and get info out of you!!
I'm almost too scared to go have another one now, I'm too happy and I don't want them to spoil it for me :) xxx
I'm almost too scared to go have another one now, I'm too happy and I don't want them to spoil it for me :) xxx

I know exactly what you mean, I'm the same. Part of me is terrified she will tell me something bad when things are going so well! :dohh:
I'd love to go and have a reading but I'd hate for it to be a hoax :(

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