pregnancy buddies due in June 2009!

Afternoon everyone :wave:

Just a quick post to say hi as dinner is nearly ready.

Hope everyone is OK.
hello all
ive got a low placenta and have to have a scan at 36 weeks to see if its moved!!if not its slicin and dicin time :(
i feel like im comin down with a cold but as hayfevers been mentioned its reminded me!!!!i normally start round now with that :(
got loads of nvq to do so feeling sorry for myself
hope all is well with everyone :)
Think we need a group :hugs: Life is so cruel sometimes poor Hayley :(
oh god, i have just seen that on 3rd tri, i cant imagine the pain that hayley is going through :(

Serina, that is great news about the meds and being able to see Lily again at the scan in a couple of weeks.

Nicky, your lucky aswell to see you baby too...FX that the placenta moves quickly upwards!!

i think we have a low placenta group tricky nicky :( lets just hope things get better for us all
Morning all! how is everyone today?

This group is really quite quiet now the good weather has arrived and Jue has broken her finger and Nats having left!

Morning Claire!

It certainly is quiet on here! I guess it will be even quieter over Easter. How are you this morning?

I'm happy that DH is home today! :happydance: although I suspect he'll be really jet lagged and end up sleeping most of today.

I have another BP/protein check this morning, which means I'll have to miss toddler group (still that might not be a bad thing as it's school holidays and there'll be lots of bigger kids there today).

Just seen the thread on 3rd tri... that is such sad sad news...
so sad about Hayley, does anyone know what happend?!

net is down in the house, oh changed providers and the new box hasnt come yet! so with one computer working at work im offline for a while! unless he sorts something outtoday!

Carol, i bet it will be nice just to have DH home even if he is jet lagged! hope your tests go well today, is it just a general check or are they concerned?

Serina, how are you this morning? Is lily moving or having a quiet day? I woke up in the night and realised i hadn't felt Josh move for hours and hours so was lay in bed prodding my stomach, after about 15mins he kicked me, so i could go back to sleep and let him go back to sleep.

I'm away over Easter so i won't be on at all...

Gail, how are you feeling this morning?

Hi Claire,

It's kind of a general check, I have a check every 2 weeks as I'm at increased risk of pre-eclampsia so it's just precautionary. I had the same checks when I was pregnant with Violet (and thankfully didnt get pre-eclampsia).
atleast they are looking after you, although it must be annoying having to go every 2weeks! whay are you at increased risk, if you don't mind me asking? i don't know a great deal about but know my mum had it pretty bad with both me and my brother.
Hi girls, how are you all doing?

I'm fine:)

Gonna go & try to catch up, I've no chance:rofl:

see you in a bit xx
Hi Claire, yep OH is at work :rofl: I should be doing housework :rofl:

I've no chance catching up! Loads has happened!
Lily as moved the odd time but her hb is 155 so am not too worried they have said they will monitor me whenever i want if i am not feelin her so thats reassuring knowin i can just go in x
That's reassuring Serina, my MW told me yesterday also that next time my LO is very quiet to go to hospital straight away.
It's very worrying isn't it:hugs:

My LO still has some room to move around so sometimes is facing 'inwards' - MW said that's why my LO feels very quiet sometimes, bless:hugs:
Hi everyone :wave:

Heh Hayley - I know what you mean about trying to catch up!

Glad they are happy to monitor you whenever you want Serina.

All fine at doctors appointment. And DH is home :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

Although I was right and he's managed to chat for about an hour before going to bed! :sleep: I think he wants to make sure he's awake for the Liverpool game tonight :dohh:
Hiya Carol:)

Yay bet you're glad OH is home safe & sound:) glad all went well at your docs appt :)

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