Hiya Gail, I know I got lost when im in work too!
sorry Nat forgot u was getting ur bp checked, glad its ok!
Just had a tect my best mate has had a baby boy 8.4oz all ok!

hes 26 im 4 months older than him. I think its hard for him to chage over night as b4 I was pg we were out every weekend and neither of us thought I would be pg so quickly. He plays football and he has a pint on a saturday and i normally pick him up about 8 which is ok as im normally out and about as well. But hes got a stag do the weekend and its friday and saturday however hes also going out on the thursday and sunday!

all his friends are but NONE of them have a morgtage let alone a pg wife!
hes not romantic either but im not one for romance either so thats ok.
m just worried about when the baby comes we are going to be so skint we are not going to have the money for even a few pints on a sat!
Plus im a little jealous I cant drink go out