Please READ.. I'm having a breakdown :(

You need to find a new doctor ,pregnancy cant happen on its own when your not having cycles .there are some doctors out there that wont make you wait a year, mine asked for 3 months of ovulation charts to prove if I was ovulating or not and when it showed I was not he immediately prescribed clomid , sometimes they will have you come in for a CD 21 blood test if that is negative the doctor will prescribe fertility drugs.

I agree its very frustrating that it seems everyone who does not want kids & some who maybe shouldn't get pregnant at the drop of a hat but I also try not to judge others, its not my place to judge who should and shouldn't have kids.
Instead of being jealous trust in the thought your blessing is on its way.
No periods = no ovulation. It's as simple as that. The fact that some people may get pregnant when they have no periods is only half the story, normally these will be people with pcos who obulate very infrequently and happen, by sheer dumb luck, to catch a random egg! if they didn't catch it though, it would lead to a period. Take this information to your Dr, you need to know what's going on. My GP sent me for tests after 6 months of no periods, I wasn't ovulating due to a hormonal imbalance. Good luck.
Im angry for you. And your dr is an idiot. Where do you live? You need to see a specialist. You cant get pregnant without a period, because you dont ovulate regularly without a period. They say one year but i was referred after six months.. I went in n bitched about any and every symptom i could mildly relate to my cycle.. So she put it in for me. Just point out that your year mark will be in about 30 days and often it takes that long to even get in with a specialist.

Im only my 11th cycle. I feel all of your pain, hurt, frustration, annoyances, everything. I can relate perfectly. Im also back to my specialist on the 20th. Let me know how it goes... And feel free to stop by my journal.. We can keep eachother company ! Lol
Thanks everyone! I'm totally going in the doctors office with my game face on! I'm seriously tired of watching every girl get pregnant. I don't mean to be a bitter hag, I can't help it. It was my best friends daughters 1 year old birthday party today and I didn't go. I didn't go because it was just a reminder that I DONT HAVE ANY KIDS. Out of all my friends, I am the ONLY one with no kids!

I'm really excited about the doctors appointment on the 20th but at the same time really nervous. I really don't want to leave without any new information. If I don't get any reasons as to why I don't get my periods or any help or sent to a specialist I'm probably going to cry hysterically! Probably going to scream too! I'm seriously going insane here!

I probably sound like a crazy person :/

@Mississippi I'll totally check your journal out :)
In canada because we have family drs, if you ask for a referral to a specialist my understanding is they have to refer you. My dr always gave me a spiel about the benefit of doing everything with one dr. My specialist is a gyno that does fertility.. Long ass wait list to get in, I was fortunate to know someone and snuck in early. Ask for what you want.. Its your body and your life, you deserve answers
I can completely relate to how you feel. My best friend announced to me about a month ago that she is pregnant. She was not trying and never wanted to have a baby. I have been avoiding her lately. My husband said that it's childish of me. I do agree with him but at the same time I don't know what to say to her. Everyone keeps telling me that it will happen when it happens, however, months keep passing and nothing.
I think you should make an appointment with a fertility clinic. I had my first appointment two weeks ago and after numerous tests we found out that we can't conceive naturally at this moment. My husband has to start fertility treatment. Although the news was not what we wanted to hear, it has reassured us that now we know what needs to be done. Even if eventually it means IVF.
I know its hard to stay positive! You are not alone. I read this quote recently - "Expectation is the root of all heartache" -William Shakespear. For me it made me realise that it was expecting to "just fall pregnant" that caused my heartache, and that I should rather have faith that it will happen but stop expecting anything.
Yeah, I've been childish a lot lately.. I don't even want to go to her house because when I drive home I start crying. I hate going on facebook because EVERYONE has kids! It's like the world around me wants to throw it in my face that I have no kids. Well.. that's what it feels like honestly. I think I'm just depressing myself. Getting sad for no reason. It's just really hard not to think about it and then I scare myself because maybe I'll never have kids.. I shouldn't think about that.

Thanks BabyshoeS, I'm gonna check for a fertility clinic around where I live. I'm tired of getting nothing. I've always told my Gyno that I don't "naturally" get periods.. and they always put me on BC but now that we have been trying for almost a year and me not getting any periods. I am about to snap lol

I'm going to the docs on the 20th I will update on what happens.

Thank you everyone!
I do the same. I cry after seeing a pregnant woman at the shops. It just seems unfair. I don't feel my husband and I deserve this. We both start meds that we must take for 10 days tomorrow. My husband is going to get two injections for 5 weeks and then we will see. If there's an improvement we can try naturally to conceive. Doctor said if there's no improvement then IVF where they inject the sperm into the egg is our only option. I want to tell my best friend my sad story but at the same time don't feel as though she is the one to talk to as she would never understand.
I am happy that we decided to get help though, I would rather know why I am not getting a BFP than be disappointed month after month.
I do the same. I cry after seeing a pregnant woman at the shops. It just seems unfair. I don't feel my husband and I deserve this. We both start meds that we must take for 10 days tomorrow. My husband is going to get two injections for 5 weeks and then we will see. If there's an improvement we can try naturally to conceive. Doctor said if there's no improvement then IVF where they inject the sperm into the egg is our only option. I want to tell my best friend my sad story but at the same time don't feel as though she is the one to talk to as she would never understand.
I am happy that we decided to get help though, I would rather know why I am not getting a BFP than be disappointed month after month.

Yeah, I thought about telling my best friend too but I know she won't understand. I mean, her first child was on accident and then after having him for 4 months decided she wants another baby and a month later she found out she was pregnant again. Her older sister seems like she is having problems as well. She just had a miscarriage after trying for several years. She thought she was unable to get pregnant.

Did you have to go to a fertility specialist? I'm going to my Primary care manager on the 20th and hoping I'll get answers. I heard people trying for 10 years and finally getting pregnant. I'm sorry I really don't want to be almost 40 having my first baby.. I'm taking vitamins and drinking fertilitea but nothing that would bring my periods. I feel like if I just had my periods (naturally) then I would be one step closer.

Thank you for listening to me rant.

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