Sorry this is a long post but just need to talk to someone about it.
I was told when I was 16 that I would struggle to conceive for a number of reasons. When I met my hubby around two years later I told him all about it and as he was a 'looked after' child himself after a few years of trying and failing (2 x IVF) we decided that we could open our doors to some foster children although we never gave up trying for our own. Anyway to cut a long story shorter our second foster child was an 11 year old girl who was extremely psychologically traumatised.
We worked hard on building a relationship up with her and getting her to enjoy school (she was always bright but never had a reason to try before, she loved gaining attention for completing homework or getting good grades etc). Anyway she settled in after the first year really well and even asked us to adopted her. We thought everything was going well until she hit 14. She started hanging around with a bad crowd and got herself in trouble on a number of occasions. Stayed out all night in dens smoking pot etc, they were some of the worst times of all. It was strange because she wasn't my child i felt even more responsible for her behaviour (I hope that comes across as I mean it

). Anyway, it didn't stop there and after repeated talks and her stealing left right and centre from us we had no choice but to move her to another family. She left us when she was 14 and a half ish. Our relationship was strained for the first couple of weeks as she still wanted to be a part of our family but after that I would say it went to a whole new level. She suddenly realised that (in her words) 'that since no-one wanted me I presumed you didn't really. I pushed and pushed you but you always stayed firm with me. Then I went over the edge with you both and lost you then I suddenly realised that love is a two way process'.
So she is still a big part of our lives but we haven't taken her back purely as she is doing so well in her new home and she is here everyday anyway lol. What I am mad about is every parents evening I have attended, over the past year her other foster mum has also been there of course but she has been kind enough to allow me to still attend them. I missed this last one (year 11) as I was working and couldn't get out of it. Her foster mum said the evening had gone well etc and I was worried. Anyway, I have just had a copy of her report posted to me from the school (they enclosed a letter to say they wanted me to have a copy as they were extremely concerned and knew I still had some input in her life).
Anyway, it was terrible! She has been missing school and not completing coursework by the deadlines set. Her mock exam results were ok but not what the school expected from her. As I said they have predicted her A's and B's in everything and in most she gained D's. I rang her foster mum and she said she is dealing with it and I was to try to remove myself from the situation as the child's education was her responsibility now.
Sorry its so long but just don't know what to do right now..........