Pre-eclampsia, did you get it again?

the no protein is a great sign! I have high blood pressure anyway - so even going into a pregnancy I'm already on blood pressure medication.

With my last pregnancy I didn't get any protein (so no pre-e) until after I have bub. Before that they just kept upping my dose of medication to control my blood pressure until I reached 38 weeks.
I know this is an old post, but just to add another data point in case anyone new happens upon it and finds the title relevant--

#1, mild gestational hypertension starting around due date, induced 41+3, severe gestational hypertension 6 days pp but no preeclampsia.
#2, mild gestational hypertension without preeclampsia starting around 39 weeks, severe at 40 weeks, induced 40+4, back to mild, then severe again with first signs of HELLP and preeclampsia 3 days pp.

I was disappointed that it was worse the second time around -- I thought generally the risks were the highest in the first pregnancy. But obviously it can go any way.

Edited to add: one relevant factor is that I am now living in the mountains whereas for #1 I lived at sea level. There has been some research suggesting higher risks of gestational hypertension and PE at high altitudes so maybe that's part of what happened to me.
If I had preeclampsia in one pregnancy but then not in the next, what are my chances of getting it this time?
I've been told if you've had it nefore you have a higher risk of getting it again, but also with each child you have the risk gets lower
Thanks! I haven't seen my dr yet, so I'm not sure....But last time I took baby aspirin. This time I'm assuming I'll take it again?
i dont know how active this thread is but i thought id post anyway i had pre eclampsia with my first but it didnt get too bad until 38 weeks and at that time they decided to deliver. im terrified ill get it again im 16 weeks pregnant and my bp is alread 148/90 last time they checked so im terrified that its happening again and this time a lot quicker :/
I got pre eclampsia with my first son at 20 weeks, I had a c section at 26 weeks with him as I developed help, and had a full placental abruption, my second pregnancy was 2 years later and I took aspirin from the time I got a positive test till the end I was seen every two weeks and scanned every 10 days, I developed pre e again at 30 weeks and had a c section at 35 weeks !
I was put on Asprin at 12 weeks and I'm to take it until 36 weeks.

Just as a summary, had PE with my first, went from moderate to serious very quickly and induced at 36.6.

Booking in this time my bp was 140/88 and has gone up from that, but also been a bit lower also, but they are keeping a very close eye on me with midwife seeing me every 2 weeks to check BP and listen into baby and check urine.
Joey we're pretty similar :) First son I was induced at 36+2 for severe PE. Then with my second I was seen every two weeks or more the whole time and on baby aspirin from 8 weeks. No PE! This time I'm not sure, but I'm guessing I'll take baby aspirin again and hope for another PE-free pregnancy :)
With my first I developed sudden severe pre-e at 33 weeks and delivered at 33+5. I started baby aspirin at 13 weeks with my second, I developed HBP but never pre-e and was induced and delivered at 39+6.

I am almost positive that my anxiety and undiagnosed PTSD from my pre-e with my first caused the high BP with my second. I think you need to see someone for your anxiety it may help keep your BP down.
Misspriss it is interesting you say that about the anxiety and undiagnosed PND. I've suffered with terrible anxiety since having my son and looking back believe I had PND but was in denial. I am pretty sure that is why my BP has remained high. I have had counselling, done mindfulness etc and it does help but BP still high.
I also had high blood pressure with my first pregnancy.

I'm now 34 weeks and on baby aspirin, blood pressure is ok.

For those who have taken baby aspirin during pregnancy, when did you stop taking it? Did you take it until you gave birth?
I also had high blood pressure with my first pregnancy.

I'm now 34 weeks and on baby aspirin, blood pressure is ok.

For those who have taken baby aspirin during pregnancy, when did you stop taking it? Did you take it until you gave birth?

I stopped it at 36 weeks. I had a planned c section at 37 weeks but I think the rule of thumb is 36 weeks.
I also had high blood pressure with my first pregnancy.

I'm now 34 weeks and on baby aspirin, blood pressure is ok.

For those who have taken baby aspirin during pregnancy, when did you stop taking it? Did you take it until you gave birth?

I stopped it at 36 weeks. I had a planned c section at 37 weeks but I think the rule of thumb is 36 weeks.

Yes I think that's right. I am told to stop at 36 weeks also
Has anyone been found high risk for preeclampsia through blood test? I have. I had preeclampsia with my first son and they have put me on a research trial. They half the amount of high risks they get and half are given aspirin, half are given placebo. Although none of us know what we are taking. I will be monitored more closely have more appointments and scans. I'm just curious if anyone else has been in my position? Any side effects? Any advice? Thanks in advance.
What was the blood test?

With DS2 I had the combined screening done at 12 weeks where they test for Papp A levels as well. Low Papp A levels can indicate a higher risk of IGUR and pre-e. My levels were low, however since I have high blood pressure anyway they were already treating me as high risk for those things. In australia (or the drs I've encountered anyway), if you are high risk for pre e/IGUR you are automatically put on low dose aspirin until around 36 weeks.

I haven't experienced any negative side effects - maybe just bruise a bit easier and I got a cut on my lip that bled probably more than normal (nothing serious at all though)
I was offered it at my scan it just takes some of the blood and puts that and certain questions together and it calculated a risk for pre e. I'm in UK, believe it's a new thing here but as I developed it in labour with my first I was curious about it anyway. I've agreed to the clinical trial as I will get extra care and that way it would be picked up easier if it returns this time around and the research could benefit future pre e sufferers.
oh I think I've heard of that - it's not standard here but some hospitals/scanning places must offer it

never hurts to have extra monitoring :)
Because I had pre eclampsia last time, I am getting extra monitoring from midwife/hospital (as if it were a first time pregnancy). I am also seeing the sure start midwife and having my BP and urine checked every two weeks.
I had an appointment yesterday and my bp was a bit high for me at 140/83. Since I developed high blood pressure last around this time with my daughter (at 36 weeks) he is putting me on Methlydopa.

Is he being extra cautious by putting me on the meds right away after one reading? I get worried taking meds, but I would rather be proactive. He also told me to stay on the baby aspirin until closer to I give birth. He talked about possible induction if bp gets too high. I was induced with my daughter so I know what to expect and it went smoothly.

I thought I'd escape it this time, ugh. Thanks for anyone listening to my rants lol

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