Post-pill irregular cycles support thread!!

CD is cycle day
so I am on CD13 today
Your cycle starts the first day of your period - it's kinda backwards to how you think it should be but that's how they count it. So 13 days ago my period started and now hopefully I'm gearing up for ovulation.

So someone who says I'm on CD 89 had a period start 89 days ago and is still waiting for another one to come.

As for getting pregnant right after coming off the pill. Yes it is possible. However, you'll find that many of the women in this thread have not had that happen. That's why we are here. I haven't ovulated since coming off the pill in March unless I did in April.. so if we count an ovulation in April I haven't had an ovulation in 6 months. I've taken Provera to force a period to come so that I can reset my CD counter but that's about it.

Without an ovulation there is no chance of getting pregnant so it's quite frustrating. If you aren't sure if you are ovulating then I would start taking your basal body temperature. For more information on this I would visit they have lots of information and even a course on how to take your temperature etc. I completely understand the frustrations of all those women in my situation. If you want to see what a basal body temperature (BBT) chart looks like click on my linked temping chart in my signature where it says CD13 :)
:) :hugs:
CD is cycle day
so I am on CD13 today
Your cycle starts the first day of your period - it's kinda backwards to how you think it should be but that's how they count it. So 13 days ago my period started and now hopefully I'm gearing up for ovulation.

So someone who says I'm on CD 89 had a period start 89 days ago and is still waiting for another one to come.

As for getting pregnant right after coming off the pill. Yes it is possible. However, you'll find that many of the women in this thread have not had that happen. That's why we are here. I haven't ovulated since coming off the pill in March unless I did in April.. so if we count an ovulation in April I haven't had an ovulation in 6 months. I've taken Provera to force a period to come so that I can reset my CD counter but that's about it.

Without an ovulation there is no chance of getting pregnant so it's quite frustrating. If you aren't sure if you are ovulating then I would start taking your basal body temperature. For more information on this I would visit they have lots of information and even a course on how to take your temperature etc. I completely understand the frustrations of all those women in my situation. If you want to see what a basal body temperature (BBT) chart looks like click on my linked temping chart in my signature where it says CD13 :)
:) :hugs:

Thanks so much for explaining that so thoroughly Reba. I actually started taking my BBT yesterday, it was 36.32 (97.34F) yesterday and 36.20 (97.16F) today - however I have no clue what thats telling me...any idea where I might be in my cycle? The problem is, I haven't had a period yet so am I even classed as being in a cycle? If so, last period started (withdrawal bleed from last pill) 28 July, which was 97 days ago.

I've also been checking out my CM and there was a noticable difference on about 18 Oct (same as ovulation cm is described), so we :sex: however I did a test this morning and needless to say BFN.Fairly sure it should be showing now if i was preggo. Then again, if it was ovulation shouldn't my af be here now? So confusing, so frustrating.

My face has decided to present me with 4 large spots which I dont normally get, however I'm putting this down to the weather changing and getting v cold as my skin is dry too. The only other thing I've noticed is twinges so so low down, like below my pubic hair line - do you know if this menas anything?

Thanks again, any more pearls of wisdom greatly appreciated x
Hi all,

I spent the weekend reading through most of the 130 or so pages of this thread. I feel so much calmer knowing I'm not the only one with no period!

My story: I was on the pill for 15 or so years; stopped in Jan 2011; I had my period in Feb, April and July. Since 4th July 2011, I've had no bleeding at all.. I saw my GP last week and she referred me for blood tests and scan to investigate PCOS. I felt extremely upset for a few days and catastrophised the situation.. As I said, having read your stories, I feel calmer. I will get my blood test results in two weeks. Not sure how soon I'll get the scan appointment.

We have been TTC since August 2011.

In regards to possibly having PCOS:
- I'm normal weight;
- I had acne as a teenager and I get occasional spots now;
- I have greasy hair and get spots on the hair line;
- Since reading about PCOS I have noticed I have fine facial hair and my husband mentioned this has appeared in the last six months (i.e. since stopping the pill). Maybe there's been a slight increase as I'm sure I didn't have this before..

It really scares me what's to come in the coming months... Hoping to use this forum for support :hugs:
The only way to tell what is going on is to keep taking that temperature. I started temping mid cycle. I have always tracked when I have my periods from when I first started as my mom said it was a good thing to do. So I knew when I'd had my last period so I counted back and I think I started temping on CD23 or something so I just kept counting up from there.

I had several ups and downs of temps along with fertile CM which did not produce AF or a BFP. It is possible that your body has been trying to ovulate like mine was and not succeeding. I think the first cycle I had 2-3 patches of fertile CM and I got all excited and then my temp did not go up. Feel free to check out the other months that I have on fertility friend (FF) because they may help you with the charting :) For example the cycle that started July 5th had two patches of fertile CM but there was no significant temp rise and no AF (aunt flow/period) afterwards. I ended up taking Provera starting on CD52 to induce a period.
Hi all,

I spent the weekend reading through most of the 130 or so pages of this thread. I feel so much calmer knowing I'm not the only one with no period!

My story: I was on the pill for 15 or so years; stopped in Jan 2011; I had my period in Feb, April and July. Since 4th July 2011, I've had no bleeding at all.. I saw my GP last week and she referred me for blood tests and scan to investigate PCOS. I felt extremely upset for a few days and catastrophised the situation.. As I said, having read your stories, I feel calmer. I will get my blood test results in two weeks. Not sure how soon I'll get the scan appointment.

We have been TTC since August 2011.

In regards to possibly having PCOS:
- I'm normal weight;
- I had acne as a teenager and I get occasional spots now;
- I have greasy hair and get spots on the hair line;
- Since reading about PCOS I have noticed I have fine facial hair and my husband mentioned this has appeared in the last six months (i.e. since stopping the pill). Maybe there's been a slight increase as I'm sure I didn't have this before..

It really scares me what's to come in the coming months... Hoping to use this forum for support :hugs:

Welcome and good luck. That was quite a bit of reading you did!
You came to the right place :)
Mouse - glad to hear that you made that appointment! If you are going to get pregnant you sure are going to have to get used to blood tests and pain! Let us know how you get on. I'm with Reba about the signs - it can be so difficult to tell without charting or using opks (ovulation predictor kits). During my first cycle I thought I had ovulated 3 times!! :haha: If you haven't started already I would certainly recommend fertility friend. It take a bit of getting used to to start with but you will soon get the hang of it and then you will be more knowledgeable about your cycle. As for getting pregnant soon after the pill - it is possible I guess. I got pregnant on my 4th cycle (which was 7 months after I came off the pill) but I mc at 9 weeks. Everyone is different so it is difficult to get any absolute advice.

Pinkypaws - welcome hon! You are indeed in the right place.
Thanks again Struth, you'll be pleased to know after your wise words I decided to get a grip and have booked an appointment to get my blood test, its on Monday. Hilariously, I've also been given a prescription for diazepam to chill me out before the "ordeal" think I am actually doing all of this to get pregnant and go through labour, as if I think I can handle that!!

Thanks as well Dodger, I ask some silly questions I know. This is all so new to me so I'm literally clueless!! What does CD mean? as is CD25. So would you both say its perfectly normal (or at least not uncommon) to not have a period after the pill, then go on to get pregnant fairly quickly? Or am I doing a little bit of wishful thinking there?

Thanks again ladies, the support on here is a lifesaver x

I see Struth answered all of your questions already, but I wanted to jump in and say that I'm glad you decided to go ahead and do the testing! I too hate needles and I've had a few traumatic experiences with having my blood taken for tests. I've steeled myself up to do what I need to do to get this baby though. lol I know he or she will be so very worth it!!

My recommendation is that if you find a tech that does a great job with taking your blood, get his/her name so that you can make sure he/she is working the next time you have to have blood taken. I found a lady that does a fabulous job, but then when I went in this morning it was someone else who did a much less then fabulous job. (I survived obviously lol)

Oh and your questions aren't at all silly! I was in your shoes last year. You learn by asking questions! :)
Went to doctors today, currently cd85 and no sign of af. The female doctor wasn't overly concerned. She did bloods to check for hormone levels, thyroid etc.. I have to go back in 2 weeks to get results. She told me I just need to be patient, easier said than done!:wacko:

I also want your opinions on this... I asked about cases where pregnancy tests showed neg when in fact your where preggo?? I read so many cases of women not showing positive until they were 6 - 12 weeks gone. She dismissed this and said if I was preg it would show up 2 weeks after you had sex

Sorry to say but if you are on CD 85 and still showing a negative test then you are most likely not pregnant. HCG starts appearing in you system 7-14 days after ovulation so it should for sure be showing up.

I would assume at this point that you did not ovulate and you will not have your period. At this point your doctor should be testing you for possible PCOS and starting you on Provera to induce a cycle.

Same thing happened to me. I hate when doctors brush stuff like this off as "no big deal". Just keep pushing to make sure you are getting the best care possible :hugs:

:hugs: to everyone!

:hugs: to you too!

Things are pretty good. Although I am sorry to see another MMC on your siggy. I have been thinking about all you lovely ladies lately and wanted to stop in and see how everyone is.

I'm afraid so :cry: I had the mmc in August at 9 weeks and then got pregnant straight away again (no AF). I knew something wasn't right from the off though and I ended up having a natural mc at 6 weeks (3 weeks ago). I'm on my first cycle since the second mc and have just ovulated yesterday (a respectable cd25) so I'm hoping that my cycles might be regulating. Only time will tell though...

I am sorry to hear that! I won't lie, I am scared to death of finally getting pregnant and then losing it. I really hope your sticky bean is around the corner! I'm trying to remember, did you ever see a RE?

I had my bloods tested and they indicated PCOS (high LH to FSH ratio) so I went for a scan and that was inconclusive (the tech thought that one ovary was poly-cystic but that it was too small to say for definite, the other he thought had a chocolate cyst on it (endo) but it is apparently more likely that it was ovulation! Not a great amount of faith in that tech!). I then got referred to a gynae for further investigation but by the time I got there I was pregnant so he just sent me away with a congratulations!

I'm still curious as to whether I have PCOS though or whether my hormones were wonky due to the pill. I have decided that if I get AF this cycle I will make an appointment with my GP to ask to pursue that line again. I have other symptoms of PCOS (acne, hair, mcs etc) and I'm concerned about potential long term health issues too (increased risk of heart disease/diabetes) so it would only be right for them to decide either way.

I'm sure that when you get there you will hold on to yours :hugs: The chances are in your favour (75%) - I keep reminding myself of that!

It sounds to me like you might have a little PCOS. My doctor says usually if you fit 3 or more symptoms then you do. But if you are ovulating on your own that is really good. I hope that everything goes as planned for you!

Hi all,

I spent the weekend reading through most of the 130 or so pages of this thread. I feel so much calmer knowing I'm not the only one with no period!

My story: I was on the pill for 15 or so years; stopped in Jan 2011; I had my period in Feb, April and July. Since 4th July 2011, I've had no bleeding at all.. I saw my GP last week and she referred me for blood tests and scan to investigate PCOS. I felt extremely upset for a few days and catastrophised the situation.. As I said, having read your stories, I feel calmer. I will get my blood test results in two weeks. Not sure how soon I'll get the scan appointment.

We have been TTC since August 2011.

In regards to possibly having PCOS:
- I'm normal weight;
- I had acne as a teenager and I get occasional spots now;
- I have greasy hair and get spots on the hair line;
- Since reading about PCOS I have noticed I have fine facial hair and my husband mentioned this has appeared in the last six months (i.e. since stopping the pill). Maybe there's been a slight increase as I'm sure I didn't have this before..

It really scares me what's to come in the coming months... Hoping to use this forum for support :hugs:

Good luck with your upcoming tests! If it is PCOS then there are a lot of options out there to help you have a baby. Welcome to the forums! :thumbup:
Yeah - I think you are right Trishg. It just all fits, you know? I'm definitely going to make an appointment if AF arrives this cycle. You are right though - if it is PCOS than I am one of the lucky ones as I am ovulating. I think, however, I have low progesterone to go with it as I spot from 7/8dpo... I think that is likely why I can't stay pregnant :shrug:

We'll get there though! How are things with you?
Hi Amelia,

The odds are that at CD85 and no BFP, you aren't pregnant unfortunately. However, it does happen occasionally - it happened to me. I wasn't trying - in fact we were trying not to get pregnant. We had unprotected sex once and I went to get the morning after pill straight away. A few weeks later - no AF, so we did a test, BFN. AF didn't turn up so we did clear blue, first response, everything. Then I started being sick in the mornings - a test in the doctor's was another BFN. I carried on being sick, and started to put on weight, yet again tests came back BFN. The GP was adamant I could not be pregnant, so I was to be referred for an ultrasound to see if I had gallstones. One evening I found a spare clear blue test and thought "what the hell". BFP.

At the GP's the next day he examined me and deduced I was about 12-15 weeks pregnant. So at weeks 8, 10, and 11 I had been in his office, and he had dipped my wee and the tests came back negative. He wouldn't have believed it was possible if he hadn't done the tests himself.

An investigation revealed that the tests were perfectly fine, no faults at all, it was just the levels of HCG I was producing were too low to register on his tests, or there's something about my kidneys that means very little HCG is in my wee. However it is very rare, I'm the only case my GP's practice has encountered I believe.

I really really hope you get some answers one way or another soon lovely x

I love any excuse to tell that story.

An update from me - I'm all over the place. I appear to have O'd so hopefully we've caught it, but I feel really strange. I veer from being so happy we are trying again, to gutted we are back here when I should be 4 months pregnant, to terrified we'll lose another one. It's driving me mad, and my poor hubby is putting up with the most awful moodswings.

Pinkypaws - welcome to the thread, everyone here is really lovely, good luck with your tests.

Mouse - good luck on Monday, I loathe needles but I guess we need to suck it up and face our fears. Enjoy the diazepam! :thumbup:
Yeah - I think you are right Trishg. It just all fits, you know? I'm definitely going to make an appointment if AF arrives this cycle. You are right though - if it is PCOS than I am one of the lucky ones as I am ovulating. I think, however, I have low progesterone to go with it as I spot from 7/8dpo... I think that is likely why I can't stay pregnant :shrug:

We'll get there though! How are things with you?

I really thinks it's good to know. First of all finding out about it for me, gave me a bit of peace of mind in knowing what was going wrong ya know? I guess because it gave me something that I COULD work on and help the process out. 2nd of all, as Trish mentions, knowing you have it, gives you options to help get you pregnant and hopefully stay pregnant.

I'm jealous of your ovulating by the way! :)

Fluffette - Holy cow! That's truly an amazing story! Thank you so much for sharing! *hugs* I can only imagine how you must feel having lost a child through miscarriage. That's something I'm so thankful that I've never had to experience and hope I never do. My thoughts and prayers go with you that you get your sticky bean soon!
Guys thanks so much for the comments and support. I've had a strange day today, I went really lightheaded for a while (after lunch so wasn't anything to do with food) and I just keep filling up with tears!! To be honest I think the stress is getting to me a bit, either that or af is on its way which would really make me over the moon! Im seriously hoping it makes an appearance before the dreaded appointment on monday.

Fluffette, you're right to be excited about trying again, stay positive - I know its easier said than done but all the stress will be worth it in the end.

Ive been reading the comments about PCOS and I dont really know much (actually anything) about it but naturally am thinking that could be a problem with me. Not sure I fit the bill though - I'm quite small in size, never really have bad cramps even before i was on the pill and I don't have bad skin (just a few random spots which have appeared this week). Does this mean Im safe or could it be that I might just not have any obvious symptoms? Just wondering if I should mention it to my doctor on Monday.
Ive been reading the comments about PCOS and I dont really know much (actually anything) about it but naturally am thinking that could be a problem with me. Not sure I fit the bill though - I'm quite small in size, never really have bad cramps even before i was on the pill and I don't have bad skin (just a few random spots which have appeared this week). Does this mean Im safe or could it be that I might just not have any obvious symptoms? Just wondering if I should mention it to my doctor on Monday.

I think it's definitely worth asking about. I didn't have bad skin until recently, and I've never really had a lot of cramping in my periods - just occasionally - mostly I get back aches. I am overweight, but I think that there are other ladies that don't show pcos with weight that still have pcos. I think it doesn't hurt to ask about it and at least get the doc's input on whether he/she thinks taking it further is necessary. I think in my early 20's I was in the weight I was supposed to be and showed no outward signs of pcos, but I did have an irregular period and I'm pretty sure that I've had pcos all my life - gut feeling on that one. lol So like I said, worth asking about. :)
Thanks for the advice there. So does PCOS make it harder to conceive?

Also, I've been meaning to ask - is there any vitamin or herb that you can get to encourage menstruation?
Vitamin C is supposed to bring on AF, but it has to be without bioflavonoids and added ascerbic acid or something like that - I've never used it, but there will be ladies on the B&B boards somewhere who have so you can find out how much you need to take.

Agnus Castus - or angus cactus as my 7 year old calls it - and soy isoflavones are meant to encourage ovulation. I was taking soy when I got my BFP in July on CD 100 and something :thumbup: You can get soy isoflavones in a large tesco, and holland and barrett has the Agnus Castus (also known as vitex)

Hope that helps xx
Hi Amelia,

The odds are that at CD85 and no BFP, you aren't pregnant unfortunately. However, it does happen occasionally - it happened to me. I wasn't trying - in fact we were trying not to get pregnant. We had unprotected sex once and I went to get the morning after pill straight away. A few weeks later - no AF, so we did a test, BFN. AF didn't turn up so we did clear blue, first response, everything. Then I started being sick in the mornings - a test in the doctor's was another BFN. I carried on being sick, and started to put on weight, yet again tests came back BFN. The GP was adamant I could not be pregnant, so I was to be referred for an ultrasound to see if I had gallstones. One evening I found a spare clear blue test and thought "what the hell". BFP.

At the GP's the next day he examined me and deduced I was about 12-15 weeks pregnant. So at weeks 8, 10, and 11 I had been in his office, and he had dipped my wee and the tests came back negative. He wouldn't have believed it was possible if he hadn't done the tests himself.

An investigation revealed that the tests were perfectly fine, no faults at all, it was just the levels of HCG I was producing were too low to register on his tests, or there's something about my kidneys that means very little HCG is in my wee. However it is very rare, I'm the only case my GP's practice has encountered I believe.

I really really hope you get some answers one way or another soon lovely x

I love any excuse to tell that story.

An update from me - I'm all over the place. I appear to have O'd so hopefully we've caught it, but I feel really strange. I veer from being so happy we are trying again, to gutted we are back here when I should be 4 months pregnant, to terrified we'll lose another one. It's driving me mad, and my poor hubby is putting up with the most awful moodswings.

Pinkypaws - welcome to the thread, everyone here is really lovely, good luck with your tests.

Mouse - good luck on Monday, I loathe needles but I guess we need to suck it up and face our fears. Enjoy the diazepam! :thumbup:

Fluffette - was that your little boy's pregnancy you described above? The reason I ask is I had a similar thing happen to me - split condom, morning after pill which didn't work. I however, went on to mc at about 7/8 weeks and I always put it down to the morning after pill messing up the pregnancy. But it seems that your pregnancy progressed? Wow - did anyone say that you were at risk of mc because of the morning after pill - I guess you were so far gone by the time you found out that you were past the worse.

I'm just wondering whether I shouldn't be putting that mc down to the morning after pill?

Yeah - I think you are right Trishg. It just all fits, you know? I'm definitely going to make an appointment if AF arrives this cycle. You are right though - if it is PCOS than I am one of the lucky ones as I am ovulating. I think, however, I have low progesterone to go with it as I spot from 7/8dpo... I think that is likely why I can't stay pregnant :shrug:

We'll get there though! How are things with you?

I really thinks it's good to know. First of all finding out about it for me, gave me a bit of peace of mind in knowing what was going wrong ya know? I guess because it gave me something that I COULD work on and help the process out. 2nd of all, as Trish mentions, knowing you have it, gives you options to help get you pregnant and hopefully stay pregnant.

I'm jealous of your ovulating by the way! :)


I agree - I'm concerned about any long term impact too, especially as we have diabetes in the family. I just don't know what to have investigated first - my recurrent mcs, my LPD, or my possible PCOS!!!

You are right though - ovulation is the main thing and I am lucky to be doing that at the moment. :hugs:
Fluffette - was that your little boy's pregnancy you described above? The reason I ask is I had a similar thing happen to me - split condom, morning after pill which didn't work. I however, went on to mc at about 7/8 weeks and I always put it down to the morning after pill messing up the pregnancy. But it seems that your pregnancy progressed? Wow - did anyone say that you were at risk of mc because of the morning after pill - I guess you were so far gone by the time you found out that you were past the worse.

I'm just wondering whether I shouldn't be putting that mc down to the morning after pill?

Yup, I had him at 34 weeks, shortest pregnancy in history. No one mentioned any increased risk of miscarriage, but like you say I was so far along by then that it would have been a tiny risk. His prematurity was caused by a secondary condition, totally unconnected to the MAP.

I think DS is meant to be here - he survived the MAP, a couple of really heavy nights out, a car accident (which was dangerous as I have -ve blood and he is +ve, if I'd known I was pregnant I would have needed anti-d injections) and the mosh pit of a Linkin Park gig :happydance::happydance:
Vitamin C is supposed to bring on AF, but it has to be without bioflavonoids and added ascerbic acid or something like that - I've never used it, but there will be ladies on the B&B boards somewhere who have so you can find out how much you need to take.

Thanks for the idea about VitC, on CD 60 now and big fat NOTHIN going on
Fluffette - was that your little boy's pregnancy you described above? The reason I ask is I had a similar thing happen to me - split condom, morning after pill which didn't work. I however, went on to mc at about 7/8 weeks and I always put it down to the morning after pill messing up the pregnancy. But it seems that your pregnancy progressed? Wow - did anyone say that you were at risk of mc because of the morning after pill - I guess you were so far gone by the time you found out that you were past the worse.

I'm just wondering whether I shouldn't be putting that mc down to the morning after pill?

Yup, I had him at 34 weeks, shortest pregnancy in history. No one mentioned any increased risk of miscarriage, but like you say I was so far along by then that it would have been a tiny risk. His prematurity was caused by a secondary condition, totally unconnected to the MAP.

I think DS is meant to be here - he survived the MAP, a couple of really heavy nights out, a car accident (which was dangerous as I have -ve blood and he is +ve, if I'd known I was pregnant I would have needed anti-d injections) and the mosh pit of a Linkin Park gig :happydance::happydance:

He's obviously a survivor!!!

Hmm.... that has got me thinking. I had always 'discounted' that mc as I thought is was due to the MAP. However, now I have had two others, it has made me wonder whether I had problems back then too.... I think that I am slowly coming round to the idea of asking the GP to test my progesterone...

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