Now we're having diseases that were once irradiated from population coming back....why? People are choosing not to vaccinate. The transfer rate of diseases from one infected individual can cause such widespread disaster. Lets not resort back to how we functioned 100-200 years ago.
You don't even have to go back 100 years to see the difference vaccines have made. As late as the 1950s, polio was killing and paralyzing half a million people a year (and that's when the global population was less than half what it is now).
How many cases of polio were reported worldwide last year? 416.
The polio vaccine is an effective answer to just about every argument against vaccination.
It is incredibly effective at eliminating polio in a population despite the known fact that the live vaccine has a small risk of viral shedding.
It was introduced in the Western World well after modern sanitation, so it can't be claimed that better hygiene was what really eliminated polio, and has proven just as effective in countries with atrocious sanitation standards.
It has been used and studied for over 60 years with no apparent long-term negative effects.
It is a marvel of modern medicine and given that I have seen the effects of polio firsthand in a friend's father (permanent limp and nerve damage that caused lifelong twitching and shaking... and he was one of the lucky ones), I for one am grateful to be both be protected and be able to protect my children from that hideous disease.