I went to the bf clinic today & the mw i saw was really nice & helpful.
She said that LO is not latching on properly which may explain why she doesnt seem satisified & why my nipples hurt..
She showed me how to hold LO properly & get her to latch on so she is getting more milk.. we did that & it seemed to work better.
Im going to give it my 101% now & feed on demand as & when she wants.
She does still seem a little frustrated now we are back home tho, when I was trying to put her on the breast she was getting frustrated fighting back at me... any ideas why this may be??
Also how long before the feeding on demand stops & she actually has proper feed times? Obv with forumla milk its different as u have set times from the start...
Any advice is appreciated & thanks to everyone for advising me & making me realise I needed help..
Fingers crossed it works out better now, wish me luck everyone!!
She said that LO is not latching on properly which may explain why she doesnt seem satisified & why my nipples hurt..
She showed me how to hold LO properly & get her to latch on so she is getting more milk.. we did that & it seemed to work better.
Im going to give it my 101% now & feed on demand as & when she wants.
She does still seem a little frustrated now we are back home tho, when I was trying to put her on the breast she was getting frustrated fighting back at me... any ideas why this may be??
Also how long before the feeding on demand stops & she actually has proper feed times? Obv with forumla milk its different as u have set times from the start...
Any advice is appreciated & thanks to everyone for advising me & making me realise I needed help..
Fingers crossed it works out better now, wish me luck everyone!!