Please help me out with a few questions ! x


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2012
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Hi everyone. Thanks for taking time to read this, I appreciate it a lot!! & I would also like to just apologize before I start for too much detail on certain things but I need to myself clear on the questions I ask! :')

Also, this is long. Please don't be disheartened - answers to any of my questions are really helpful thanks

Okay so, i'm a young female - me and my partner have been together 3+ years and decided to start trying for a baby in February (2012) I got really excited and presumed it would just happen instantly. I joined TTC forums and I did tests every day from the day I could start testing - it took over me and I really tried in the first 2-3 months, it really stressed me out after a while as I hated the waiting and worrying and then disappointing moment when I got a negative pregnancy test!

So, we stopped trying properly and just had unprotected sex when we felt like it - probably 2 days in a weekend or so. I don't check my temps, do OPK's or anything. I just have sex when I feel like it - no pressure. Neither of us smoke or take drugs and we don't drink very often either. The only thing I could think of is maybe the fact that I'm about 1.5 stone overweight! - however I've lost 10lbs. (my partner is slim). So apart from maybe our poor diets (takeaways, sweets, choc etc) we are fairly average in health! Yet here I am, now 9 months later no closer to being pregnant!! I am starting to worry as we are only young and in seemingly good health. Does anyone have tips on getting pregnant? Past experiences? Anything?

About 3 months into trying I (out of the blue) missed my period by about 2-3 weeks, I was absolutely convinced I was pregnant but got negative pregnancy tests! Then I came on as normal! Could this have been a miscarriage - to early to detect? This had never happened before and hasn't happened since.

Whilst I have been trying I have had very light brown/pink spotting on 2 occasions both about a week before my period - I thought these were implantation but where not as I came on and got negative results. Does any one know why I got this spotting?

My cycles are 34-36 days, and I have very heavy and quite painful periods. I also get cramps mid way through cycle - really dull ones! does anyone know what these are?? Usually on my right side...

Finally!!! :) I just bought some cheapie ovulation predictor kits as I was concerned maybe I wasn't ovulating ! I've done 3 so far and am on cycle day 19 and had some really faint lines, Does this mean i'm ovulating? & will I get the faint lines all the way through the cycle and then dark ones when i'm ovulating? or only lines when i'm ovulating?

Also when we have sex and my partner ejaculates, his sperm leaks out regardless to me trying to sit with my bottom in the air etc! will this give me a less chance?

thanks again :')
Hey Lucy! Don't know that I'll be of much help but I didn't want to read and run :)

The pains you experience mid-way through your cycle could be ovulation pains. Especially if they are on one side as opposed to the other because thats the side that the egg is dropping. As for the spotting I'm not too sure about that part...But some girls do spot before they get their period...even a week before.

As for the OPK'S...I bought some for the first time this month as well ! I havnt used them yet because I'm on my period right now...only day 3 of 7. I also havn't had the chance to read too much about them yet BUT I do know that when the line starts to get darker and is either as dark as the control line or darker...that is your LH surge and you will most likely ovulate within the next 24-36 hours. And if your cycles are 34-36 days then your probably ovulating anywhere from cd20-22.

And missing your period every once in awhile is completely normal. So you missing one for 2-3 weeks I wouldn't worry too much unless it becomes a constant thing. If it makes you feel better my cycles are all over the map. Current cycle was 38 days...the one before that was 57....before that 39,34, get the point lol. So i'm actually going to the docs after this period is over to make sure I am even ovulating at all...which is why I bought the OPKs in the first place.

Like I said I don't know that I was much help but I hope at least a little :)

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