to update here is my birth story
Summer was born 12th June at 05.28 pm weighing in at 7lb 9oz by emergency c-sec
the reasons for the c-sec were:
low placenta...only being 3cm away from os...meaning she would of been starved of oxygen as the placenta would of come out before her...
cord in front of her head...could of caused strangulation...
she was classed as an unstable lie..she kept turning breech, transverse oblique and head down within minutes of stimulation of tummy or internal examinations
it all started on the monday when i had high BP so was monitored for a few hours in day care..
they asked me to return on the tuesday for more monitoring of BP and was booked for my induction on the wednesday morning at 9am...
wednesday at 9am i was hooked up to the heartbeat and contraction machine for monitoring...was told i could not be induced in the day care as it was baby no:9 and also coz of my low placenta, so we sat and waited all day wednesday and thursday for a slot in labour ward to become available..
friday morning i was very upset as i still did not know of when my induction as going to take place or whether i was going for a c-sec as she kept turning..the main dr came to see me and said i would most definitely be going down that day as she was head down and they wanted to start me off in this way...
unfortunately by the time i had got down to labour ward 3 hours later she had turned transverse, so they decided to check on placenta again and used a probe inserted down below to get a better picture of what was going on, and they found all of the above problems so decided on an emergency c-sec...
I had my epidural and my lil girl was born...