Positive bsbywearing stories

upsy daisy1

Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2009
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My baby is 4 weeks old and ive started using a carrier with her.she seems to really like it and sleeps well.I also find it so much easier than pushing a huge pram! Thing is yest I did use the pram and she was really unsettled.I ended up taking her out and carrying her in my arms. The question is..
If I use a carrier alot will she still be happy to go in the pram when I need to use it or will she be use to being carried and them not want to go down...

Also did you find your lo got use to being carried all the time as if in your arms and then became unsettled when put in cot at night etc. I want to carryy lo but oh is worried it will create a clingy baby as she will get use to being on me all the time? Just some positive stories needed really. I know there are benefits of carrying but with my first daughter I use to hold her alot to sleep and things and she became very anxious about being separated from me as she got older.
I've been baby wearing for. Five years now and had no issues with particularly clingy children we also part time bed share and my youngest loves to be carried but also is desperate to walk and get about at only seven months
My daughter is 2.5 nearly 3 now and was worn constantly as a baby and then regularly up to 2. We did use a pram as well if it was more convenient or we needed a rest from carrying her, but she slept every nap in the wrap until she was 8/9 months and many more after that (she also slept every evening in the wrap until we went to bed until she was 4 months, then we transitioned her easily to sleeping in her cot upstairs until we came to bed). She's getting pretty big now, but we do still carry her in a carrier on long walks if she gets tired of walking. Honestly, babywearing has been one of the best things we did. I think because of it (and generally taking a natural approach to parenting), our daughter is so confident and outgoing, not clingy at all. Usually 'clingy' toddlers are clingy because they don't feel securely attached to their parents either because they weren't close enough to them as babies or there is some other stressor going on (big changes, moves, illness, etc.). A baby that is held lots and responded to sensitively tends to grow up to be a confident, outgoing, non-clingy child. When they trust you're going to be there whenever they need you to meet their needs, there's no reason to be clingy, because they know you'll be there if they need you, so they can go off and explore the world. So no, babywearing won't make your baby clingy - actually, probably just the opposite! My daughter slept as well as any other baby, started to self-settle on her own at 11 months (we never sleep trained), and goes to sleep without a fuss on her own now at 2.5. She has never napped well on her own in a cot during the day, but I don't think that had anything to do with babywearing, just that we are never home for her naps. If I had a day off with her, we were always out of the house for the whole day because I hate being stuck at home. So she was just used to sleeping in the car, or in the pushchair, or in a wrap, rather than in her room at home (she sleeps fine at night). But I think most babies are like this unless their parents plan their own lives around having a routine and I've never done this. So yes, wear her. It's fantastic. I loved it and so did my daughter and it was one of the best things we did - also makes it so much easier for when you want to get out and do things, like go camping or go out for dinner in the evening or to a family wedding. We just plopped her in the wrap when it was bedtime and she slept there without us having to schlep a pushchair around where there were stairs or no room to fit a pushchair in a restaurant, or when we spent a week camping and wanted to be able to move around in the evenings, take a walk, etc. where a pushchair wouldn't have gone.
DS is only 5 months but we've not had any problems with him becoming too clingy yet and he is happy to go in the pram when we need him to. He also goes down in his cot drowsy at night and drops off to sleep on his own. DS is at a stage now where he is happy to be carried outside but he won't sleep in a carrier anymore and at home he likes to be off on his own rolling around the floor exploring. I miss the newborn days when he was happy to be in the wrap all day lol.
DD didn't like the pram when she was tiny, but from about 3 months we could use it occasionally. DS didn't like it when he was tiny either, but as an older baby he was fine in it.

When they first come out it is a difficult transition from being in your womb to being out in the world, being held close helps with that. They do learn to be apart from you, but it's not immediate when they come out, if that makes sense!
Thanks everyone..my lo was super fussy today with wind and has been for the last few days. I had her in the carrier in the house so I could get things done and also carried her to pick my older daughter up from school.she slept for over 1 and half hours. I love the carrier and find it so convenient rather than pushing the pram or holding her in my arms, So.it's great to hear positive stories

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