Yay I'm 20 weeks today too only 18 weeks left yay
its crap! im a little annoyed ive got to do it, cos ive got a degree in the subject but its law now, really want to get it done in time for June
How many bottles do u think I need? hopefully I will also be bf??!!
Swimming sounds good Nat, how old does a baby need to be b4 it can go swimming?? x
Leanne hun be pleased ... its like being told you have big boobs or a big smilexxx
LOL! Talking of boobs tho... Those of you who have little ones already, how much did your boobs grow? I went and got measured the other day and am already a 40E... how big are they going to be by the end?!
Cath I know how you feel, I'm taking my accountancy exams and the course finishes in June but if I've failed my exam the retake is on my due date
Hi Tweeny and congrats!
got clare text no is will let her know to pass on incase i get waylayed shopping!!! lol!!
don't get out much without kids so may take advantage!! XX