So my appointment was 9:20 and I got home at 5pm.... Since I don't like to do things by halves
had my scan first thing this morning and baby is oblique breech so head is down near my right hip and back up and round my ribs, so not quite transverse r breech lol anyway the sonographer was brilliant and thorough. Checked placenta site, Doppler flow of cord due to high blood pressure and also my previous section scar to ensure it wasn't problematic. Well, whilst she was checking cervix, she noticed something didn't look right so she went for second opinion and came back with a second sonographer as consultant asked for internal scan for better look.
Basically they could see tissue which was attached to cervix which may ormay not prevent a vaginal delivery. They couldn't be sure as only actually trying it out would tell wether it would be bothersome or not. They did advise that it could be what is preventing baby from going head down.
Afterwards I had day care unit for blood pressure monitoring which went okish however I had a headache. The consultant came to see me and advised that the swelling in my legs was severe and he noticed swelling around my face and hands and although my urine is protein free, given the information received at scan, she felt it would be best to go ahead and plan for section before things take turn for worse given my history.
So ladies...... It happened...... I got the first of the steroid injections and due to get second shot tomorrow. And do you know what?? It wasn't so bad. The trick is to get it in your bum where there is a lot of fat as opposed to your hip which is where I had my last injections with previous pregnancy. It was agony in hip, although absolutely fine in bum. I was a bit shocked I needed steroid injections as I'm 37 weeks now but there is guidance that all planned c sections prior to 39 weeks require steroid injections whereas normal vaginal deliveries don't require steroids after 37 weeks.... So there's a bit of useful information ha ha
So my planned date for section is 11th January 2013 and I am aparantly first on list unless emergency overtakes of course. Ill be 38+1.
I am so scared lol xx