phew it's getting quite warm here now, good job I've got my ebay bargain basement shorts on
I've just come back from the shop, got shower gel & toothbrush for my hosp bag hehe. Oh and a big fat cake for afters tonight, that wasn't on my shopping list
Well, I was walking into the shop & there was a mum & baby & little girl walking in the same time as me.
I stopped to let mum in first, her little girl, must have been about 3 or 4 had said "Hello!!!"
I presumed she was saying hello to me, so replied "Hello!"
Now bear in mind girls, this little girl was so cute with the most beautiful blond ringlets, very angelic looking...... she replied.......
"NOT YOUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" with a scrunched up look of disgust on her face!

Her poor mum went bright red!!!!!!!