Just checked in hubbys name and all it says is This is a closed group. Members must be invited or approved by an admin. so nobody can see it if they are not a member x
Just a quick visit......hope all is well with everyone. We will miss you Nats and hopefully you will drop in on us June bugs still
Claire, what a day hun!! Hope you are having a better evening.
Jue have you got any jobs left to do before your mum arrives hun? I am exactly the same I'm afraid constantly spending days cleaning and tidying when I know mine is coming lol
Serina glad you and ethan are ok, how is LO doing today?
Cath, I only got one physio appointment as he said they dont like to do too much with me being pregnant. He did give me some exercises to do and some crutches to walk with. Though it feels very weird to use them when I know I don't have a bad leg IYKWIM..... He pushed on my pelvis area and asked me to lift my leg and walk and it didn't make much difference to the pain so said the fembrace probably wouldn't do much, but I can try it when I get it from midwifes. It is starting to affect me now though as I just want this pregnancy over with....thats sounds horrible.... I always thought of pregnancy as a wonderful experience and it was until this SPD kicked in
Anyway, enough feeling sorry for myself...........
Claire my mum comes on Good Friday for Easter weekend ... this will probably be the last time i see her before she comes in June when i go into labour ...(and yes i will be cleaning the house from top to bottom when im 38 weeks in preparation for that visit )
Not got a lot left to do now tho ... just the normal mow/strim, dust/hover etc
Kat massive hugs hun, it must feel so dibilatating to have SPD, i cant imagine
Glad im not the only one who does a mad clean up when 'the mothers' comming
Great hun, count me in. I will make one tomorrow and let you know so you can send me an invite. I would love for us all to stay in touch, what a good idea!
Nicky my DH has been asking what it would be like to cut the cord so I'll let him know.
really quick before i set off to work, just done new bump pics, they are in 3rd tri Jue, Hayley, time you did some and carol, you said you share a clothed one on here for us hope everyone is well and i'll catch up when i get to work in about an hour
I spoke to Nats on FB last night, she seems happy and pleased that Evie enjoyed her taster day. alot chirpier than her last post on here but she is adament that she isnt coming back on here.
Good luck serina for today hun.
hunny hows your baby feeling today?
Jue, enjoy the weather, its gray here, just hope it will brighten up soon xx
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