yeah thanks Nat
only kidding
glad you are doing ok luv, ooh I get aching legs too, they drive me nuts in the evenings, I've been getting bad CTS aswell
....nice of your neighbours to give you their climbing frame! shame they're moving though!
hiya Claire, I'm still here
just been so tired & spent day with DH, he's on nights tonight & tomorrow night. Nursery sounds like it's going to be lovely! Can't wait to see the photies
How's your DH? is he feeling better?
Where's Jue? Are you cleaning carpets! Can I have some of your energy
sorry the dentist didn't go well luv, specially the news on your hubs!
Hiya Cath sounds like it's hectic at work! They must be trying to sort everything out before you go on mat leave! Can't cope without you ya see
I've heard MW led units are good, i'm sure it'll be fine luv
Hey Kat how's your SPD?
hope it's not too awful, mines eased up abit. Aaw bet it was sad leaving school! Nice they are gonna have a day so you can say bye properly though
Hey Hunny, any luck with your new dishwasher? ooh I wish I had one!
Hi Carol, how's Violet's new slide? Have you managed to get it put up?
Nicky glad your MW appt went well luv
& Alfie is doing great
I'm getting really tired aswell!
Hey Serina, how's Ethan doing? Poor little mite
Glad your scan went well luv & bubs is doing great
Hiya Esther!
How are you doing? How's bubs?
Hey Gail
How's the pram choosing going? I found it really helpful to go & see the ones I liked in 'real life' at the shops
it gave us a better idea of them
hard choosing though eh!
hope I haven't missed anyone out
if I have oops & hope you are doing well
I'm fine
just shattered again now