Glad that little Clarke is doing well, Megan. I agree with Nima- it's always something! You'll get through this sleep regression, and it definitely won't last forever. Do you have a sound machine? We found that really helps- that and a bedtime routine start to eventually hammer home the bedtime message
I'm sorry that your daughter is struggling, Nima. I feel like you're a gentler parent than me, but I think that at some point you have to stop "apologizing" or trying too hard to accommodate her if she is being unreasonable. Ie. My MIL was visiting and playing board games with my LO. Whenever he was losing, he'd flip out and throw a tantrum. As long as she was there paying attention to him it went on and on. I eventually stepped in and told him "it's not a big deal when you lose, you can go and cry in your room and come back when you're done". And he would, but he'd be back in a few minutes because it's boring to tantrum alone
Your daughter and the baby are equals and she has to accept that. Just my two cents! You don't need to feel guilty or like you need to apologize for having a baby.
You can be loving towards her while also discouraging some of the OTT behavior.
Good luck, Elencor. Your baby will be here so soon! I hope he's in a good position for you. But I promise that a C/S isn't the end of the world if that is what happens.
AFM- I'm doing well, and am now 22w. But we found out the baby has a serious heart defect. She has only one ventricle, and will need at least two open heart surgeries. It can't ever be fixed into a normal heart, but they can try to help her. So, we've been through a lot of tears, but finally feel like we have a game plan and can focus on trying to do what we can for her.