Morning girls

glad you are all doing ok
I enjoyed my parent craft session yesterday, I'm glad it's split over 4wks though as each session is 2hrs long and I was shattered at the end!
We discussed labour, pain relief, & met the health visitor yesterday

Next week we are having a tour of the labour ward at the hospital

The last 2 sessions are going to be about taking baby home, feeding, looking after baby etc
I asked my mw about strep b a while ago, forgot to mention it

She said it's not common & that's why they don't do it as standard

and not to worry! But if I am I would have to pay for it myself, the test would be sent back to the uk in my case which will take forever! so I don't know what to do really!
I've got a rocking stand for my moses basket!
gone on a tad
catcha later! xxx