A lady on freecycle is askin for baby stuff as her daughter as had a baby lastnight without knowin she was pregnant so they have nothing ....Hubby says she can have our moses basket which means i can have the swingin crib i wanted ...i also said i had boys clothes and a blue bouncer and shes said she would give me 30 pound for lot which is great as i didnt expect anything
excellent serina! i have got some stuff off freecycle and got rid of som stuff on there too.
Jue, cleaning is going very well downstairs is done but will need to do dusting after, just got to give bathroom once over and the spare bedroom. Paul will hoover stairs when he gets home, i don't do them anymore since i nearly fell down them whilst hoovering! If your hubby goes along A55 to buxton tell him to wave as he goes past Holywell lol, i'll be on the look out
Can't remember what time Nats scan is...i text her this morning and got one back saying that Evie loves the bike she got for her birthday. i will update on here about scan if she doesn't do it herself but i think she'll probably add pics etc on FB xx
Lol i will tell him to wave hun (he does go down the 55) hes just called to say hes on his was home now, he said theres alot of roadworks on the 55 again!
Do you ever go in the 'OK Diner'?
Im hoping he will let us stop in there Sunday because the kids get to eat free lol.
The party's in Birmingham ... well its not really as my step dad keeps telling me "Its not Birmingham its the West midlands!!" ... but i think of it as Birmingham ... my mum went to live there when she met my step dad.
Anyway its a 3.5 hour drive so we have to set of at the crack of dawn tomorow morning (but i guess we will have to stop a few times on the way ... i cant go more than a hour without needing the loo )
Then Sunday we have to take our stepson home first ...then drive home so its 5 hours in the car
You should take care with the hoover hun .. its backbreaking isnt it ... time to put your feet up now then
Serina I'm glad you are feeling better and it's fantastic news about bubs, I hope you have a really nice time away x
Jue it sounds like the most wonderful 'mad' house at yours, I can't wait until my house is like that! Kids excited, nails to paint, stuff to pack! It's very quiet here lol. Oh - DH knows he should NEVER EVER come back from ANYWHERE without one of the following:
Have a fab time! x
Claire well done with your cleaning, I started mine the other day but gave up when I got to the upstairs bit have a fun weekend!! x
What are you upto this weekend Cath? I'm not doing anything, DH is on nights til sunday, it's poo x
I cant wait until we get paid on 20th I get to go choose a nice white swinging crib and also lots of pink frilly bedding as when i had katie i was with a w**ker and he wouldnt let me spend *his* wages on things i wouldnt use much so most things was second hand or cheap and tacky its nice being able to afford some nice new bits and they will sell afterwards i just wanna spoil my last baby
Names I like lily rose , emily may , maddison but not sure of what middle name for that but hubby likes louise and lorraine i hate them both so this namin lark could take forever but plz remember those that i like and lets see if i get my own way
Meant to be restin as doc tried leavin housework ive done the room but wont hoover have paid jake for that as he as disco he is going to tonight ...kitchen needs doin but iam knakerd it can wait til kids in bed
jue, where abouts is OK Diner? i have a feeling ive seen it but nt sure where! theres roadworks at holywell but they arent too bad at the mo but the ones at bodelwyddan were a nightmare for us last sat!
serina, i like the names lily and emily both girly and wont go out of fashion
hayley what a well trained husband you have! mine came home with a huge galaxy bar the other night yummy!! x
Serina my stepsons sister is called Lily rose .. its a really pretty name, you take it easy and rest hun xxx
Clare how can you have not known where it was .. it can only be 15 mins from you and like you say you must go past it all the time ...
...they've build a Subway up there to but the Diner works out really cheep with the kids ...the milkshakes there are to die for!
Hayley .. yer its a mad house in the best possible way your DH sounds like a diamond hun xxxxx
i'll have to call in there and get a milk shake one night after work. if we hadnt have had visitors this weekend you could have all called in for a panad xx
Thanks hun .. will catch you next time, i doubt after all the driving and the late night their going to have tomorow my tribe will be in any fit state to meet people anyway
You have to go and get a milkshake tho hun ... there yum xxxx
I had to rush from work to the docs today! i've been exhausted lately and I was sat at my desk and my hands started shaking and then I felt like my whole body was shaking and my chest felt all fluttery and my lips went all tingling.
OH (who grovelled and has been amazing since our arguement) came and got me and took me to docs who said I am run down due to stress and exhaustion and its my body's way of telling me to take it easy. So I'm off work until Thursday but was so scared!!
Jue I love the fact your son has to have his big toes painted
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