Gail, I'm fine. no i never got the Noppies jeans, i have been living in the long tall sally yoga trousersi thought i was team pink too so i am soooo glad we found out he is a boy. good luck tomorrow and let us know if you change your mind!! xx
Mine is 1:30pm x
Anyone know where Nats is today?? maybe she's recovering from her 4am session yesterdayxxx
Jue, i've spotted her...Nats is back onlinexx
Anyone know where Nats is today?? maybe she's recovering from her 4am session yesterdayxxx
You cheeky buggers!!!! you tooJUe!!!!
It wasn't that energetic!!!
Been to playgroup this am, evie fine miraculus recovery!!! has acough but seems ok otherwise!! i did post early this am.... missed that didn't ya!!!
All fine though i have aheadache that i've had on and off a lot bit worried its bp related if mw wasn't that worried yest should i be?? chatting to friends at play group they seemed to think 139/92 was pretty high? wht do you think?
I'm always crying at post s on here think i like to torture myself, such sad storiesi can't believe what pain people have endured i'd have fallen apart.
good luck with scans tomorrow rosella and serina XX
I don't know what my BP is, i will have a look in my preg log when i get home. i know it has gone up a bit during pregnancy but not by a significant amount. Glad Evies better nowit must be awful seeing them when they are ill.
I'm ok, feeling quite chirpy today, rang around a few more garages and one of them said that they don't think i should need new brake discs as my car is only 2.5yrs old so hopefully they are going to look at it tomorrow and tell me its just pads i need
Josh has been kicking loads and lying on my right hand side. its so wierd to look down at my belly and see it stick out more on the right. Had BH again but not for long this morning
My grandparents are coming to stay next week Thurs - Sun so i'm looking forward to that and we can go out and about whilst Paul is at work. Once they have been then and Pauls best man then theres no reason why not to start on the nurseryi am just hoping Pauls mother decides she doesn't want to come at some point xx
Mine is 1:30pm x
Good luck!! Are you finding out what team?
Anyone know where Nats is today?? maybe she's recovering from her 4am session yesterdayxxx
You cheeky buggers!!!! you tooJUe!!!!
It wasn't that energetic!!!
Been to playgroup this am, evie fine miraculus recovery!!! has acough but seems ok otherwise!! i did post early this am.... missed that didn't ya!!!
All fine though i have aheadache that i've had on and off a lot bit worried its bp related if mw wasn't that worried yest should i be?? chatting to friends at play group they seemed to think 139/92 was pretty high? wht do you think?
I'm always crying at post s on here think i like to torture myself, such sad storiesi can't believe what pain people have endured i'd have fallen apart.
good luck with scans tomorrow rosella and serina XX