Without wanting to be rude, how do you feel your 'months' or 'years' of research (I assume you do not mean this in a full-time sense, but more that you spent a little time reading, but not actively experimenting or studying, each day or week over this time) stack up compared to someone who has, say, a doctorate in immunology? Could you have a scientific discussion about vaccination with someone who holds a doctorate in immunology?
Given that vaccines are developed by people who have literally tens of thousands of accumulated hours of experience, do you genuinely think these people are all so money-driven and cynical that they are happy to devote their lives to creating vaccines that are less safe than the diseases they protect against?
Again, I don't mean this in a mean way, but I really struggle to understand how reading material on the CDC website, blogs or even online papers compares to firsthand research, and I would like someone to explain clearly to me why they think it is superior.
People with the same kind of education and experience tell us that GMO crops are safe and healthy (which is funny, because other countries don't agree). They say that food additives such as aspartame are safe for consumption. Not saying the same scientists are working on vaccines that are working on food approvals, but they have the same kind of education and authority to declare something "safe".
And guess who send me a mailer about missing a scheduled vaccination? My doctor? The department of health? No, it was Pfizer. In a world where
Pfizer knows whether or not my child receives a vaccine...it just makes me doubt the "good intentions" of the scientific community.
In fact, the same people (doctors, in general) who tell us vaccines are so incredibly safe and effective have been saying for DECADES that fat is unhealthy and leads to heart disease. This is now being proven completely wrong. Just because someone says for years, or for decades, that something is healthy - doesn't mean that it is. The recommended vaccine schedule is changing so quickly that there isn't enough time to fully test the long term effects of the recommended regimen.
It probably doesn't help that I was not vaccinated as a child, so my parents made the same decisions with me.