Hiya ladies, just caught up on what's been happening!
Claire I hope you are ok!

Hopefully someone in 3rd tri will be able to help? It is worth a go anyway. Sounds awful the pains hon, I really hope you feel better soon.
If not go to A&E! they can't just keep saying "ooh don't worry"
Congrats Carol on reaching double figures! You haven't got long to go! Yay! Hope your MW appt goes well tomorrow or was it today lol? Hope you get a bit of a lay in soon! xxx
Leanne congrats on your double figures too! Yahoo! Hope your physio goes well tomorrow, and eases your pain hon! I've had it and it works!

Nats lovely bump pic!

You shouldn't be shy of showing it off! (says me who hasn't dare put one on since I was 12wks lol

) Hope you've had a nice busy day! xx
Jue your fish tank looks ACE! We are looking forward to moving back to UK just so we can get one!
Hunny glad you are all feeling better

enjoy your busy day too!
Cath hope you aren't working to hard! Not long until you finish work
Hi Gail, nice to see you, hope you are doing ok! Nearly double figures! xx
Hope Serina is doing well, is she still in hospital?
All our baby boxes arrived this afternoon! Yipee! The spare room is full of baby stuff

only got a moses basket to buy now! (oh and nappies lol) xxx