my LO is 5 weeks & 4 days old...
I know what ur saying & i have been letting her feed pretty much when she wants for as long as she wants but when she still isnt satisfied after an hour & half of sucking its so deflating!!
Did u both experience this too?? if i know its only for a few more weeks i can keep at it but right now i cant see light at the end of the tunnel...
Sweetie, you're almost there!
Between 6 and 8 weeks, things gets loads better!
(It may take just a bit longer because you're feeding formula, and you're just now getting the latch right, but you are definately almost there!)
Not one woman I know has an "easy" time breastfeeding. It is painful sometimes, it's mentally draining sometimes, there's obviously still a lot of people opposed to breastfeeding which makes it easier to give up. The healthcare industry is often biased toward formula because it's "easier" on and on and on.
You are doing a great thing for your baby. You wouldn't have held on this long if you didn't know it. It's one of the toughest things you'll probably do, but IT WILL GET BETTER. And at almost 6 weeks old, you're almost there.
She's got one more growth spurt to hit now and that will be a bit rough for you, but hang in there if you can.
I want to encourage you as much as I can, and I know
most of the other women here do too. It sounds to me like you've got everything you need - just stay in touch with the women you met friday and let them help you. Don't be afraid to contact them again and again if needed.
And don't EVER think that it's supposed to be all easy. I just noticed yesterday I'm getting a little blister on my right nipple.
But LO started sleeping 5 and 6 hours at a time at night
Again, hang in there - call your lactation consultants and let us know how it goes. We're here with you!