Plus size & pregnant join here

Oooh good luck with chasing that vbac hun! Hope you get it!
:hugs: Sounds like youre suffering hun... did you get bad ms with the boys?

its 1am and im up, wahhh. Not sleeping tonight. All 3 boys are poorly. I've had to do three midnight pukey-bedding washes since friday. I'm sooooo tired. Tonight Toby threw up, had a panic attack and i had to hold him over the toilet to pee because he was shaking too much. He was asleep through all of it. I had to shake him awake after 5 minutes or so to stop him hyperventilating. Eesh.

My blog... its a work in progress. I need to get a proper layout. Even so its

Its getting to that point in the night now where I've been watching Tim Minchin for about 3 hours and drank nothing but Pepsi Max and I'm starting to think that Tim Minchin and Pepsi Max are the ONLY things in the universe. My bubble is the only thing that exists right now. It's nice.
I'm talking shit I might risk trying to sleep even though I know as soon as I go upstairs, someone will wake up. Murrrr.
Thanks hun. Nope I never had Ms with the boys, I got one day with each where I was ill but nothing like this at all.

Awww no sorry to hear they're all ill hun :( poor Toby and poor you that must have been scary to have happen. I know how freaked out I get when Seth has one of his delusions when he's ill so that must have been terrifying.

I hope you managed to get some sleep hun! Xxx
I slept from about 2:30 til justbefore 5... then 9:30 til11 this morning when the twins were napping.

Oooh, maybe all this ms is a sign that theres a lil lady in there!

Dh has been signed off work with stress which he thinks means he gets to play playstation while I keep the babies off him and make his lunch. I'll allow it for today but if he thinks he can de-stress by giving me an EXTRA person to look after hes got another thing coming!
omg that is wrong on so many levels. Urgh im sorry hun but i really dont like your DH sometimes. Your probably 10 * more stressed than he is and he think he can sit around and expect you to add him to your looking after list.. not a chance. 1 day of rest then you should kick his freaking ass into touch :hugs: I've lost count of the amount of times hes been a complete ass to you :hugs:

I hope your right! all friends and family have said they hope its a girl too. Cant wait till the gender scan but were making people wait till after my anomoly scan before we tell them. We want it as out secret for a couple of weeks, I want to go guy the first outfit etc and i know for a fact if we tell people what it is then they will go and do it first.

urgh hun thats not an awful lot of sleep :hugs: Are they looking any better today? xxxx
Hehe dont worry he wont be allowed to jerk around. He keeps saying he wants more time at home to be with the kids.... he's forgotten that stay ay home parenting means poopy nappies, tidying food off the floor after EVERY meal (twins are in that plate-launching phase), cleaning up messes and actually interacting with the boys. He's gonna be made to realise just how hard stay at home parenting is this fortnight and hes going to be SO SHOCKED.

Dont blame you for wanting to keep the gender to yourselves for a while. We found out the twins were boys at 14 weeks but didn't tell anyone until the gender scan at 21 weeks. We kept names to ourselves until the birth announcement much to the frustration of, well, everyone :haha: But Bert & Ernie suited the bump so it was totally fine :D

The boys seem ok today. Its nights that they're worse though. Fingers crossed theyre on the mend.

How are you feeling today hun? xx
yey im glad your going to kick him in touch hun.. hes in for such a shock.. you should So plan a girly day out with a friend.. even if its just for a nice walk and an ice cream ;) then hes really screwed :haha:

omg i remember that bert and ernie! Well a few people already know our names that we are going to use but we wont be telling everyone else till after baby is born and if either of the people who know slip up i will be kicking ass. Our other problem will be keeping the birth a secret. Dh wont be able to come in with me as he will have to watch the boys so i think my sister will be with me for this one.. but there will be a big massive rule that it is not announced to anyone until after DH and the boys have met baby whether thats when im in hospital or once i get home.

Im glad they seem better hun <3 fingers crossed they are not sick tonight :hugs:

Im good i have a head ache and my boobs hurt like hell but apart from that and some heartburn im good :D No MS today so far and lots and lots of little flutters :cloud9: xx
Hi girls, I haven't been on since Aeryn was born. She is 15 months today and is going to be a big sister :) I am 16+3
Congratulations on.births and bfps xxx
Hi girls, I haven't been on since Aeryn was born. She is 15 months today and is going to be a big sister :) I am 16+3
Congratulations on.births and bfps xxx

Congratulations hun! Your due a day before me :) xx
Thanks hun. I did spot we were due the same time. I will have a section at 38 weeks so will be late dec early jan x
awww <3 I can choose section if i want but i want to try a VBAC <3 xx
Congratulations squishy!

Sethsmummy are you putting any conditions on your vbac? I have said from before my bfp that I want a section this time after emcs last time but am starting to think I should at least give vbac a shot. But I want to be able to say that if it doesn't work after a set time I want the section. Still undecided really.
Ive not talked about my hospitals policies yet but i have said to my local midwife if anything looks like its starting to go wrong i.e baby is not decending when pushing or hb drops etc then i want straight for a section as they are not coming near me with foreceps. I have been told ill no doubt be requested to have continuous electronic monitoring but i am going to refuse that. I refuse to be strapped down to the bed as thats why i think things went so wrong with Seth. They can hook me upto it for 15/20 minutes in every hour/hour and a half but thats it. or they can check in with a doppler as often as they want but I want to be able to move around (I want to birth on all fours/ kneeling).

I have been told i wont be left alone for long periods of time and they do try put a time frame on dilation (Some people say its expected to be 1cm every hour which is stupid) but i shall see what the midwife says at 25 weeks when i see her next.

I want a half decent shot at having the normal vaginal delivery i haven't had. Im not as scared anymore like i was at the thought of havin ethan. I kind of feel empowered to get what i want lol. xx
Thanks hun x I wouldn't want to be strapped either. They tried continuous monitoring with Gabriella but she kept moving so kept losing her. I just remember not feeling a part of it all, like my labour was separate to me iykwim which is why I think I failed to progress. I ended up having to have an epidural because my blood pressure was all over the place so then I was just laid on a bed feeling crap and not participating, or that's how it felt anyway. If that happened again I just think I'd rather have the section from the start.
Sounds exactly how i felt with Seth hun. I was strapped even before labour started properly and i wasnt allowed off the bed.. i had 2 drips going most of the time... countless people doing internals and being told to shut up etc. I wont let anyone take my labour away from me again.. tbh i dont mind my bp being checked and baby being checked every now and again but iv done some research and there is no proof that it is more beneficial to be continuously monitored over periodic with a doppler.

I will be in total control of this labour if it kills me or i get kicked out the hospital :haha: I think when they take so much away from you your body doesnt know what to do anymore. I also had an epidural with seth but it failed and actually caused me more pain. xx
not as good as i thought it would be .. she used the excuse of my size but she didnt even try and press down on my stomach :S I even told her it was ok to do so!

Im team :blue: again.


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3 boys, you will have your hands full. We have our 20 week scan on Friday. I keep changing my mind about finding out but our Lachlan wants to so we are.
A girl would be easier with the smaller gap but it doesn't matter really xx
aww good luck hun!

we have to have sex confirmed at my anomoly scan (2 and a bit weeks away) as she could see something but was only around 70% sure its a boy.. what she saw could have just been the cord :dohh: :dohh: So i refuse to buy anything until after iv had it done.

I hope you get your little princess hun :) xxx
I've been watching this thread and see it's mostly just a few of you on here and was wondering if I could join and maybe see if there are any others out there??

This is my first pregnancy, and I'm plus sized. I actually was actively losing weight when I found out I was pregnant, I'm down 27lbs now. I'm sure my healthy eating and increase in exercise was the reason I managed to get pregnant after 4 years of trying, so I'm just continuing that with the approval of my MW, as long as I don't restrict calories she is fine if I lose a few more pounds, no more than 5 or so a month. I don't plan to lose more but I'd like to keep from putting much on for sure!

I'm only about 7w2d right now and have a dating scan tomorrow, and I really put me about 3-4 days behind that but we will see!

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