Took this frer test this morning, i saw faint line within the 3 minutes and it looked pink but very faintly. This photo was took within the 10 minutes, What do you think? Please give me your comments. x
The thing that is worrying is that I took the smu before the middle one which is the last one I took with fmu! The smu is the darkest, I've heard frer tests can show better in the afternoon with some women so it's probably that. The last fmu one is better than the first one I took which is good Cant tell much difference on picture but defiantly in real life I can! still not sure because i got a dark line after the time frame but I swear on all of them there was a verrryyyyy faint line within 3 minutes! I don't know what dpo I am unfortunately because I have no periods since stopping the pill *sigh* x
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