Defo see lines on those test. Cant wait for your updates
AFM, im on cd19 today and its official...i didnt ov yet. Which is a good thing because now dh and i can dtd more and really be in the running. My temp dropped again today. I think i am going to ov tomorrow. Im thinking my temp is going to drop again tomorrow too. The reason why i think im going to ov tomorrow is because im getting pains in my right ovary so im assuming im going to ov from the right ovary this time. Dh and i dtd this morning too soit will be perfect timing. From the app on my phone, it says i am going to ov tomorrow so let's see if its right.
L.E. i repsonded on your thread for you
Fngrs-Yes time is pretty much going by sooo fast. I cant believe im on cd19 neitherBut glad that my cycle is going pretty fast because im ready to
But just got to ov first.
i deffo see lines on the darkened ones!!!Cant wait for them to get darker. And the doc needs to hurry with your results
And yes I am a true poas addict
Cant wait for that day to come. I want to see a bfp finally
Any news about your lab results?
Are your tests getting darker, FngersCrossed?
i think you should call in and schedule a test. But make sure its quantitative. Atleast then you wont have to worry about the test being negative when you are.