Post-pill irregular cycles support thread!!

*waves hand* I'm an irregular cycle lady! I came off of BC, had a natural period 3 days after my BC period ended and nothing natural since then.

Snapshot: Off BC June 2010, no cycle until I took provera in Oct 2010, again no cycle until I switched OB's and started taking Prometrium in June 2011 to kickstart my period. Since then I've been taking prometrium every 6 weeks to jumpstart my period.

More detail: I've been diagnosed with PCOS and since then have started taking metformin to regulate my insulin resistance, have been working on losing weight (down 33 pounds YAY!), have changed my diet to a low-glycemic diet, was diagnosed with sleep apnea (probably brought on by the hormone imbalance) and have been working on that with a cpap machine, and I don't know... so much more it seems!

It's looking more positive since I did actually have a bit of spotting a couple of weeks ago that was not chemically induced, so hopefully the next few months will see me starting to have natural cycles and a BFP!
Things are pretty good. Although I am sorry to see another MMC on your siggy. I have been thinking about all you lovely ladies lately and wanted to stop in and see how everyone is.

I'm afraid so :cry: I had the mmc in August at 9 weeks and then got pregnant straight away again (no AF). I knew something wasn't right from the off though and I ended up having a natural mc at 6 weeks (3 weeks ago). I'm on my first cycle since the second mc and have just ovulated yesterday (a respectable cd25) so I'm hoping that my cycles might be regulating. Only time will tell though...

Anyone here have really light periods? I'm worried that it may be hindering my TTC. I've been getting them every 30 days and my temps seem to show that I'm ovulating, but my periods are lasting only 3 days and are very light. I stopped BC at the end of July, so it hasn't been long and I'm grateful that I'm on somewhat of a regular schedule, but the lightness of the flow is worrying me a bit.

Yup - mine have been so much lighter than before or while I was on the pill. Again, it can be hormone related (progesterone I think) or it can just be that cycles have changed. I have implanted twice with the light cycles though so I guess it is not necessarily a game stopper :shrug:

Hi guys im new to this so a big hellp from me!
I'm gettig really frustrated now as I came off the pill in July, started my withdrawal bleed on 27 July, and nothing since then.

Over the last couple of days ive had sore breasts underneath, and also the sides of my armpits. Tonight I noticed little white lumps on my nipples too. I don't know if any of these symptoms are related to coming off the pill or hormones, but its driving me up the wall as I feel like i have no idea whats going on in my body. The really annoying thing is, half the time I think im making the symptoms up in my head!!

I just want my period to come back as naturally I'm assuming something is wrong with me. I have had unprotected sex about 10 times this month, but all hpt have been negative (ive done way too many).

Anyone else in a similar situation? I'd love to hear about a similar situation that ended with a pregnancy!

:wave: Welcome to you and the other new ladies. As Reba and Snowflake mentioned, we have all been there - most of us had long cycles after the pill and so know how you are feeling. It does not mean that anything is wrong with you, it can just take time (6 months sometimes longer). My first cycle off the pill was 55 days long, then I had a random 29 day one followed by a 89 day one. It can just take some time for your cycles to readjust after the pill. It takes a while to get those hormones flowing again.

I'm not sure about the symptoms - I had some pretty odd ones during my first two cycles off the pill. They can be post-ovulation symptoms or pregnancy symptoms - the problem is that the symptoms are very similar! :shrug: If I were you I would keep testing once a week and if it went on much longer head to the drs to ask for advice.
Hi I hope I can join here for some help and advice. My husband and I started ttc to conceive in August. I came off bc and had a period on the 9th of August and since then nothing nada!! Been to the doctors twice including today and he's seems totally dumb founded and not giving me any advice. actually he wants me to come back on Tuesday to see a female doctor to give me advice. Surely should I not get a blood test or scan or something?? Beginning to think there something wrong with me. I have put on weight and loads of preg symptoms but surely if I was preggo it would come up now on tests?? what do you's think??

Welcome Amelia, you are definitely in the right place. It actually seems to be quite common for it to take a while for your cycles to go back to normal after you come off bcp, it's just something they don't tell you when they prescribe it to you - and it's so frustrating when you are ready for that baby! I think most people get regular cycles back after 3 - 6 months but it can take longer without there necessarily being a problem. Speak to the female dr next week and see if you can convince her to do blood tests just to reassure you. Hopefully it will just sort itself out for you soon hon :hugs:

Snowflake thanks for getting back to my message. I foolishly thought when I came off bc my cycles would go back to normal straight away! how silly was I!! I spent so many years preventing babies now that you want them it's like your body is fighting back!! I will take your advice and ask for blood test. it just feels like am missing out on chances of conceiving with cycle so long. ah well hopefully things will get to normal soon

Hi Amelia you'll find that many of us on this thread have experienced a lack of period since BCP or even extremely long cycles. Had I not taken Provera to force a period I would still be waiting for one to happen and I stopped taking it in March! It's not fun for sure. We're all here to support each other though :) Welcome!


There was another lady who I forgot to welcome! Forgotten the name now but welcome :hugs:

Reba thank you so glad I found this thread otherwise I would have my husband drove mad
Sorry I've not been around much, been at a conference and trying to organise a fun day with other childminders so it's been hectic.

Am on CD14, copious EWCM with slight spotting - is this what it's like to be normal?
oooh Fluffette share with us what it's like to be normal! :D
Thanks for the reply struth, i really feel so frustrated at the moment. Does anyone know if certain body sizes or low blood pressure are more susceptible to post pill period abandoment?! I'm the biggest worrier going, and so so impatient so I'm seriously struggling with this, I keep wanting to burst into tears!! I have been to my GP and he said if I want he'll take some blood to check if hormone levels are ok, but the problem is, im petrified of needles - I'm a no hoper, haha!!

Has anyone heard of fertilaid? Was thinking of trying it but don't want to be hasty - its been 3 months since my withdrawal bleed and literally no sign of af, not even spotting.

Also, I know stress can delay a period but how long would that last for?
Bit nervous and anxious about tomorrow as I haven't had a period since 9th August!!! This is our first cycle trying to conceive after coming off bc. I know coming off bc affects your body and your cycles but seriously this is not funny. I've been in the doctors twice and my doctor (male) is clueless as what to do next. Instead he wants me to go to a female doctor tomorrow morning, am psyching myself up to ask for a blood test. 85 days thats 12 weeks and I'm pretty sure I ov this month but all tests are negative.

I read yesterday in another forum about a woman who was in the same position as me, had no period for 15 weeks, all preg tests and blood tests came back negative however she was sure she was preg and asked for a scan. She got a trans-vaginal scan and showed that she was something like 12 weeks pregnant!

I know the chances of it happening to me is slim but I do feel pregnant and have put on weight. Today I even had to buy bigger underwear. Hopefully tomorrow I'll have more information, either way this is frying my head. Am I pregnant or not. Say a prayer for me. I'll keep in touch :thumbup:
Bit nervous and anxious about tomorrow as I haven't had a period since 9th August!!! This is our first cycle trying to conceive after coming off bc. I know coming off bc affects your body and your cycles but seriously this is not funny. I've been in the doctors twice and my doctor (male) is clueless as what to do next. Instead he wants me to go to a female doctor tomorrow morning, am psyching myself up to ask for a blood test. 85 days thats 12 weeks and I'm pretty sure I ov this month but all tests are negative.

I read yesterday in another forum about a woman who was in the same position as me, had no period for 15 weeks, all preg tests and blood tests came back negative however she was sure she was preg and asked for a scan. She got a trans-vaginal scan and showed that she was something like 12 weeks pregnant!

I know the chances of it happening to me is slim but I do feel pregnant and have put on weight. Today I even had to buy bigger underwear. Hopefully tomorrow I'll have more information, either way this is frying my head. Am I pregnant or not. Say a prayer for me. I'll keep in touch :thumbup:

I've got my fingers crossed for you! I've had little to no symptoms during my no period times, so I'd say having symptoms makes it at least slightly more of a possibility that you're pregnant rather then a hormone imbalance. Good luck!
oooh Fluffette share with us what it's like to be normal! :D

Weird... and slightly unsettling. :thumbup:

:haha: This made me smile. Let's hope that your ovulation is just around the corner :hugs: Keep us posted hon and then we can all be jealous of your regular-ness!

Thanks for the reply struth, i really feel so frustrated at the moment. Does anyone know if certain body sizes or low blood pressure are more susceptible to post pill period abandoment?! I'm the biggest worrier going, and so so impatient so I'm seriously struggling with this, I keep wanting to burst into tears!! I have been to my GP and he said if I want he'll take some blood to check if hormone levels are ok, but the problem is, im petrified of needles - I'm a no hoper, haha!!

Has anyone heard of fertilaid? Was thinking of trying it but don't want to be hasty - its been 3 months since my withdrawal bleed and literally no sign of af, not even spotting.

Also, I know stress can delay a period but how long would that last for?

I'm afraid I don't know about body sizes or low blood pressure. I just know it can take some time for our bodies to start doing what the pill suppressed. I know exactly how you feel - I was the same. It used to really get me down. However, the chances are that it will return to normal in time. I know when you are in the midst of it you just can't imagine being 'normal' but it is perfectly possible that you will be in time. My cycles took a full six months to sort themselves out (and I'm not even sure that they have now - time will tell).

Hang in there honey - and if you get really stressed perhaps you can pluck the courage up for that blood test?
Things are pretty good. Although I am sorry to see another MMC on your siggy. I have been thinking about all you lovely ladies lately and wanted to stop in and see how everyone is.

I'm afraid so :cry: I had the mmc in August at 9 weeks and then got pregnant straight away again (no AF). I knew something wasn't right from the off though and I ended up having a natural mc at 6 weeks (3 weeks ago). I'm on my first cycle since the second mc and have just ovulated yesterday (a respectable cd25) so I'm hoping that my cycles might be regulating. Only time will tell though...

I am sorry to hear that! I won't lie, I am scared to death of finally getting pregnant and then losing it. I really hope your sticky bean is around the corner! I'm trying to remember, did you ever see a RE?
:hugs: to everyone!

:hugs: to you too!

Things are pretty good. Although I am sorry to see another MMC on your siggy. I have been thinking about all you lovely ladies lately and wanted to stop in and see how everyone is.

I'm afraid so :cry: I had the mmc in August at 9 weeks and then got pregnant straight away again (no AF). I knew something wasn't right from the off though and I ended up having a natural mc at 6 weeks (3 weeks ago). I'm on my first cycle since the second mc and have just ovulated yesterday (a respectable cd25) so I'm hoping that my cycles might be regulating. Only time will tell though...

I am sorry to hear that! I won't lie, I am scared to death of finally getting pregnant and then losing it. I really hope your sticky bean is around the corner! I'm trying to remember, did you ever see a RE?

I had my bloods tested and they indicated PCOS (high LH to FSH ratio) so I went for a scan and that was inconclusive (the tech thought that one ovary was poly-cystic but that it was too small to say for definite, the other he thought had a chocolate cyst on it (endo) but it is apparently more likely that it was ovulation! Not a great amount of faith in that tech!). I then got referred to a gynae for further investigation but by the time I got there I was pregnant so he just sent me away with a congratulations!

I'm still curious as to whether I have PCOS though or whether my hormones were wonky due to the pill. I have decided that if I get AF this cycle I will make an appointment with my GP to ask to pursue that line again. I have other symptoms of PCOS (acne, hair, mcs etc) and I'm concerned about potential long term health issues too (increased risk of heart disease/diabetes) so it would only be right for them to decide either way.

I'm sure that when you get there you will hold on to yours :hugs: The chances are in your favour (75%) - I keep reminding myself of that!
Went to doctors today, currently cd85 and no sign of af. The female doctor wasn't overly concerned. She did bloods to check for hormone levels, thyroid etc.. I have to go back in 2 weeks to get results. She told me I just need to be patient, easier said than done!:wacko:

I also want your opinions on this... I asked about cases where pregnancy tests showed neg when in fact your where preggo?? I read so many cases of women not showing positive until they were 6 - 12 weeks gone. She dismissed this and said if I was preg it would show up 2 weeks after you had sex
Thanks for the reply struth, i really feel so frustrated at the moment. Does anyone know if certain body sizes or low blood pressure are more susceptible to post pill period abandoment?! I'm the biggest worrier going, and so so impatient so I'm seriously struggling with this, I keep wanting to burst into tears!! I have been to my GP and he said if I want he'll take some blood to check if hormone levels are ok, but the problem is, im petrified of needles - I'm a no hoper, haha!!

Has anyone heard of fertilaid? Was thinking of trying it but don't want to be hasty - its been 3 months since my withdrawal bleed and literally no sign of af, not even spotting.

Also, I know stress can delay a period but how long would that last for?

I'm afraid I don't know about body sizes or low blood pressure. I just know it can take some time for our bodies to start doing what the pill suppressed. I know exactly how you feel - I was the same. It used to really get me down. However, the chances are that it will return to normal in time. I know when you are in the midst of it you just can't imagine being 'normal' but it is perfectly possible that you will be in time. My cycles took a full six months to sort themselves out (and I'm not even sure that they have now - time will tell).

Hang in there honey - and if you get really stressed perhaps you can pluck the courage up for that blood test?

I agree with Struth in that it can take time for your hormones to sort themselves out. I read anything varying from no time to a year to sort out. Mine have taken almost a year and a 1/2 and still going - but then I have PCOS too. I had my first *spotting* just a few weeks ago btw. Before that I'd had no hints at all either.

As for body types, I think it depends. If you are overweight or obese like me, then that could lend itself more to the possibility of PCOS or something else being wrong. Did your doc mention what kind of tests he/she would be doing if you decided to do those? I think you could probably wait a bit longer to see if you start on your own, but I do also see the benefit of checking for things like PCOS.

I am sorry to hear that! I won't lie, I am scared to death of finally getting pregnant and then losing it. I really hope your sticky bean is around the corner! I'm trying to remember, did you ever see a RE?

You aren't alone in feeling that way. I know that my mom went through a mc between my brother and I being born and I just don't know how I would handle it if I got pregnant after a year and a 1/2 of trying only to lose it. My heartfelt thoughts and wishes for a sticky bean for any ladies that have been through a MC.

I had my bloods tested and they indicated PCOS (high LH to FSH ratio) so I went for a scan and that was inconclusive (the tech thought that one ovary was poly-cystic but that it was too small to say for definite, the other he thought had a chocolate cyst on it (endo) but it is apparently more likely that it was ovulation! Not a great amount of faith in that tech!). I then got referred to a gynae for further investigation but by the time I got there I was pregnant so he just sent me away with a congratulations!

I'm still curious as to whether I have PCOS though or whether my hormones were wonky due to the pill. I have decided that if I get AF this cycle I will make an appointment with my GP to ask to pursue that line again. I have other symptoms of PCOS (acne, hair, mcs etc) and I'm concerned about potential long term health issues too (increased risk of heart disease/diabetes) so it would only be right for them to decide either way.

I'm sure that when you get there you will hold on to yours :hugs: The chances are in your favour (75%) - I keep reminding myself of that!

I think your plan to follow up on the PCOS is a a good one. I know for me that in the sadness of finding out that I had PCOS was the silver lining of knowing more about my body. That included finding out about the pcos/insulin resistance so that I can work now to keep myself out of the clutches of diabetes, finding out that I have bad genes (3/4) so that I know that I have to stay away from red meat as much as possible because I'm more susceptible to heart disease then most, as well as finding out about sleep apnea, heel spurs, althetes foot, and probably more things later this week. It's been a long journey of discovery for me.

Went to doctors today, currently cd85 and no sign of af. The female doctor wasn't overly concerned. She did bloods to check for hormone levels, thyroid etc.. I have to go back in 2 weeks to get results. She told me I just need to be patient, easier said than done!:wacko:

I also want your opinions on this... I asked about cases where pregnancy tests showed neg when in fact your where preggo?? I read so many cases of women not showing positive until they were 6 - 12 weeks gone. She dismissed this and said if I was preg it would show up 2 weeks after you had sex

How thorough were your blood tests? Do you remember? When my endo sent me in for blood tests, she had me do something like 17 tests! But the time before when my ex-OB had me do blood tests, it was only maybe 3 tests (or at least 3 vials of blood) and wasn't thorough enough to look for the real problems that I had.

As to your 2nd question, I don't think that there is a conclusive answer. When I was first starting TTC, I was in the dollar store buying a handful of hpt's and was 'accosted' by this lady that laughed at how many (10) hpt's that I was buying. She swore that you just *know* when you are pregnant and that tests (both blood and hpt's) didn't work for her when she got pregnant. So I think that yes it CAN happen, but I doubt it happens very often.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you, because I would love to see you added to that equation, but don't get your hopes up too far ok? *hugs*
Hi dodgercpkl, thanks for replying. The tests are basic she said. She took 4 viles of blood. God it's hard not get your hopes up but am gonna try and take it easy see what happens. The doctor did mention that I must not be ov but could not tell for sure. Hopefully when I get bloods back I'll know more.
Thanks again Struth, you'll be pleased to know after your wise words I decided to get a grip and have booked an appointment to get my blood test, its on Monday. Hilariously, I've also been given a prescription for diazepam to chill me out before the "ordeal" think I am actually doing all of this to get pregnant and go through labour, as if I think I can handle that!!

Thanks as well Dodger, I ask some silly questions I know. This is all so new to me so I'm literally clueless!! What does CD mean? as is CD25. So would you both say its perfectly normal (or at least not uncommon) to not have a period after the pill, then go on to get pregnant fairly quickly? Or am I doing a little bit of wishful thinking there?

Thanks again ladies, the support on here is a lifesaver x

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