I'm sorry, I'm new here so I wasn't sure where to put this. I took a pregnancy test today and it was negative, I have been having symptoms like crazy though and I had unprotected sex so it would make sense for me to be pregnant. My symptoms have been: Increased sense of smell (By a lot. Usually my sense of smell is terrible), Breast tenderness, gas, discharge (white and thick but not like a yeast infection), bloating, Running to the bathroom to pee all the time, cramps similar to ovulation cramps not period cramps, and lot of intense lower back aches/pain. I also have had acid reflux very badly (which I never get) after I eat ANYTHING. I'm super tired, I also have been eating/hungry more than usual. Cravings that I never have had as well. I was supposed to get my period today or tomorrow according to my period tracker app, and I just took a clear blue pregnancy test and it said I wasn't pregnant. I'm still convinced I am, I feel so sure that I am yet I got a negative today, what do you guys think? What is your experience with false negative tests? Is it common to have a false negative? Does it sound like a may be pregnant? I have heard that blue dye tests sometimes give false negatives, so I'm hoping that is all it was.