Hi ladies,
Having a hard time interpreting whether I am ovulating and when. Have been ttc for almost a year now but my period was all over the place. Last cycle was 35 days, previous two were 28 days. This month I used the opk from day 10 and got negatives, until yesterday morning when the test line came up darker than the test one. Took it around 10 am but wasn't the first urine. Took another one in the evening but negative. Today, same story. Is it possible that the urine was not so concentrated in the evening and that is why I got a negative yesterday evening? I'm cd 21 today, bd on cd 19 and 20. What do you think, am I close to O or is it a false positive?
Having a hard time interpreting whether I am ovulating and when. Have been ttc for almost a year now but my period was all over the place. Last cycle was 35 days, previous two were 28 days. This month I used the opk from day 10 and got negatives, until yesterday morning when the test line came up darker than the test one. Took it around 10 am but wasn't the first urine. Took another one in the evening but negative. Today, same story. Is it possible that the urine was not so concentrated in the evening and that is why I got a negative yesterday evening? I'm cd 21 today, bd on cd 19 and 20. What do you think, am I close to O or is it a false positive?