becca- this is exactly my question!! fighting the urge to POAS too early, on Friday (at 8dpo) I pee'd on an OPK, and nothing, not even a faint line. In keeping with my POAS addiction, I pee'd on 2 OPKs on Sunday (10dpo) - the one at 12pm was a faint line, then I did it again at 5pm, and it was a little darker. I then pee'd on an OPK first thing this morning and it was darker still - almost 2/3 color of the control line. So of course I pee'd on a FR preggo test - negative - booooo.
I have no idea what this means, my boobs are bigger and "fluffy" (all soft and stuff), so maybe my cycle is totally out of whack and I am ovulating at cd24 or something, but I doubt it - so SOMETHING is going on! AGHHHH!