Poss PCOS - any advice?


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2009
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Hi there.

I've only been TTC our second baby since May however we were NTNP for nearly 3 years before our son came along so we could be in for a long haul this time.

I was quite convinced I would get pregnant quickly this time, but whilst temping etc I noticed that my chart was looking a bit... annovulatory...

In the last few months when my charts have been quietly going bonkers, a couple of ladies on the TTC boards have gently suggested I look at PCOS as a possible reason. Then last week I got sick of them prodding me so I went off to have a look at it on the net so that I could tell them none of the symptoms applied to me and could they please chuff off.

Except EVERY symptom applied to me. I have a horrid moustache plus increasing quantities of chin hair, nipple hair and tummy hair. I even have hairy fingers and toes. However my head hair falls out in clumps leaving me with tufts at my hairline. I struggle to get my weight under 11 stone (I'm 5foot 1 so this is overweight) and am generally around 12 stone. All of my weight is around my middle and on my boobs. Although the boobs thing is a family trait! I still get spots and there is never a day when I don't have at least 4 or 5. When I am particularly hormonal I have LOADS and don't want to leave the house. I suffer with depression and had horrendous PND after having Harry. And as i said before, I'm not ovulating every cycle. My periods are ridiculously light (generally I use 2 tampons all period, the rest is just panty liners - not even actual towels!) or non existant.

So I went to the docs who sent me for bloods which I had yesterday. So now I am waiting.

now I'm frightened for silly reasons - if I don't have it why the hell am I so hairy?! :rofl:

But mostly I'm frightened because I don't want an internal scan. And I don't want my son to be an only child.
Well 29 views and no replies - I'll take that as a no on the advice front! :rofl:
Hun Ive just been diagnosed with PCOS a couple of months back and I can re
late to how you're feeling. We were NTNP and it took us 18 months for seth.

Im frightened too, I honestly didnt think I would be but I dont like the thought of Seth not having a brother or sister, Im scared of the rejection month after month of BFNs. Its a scary time. I dont actually have many symptoms apart from long cycles (used to be irregular but last 2 have been 37 days!) and polycystic ovaries.

I dont have any advice because I dont know much myself at the moment, I have an appointment with the gynecologist on the 20th so Ill update you with more info when Im back from that if you like?

Also the internal scan is really nothing to worry about, and if it gets you on the track to a diagnosis then all the better :)

Good luck & feel free to PM whenever you want. I cant promise to know all the answers but Ill certainly try :) x
Hiya, can't really offer any advice but i can sympathise hun. I've just been to the doctors this morning and had blood taken for the same thing. I'll keep my FX'd for both of us xx
Thanks girlies - Linzi (hi, I'm Lindsay!) it would be great if you could keep us updated. :hugs:
Hi, I was diagnosed with PCOS recently. My Doctor was very optimistic about it. I was prescribed Clomid to assist with ovulation. Haven't taken it yet bec we took a few months off.

In the meantime, I did some online research and have modified my diet and started exercising and charting. I have seen results last month and this month with earlier ovulation and shorter cycles. I hope this continues to work!

I too felt a bit stressed and very concerned when I first found out but having talked to my Doctor and others, I am now comfortable that there are treatment options and so I feel very optimistic.

Hope this helps!
Hey I to have been diagnosed with PCOS. I new that I had it a couple years ago but my periods came on time every month, but recently I recognised that I was not ovulating every month so I went to visit the doctor on the 30th September and he told me if I plan to try having to children he needed to put me on medication. He put me on Metformin for 7months. He also explained that PCOS is linked to yeast infections which I suffer from time to time. DH and I have also brought up TTC because of this diagnosis since the doctor said that it will be harder for us to conceive than normal plus we have a greater risk of miscarriage. I am so scared about this right now but in the mean time all I can do is take my meds religiously and hope for the best.:cry:
Hi hun,didnt want to read and run.Your symptoms do seem to suggest PCOS,ive heard that a scan on your abdomen rather than internally is usually done at 1st,hope you get some answers from your bloodtest.Try not to be too disheartend if it does turn out you do have PCOS as there is lots of treatments and help avaliable,such as clomid and/or metformin.
Try not to worry too much hun,its good that this is being investigated so you can get the treatment you require x
hi i have pcos and 4 los

it took me 2 years of ntnp to get my first, then for some reason this eased my pocs and i had 2 more in 2 years (26 months between all 3)
i then went on depo which i think caused my pcos to come back worse than ever and it took 7 years for me to get pregnant with archie-with a little help from metformin

there are lots they can do these days to help, i think i was quite lucky just needing the metformin. but my gp said to me that there were lots of options availale

please dont give up hope
I have PCOS and have for a number of years. It was diagnosed when we were TTC our first child and my cycles started going haywire. The internal scan isn't the nicest thing in the world but its over quickly and if it helps get to the bottom of everything, well worth it in my book. :)

In the end I was prescribed metformin which worked well for me once I got over the side effects. I was still hairy, but it did ease and my cycles gradually got more regular over a period of about 6 months. The cycle we conceived on was actually headed to be a 28 day one which was unheard of for me previously.

We've just started TTC no2 and I've been back on the metformin for about 3 months. I ovulated for the first time last cycle. The other thing for me is that the metformin really helps me with weight loss. I really struggle when not on it, but with it I just have to stay reasonably well behaved in the junk/snack department and the weight slowly dwindles. I've lost 10lb in the last 3 months without actually dieting. :)

I also used hypnotherapy and acupuncture when were TTC last time and I've just started them again. Maybe it was one of those that made the difference - I'll never know for sure but I'm not going to risk not trying them!

I know how awful I felt when I was first diagnosed, but it really isn't the end of the world. I did have to get referred to a gynae/fertility specialist to get the diagnosis and the metformin prescription so I imagine that would be the same for you. I got pregnant with PCOS, I just needed a bit of help. There's no reason at all why you can't too. :)

Best wishes,

Thanks guys

I saw the docs for my blood results. except they cocked up so missed all the hormone checks off by accident. So I am going back for another set tomorrow. I burst into tears at the thought of having to wait ANOTHER week without an answer so the doc has just referred me to gynae. Also waiting for my scan date to arrive too - F**KING postal strike!!!

Just want a yay or nay!!!
Hi DM, its me again!

As you know I am waiting for the same test results as you. Mine seem to be being delivered via the moon and I have been told to wait 14 more days, as the normal lab cant cope, anyway I digress.

On the internal transvaginal scan side of things, it was just that I wanted to say it is mildly uncomfortable but not horrendous. I had mine two days before the ectopic ruptured so that may even explain the mild discomfort.

I found focussing on the screen a great help and it was quite interesting as the the second sonographer (or whatever they are called) showed me all my bits and said it all looked quite normal (the wee bean was doing a good job or playing hide and seek, as was my left ovary which took a brief leave of absence, much to everyones bemusement, although later returned!)

I would say lie back and relax, and try to extract as much info as you can, easier said than done, but I have decided to try to turn every gynae trip into a fact finding mission that is one step closer to a baby.

As for dignity..... well I gave up on that a long time ago! Good luck with the bloods and stuff, what a pain you are having to wait. XXXX
Oh I have no issues with dignity! I lost that when I had H so not bothered any more. I don't even bother with the old "coiffeur" when I go for gynae appointments - just as long as my loola is nice and clean and I have fresh pants on, it's all good!!!

I got my appointment for the gynae throught today - 26th Oct so only a week on monday! Nice that I don't have to wait long.... I think they'd had a cancellation as all the other appointments were end of november.
Thats amazingly quick. I phoned yesterday to see if I could go on the cancellation list however they hadnt assigned my case a priority category yet, and to call next week. I am desperate to be seen, as I am sure you are too.

I am past the loola thing too. I had part of my cervix removed due to early stage cervical cancer last year and they shove a microscope up there every three months, and will do so for the next 2 years, so I am happy to jump into the stirrups at the drop of a hat! XX
Post just arrived - trans vaginal scan scheduled for Monday 2nd Nov! Am happy with that!
Thats great! Good stuff! Thats another step towards the herd!
Yeah happy with that. My bloods all came back as normal apparently according to reception lady and she refused to book me an appointment because of this. Witch.... am concerned however that she was looking at my bloods for the week before... which were normal! Oh well, I guess the FS will have access to them.

Was actually hoping that there WAS an imbalance - then at least I have something tangible I can work with instead of this vague egglessness!
Well that sounds good- lots of eggys, and sounds like you might be ov??? That would be great news, and its good you are in the queue in case you do need a helping hand.

I got my appointment too- I was told I would need to wait 12 weeks, but then they found a cancellation. It was really lucky. So I go next tues. I am delighted. It seems they will then arrange a HSG or lap and dye, to see what my other tube is up too.

Doesnt it feel good when things go in the right direction? XXXXX

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