Hi my LO is 10 weeks old, and I've been struggling for a solution with her painful feeding since she was 2 weeks old, she has been on infacol, gaviscon, raniditine with 3 dosage changes, now on omeprazole 10mg tab once a day for 3 weeks and this is not making a scrap of difference, gp prescribed nutramigen Friday she was like a diff baby over the weekend she ate a good amount and didnt appear to be in pain wen feeding, but by Monday we were back to square one and today she can barely take a few sucks before she starts fussing and she just isnt interested she has taken about 18 oz today and she prob wont take anymore tonight her weight gain is not good gained 1lb in 4 weeks so HV concerned, she has red blotched on her eye lids and has dry skin in her eyebrows and she is in alot of pain when pooing she starts crying and wheezing, I really don't know what else we can do or try as she is settled most of the time, sleeps ok at night it's just the feeds and yes I have tried bottles, teat sizes, milk thickners (carobel) I think I just need to except the fact that she will just have to grow out of it as I really can't see a light at the end of the tunnel