Afternoon all
Hey Cath it's really nice of you to offer to pick up some tops for me

I was chatting to my sister & she said she'd post a few over to stop me moaning

thanks very much though love!

Aaw Carol

Violet is a sweetie! She looks happy as larry with her new sand/play pit/stand thingy lol. I agree it's a bit daft the shop don't deliver sand!
Corr Jue sounds like the fourth road bridge your fence

it's good the weather has held out for you!
Hey Nat, dunno where you've got the energy for a night out
Bloomin annoying waking up in the night, it happens to me alot too

think I will just slip right into sleepless nights malarky
How's everyone else? I always miss people out

not on purpose
I don't read the miscarry/baby loss threads

I just know what I'm like & it would really worry me

it is extremely sad for those ladies

I'm ok, bubs is kicking regularly now, and got my next MW appt in April.
Not doing anything for mothers day tomorrow

as our mums are in UK, we'll ring them ofcourse & we sent cards & pressies
Hubs is off this weekend! Yay makes a change, it's been months since he has a weekend off. So we are doing jobs around the house, ready for inlaws in July

Probably just chill out again tomorrow
Ooooh had Indian takeaway last night! It was bloomin gorgeous!! Stuffed we were

catch ya'll later lol