Pregnancy Group open for anyone at any stage of your pregnancy. All Welcome!



Hi ladies,

I thought I would create a group for all pregnant ladies regardless what stage you are at, if you have children already or dont! Whoever you are you are welcome on this thread to share your highs and lows!!

Just a quick bit about myself- My name is Emma and I had been TTC for about 8 months following a loss last August. I got my :bfp: in May after a lovely holiday that did the trick for us :haha:. I am currently 22 weeks pregnant and having a little girl. No names so far but my little bump is called Pip for the time being.

Hope to meet some wonderful ladies soon :hugs:


2rockinboys (Natasha) EDD 5/11/2011- Elyjah, 17th November 2011, @ 14:09, 8lbs
NDH (Natalie)- EDD- 29/12/2011 :pink: - Saranna, 8th January 2012 @ 20:32, 7lbs 15oz
Pinky12 (Emma)- EDD 24/01/2012 :pink: - Daisy, 13th January 2012 @ 9.13am, 6lb 5oz
Mavsprtypink (Carly)- EDD 5/03/2012 :blue: - Samuel, 1st March 2012 @ 5:37pm 8lbs 7oz
WendyJ (Wendy)- 25/05/2012 :pink:- Emily, 28th April 2012 @ 6.02am 6lbs 13oz
Rachael1981 (Rachael)- 24th April 2012 :pink:
ready4onemore (Karen)- 28th May 2012 :blue:
disneybelle (Naomi)- 10th June 2012 :blue:
xarlenex (Arlene)- 5th June 2012 :yellow:
wantingagirl (Shona)- 14th July 2012 :yellow:
abii (Abii)- 18th July 2012 :yellow:
:hi: Emma! You already know me but for anyone who doesn't I have only recently found out I am pregnant, due in May 2012. I was trying for 11 months in which time I found out I had PCOS so this natural BFP was a lovely surprise x
Hi girls!!
Well for the ladies who join us that dont know me. My name is Carly and my husband and I had been TTC since September of 2010. I got my BFP in June 2011 and my due date is March 5th 2012.

We have our gender scan in about 3 weeks. So I can't wait to start calling BEAN by name.

Looking to meet some wonderful ladies!!!!
Morning ladies! Hope you are both well :flower:

I think I am due May 25th but i'm not sure. Fertility Friend says May 25th but the doctor thinks May 22nd, can't wait to find out for sure!

I thought I would have heard from the midwife by now but reading up online it says your 1st midwife appointment is usually at 8 weeks. That sucks! lol. I was fair excited about moving things on a bit but I guess I have to be more patient.

Carly Not long till your scan! How exciting! I am still thinking a boy :winkwink: I actually have no feeling about mine yet although everytime I think of what I want to decorate my nursery as I think of girl things lol. I would honestly be happy either way though x

Emma January is so not far away! I'll be finding out what i'm having as your about to give birth :haha: Did you get your 3d scan booked? I've read up about them and they look so detailed! It'll be a fab experience for you both x
Hi Ladies,

Thank you for joining here!

Carly- :happydance: for your gender scan! I am so excited! I cant believe you even have names pick and everything! I am the same as you hun with people around me and this pregnancy. A lot of my friends here dont really do children so its difficult to talk to anyone, thats why I love speaking to you ladies so much!

Wendypops- I think I had mine about the 8 week mark, not too sure lol, it all seems that long ago!! Oh wow, that will be so exciting that you will find out in January! At least I know I wont be the only one wishing January here :haha: The 3d scan has been a bit of a mess, basically I bought it and got told I could go to Liverpool of Preston to have it done. When I called them they would only let me do it in liverpool as they dont go to preston that much!! I was mortified! I just got my refund but I am going to book another one for his mum and dad but looks like I will be paying about £60 at the bare minimum!! We will see anyway!
:hi: Emma Carly and Wendy!

Thanks Wendy for the link :)

How lovely to have a thread to chat with you ladies again. I don't like posting on TTC threads.

For anyone who joins who isn't from tue TTC 2012 babies thread, I'm Natalie and ecstatic to be 6 months pregnant with my :yellow: bump after a 27 cycle (and 2 1/2 year journey due to being apart from my hubby for 6 months) TTC journey. I'm due at the end of December - I've been given dates ranging from the 26th to the 31st but I go with the 29th for all it really matters lol. Baby will come when s/he is ready and doesn't much care what date s/he is due :haha: Anyway, it will be interesting to find out if I'll have a 2011 or a 2012 baby!
Emma Aww that sucks about the scan! Saying that though, the ones I was looking at in Scotland were going to cost £190+!!! Crazy money. Hubby has surprised me by booking us a few days away in Edinburgh next month at a lovely hotel and there's an early scanning place there, hmm lol. It is very tempting but not sure I can part with that kind of cash! I am just not the most patient person in the world :haha: x

Nat :wave: hun! It's lovely to be able to chat with you again :flower: I can't believe your 6 months and you've never found out what you're having, that would drive me insane! lol. I'm already desperate to know what i'm having so I can decide what colour to pain the nursery :haha: I didn't realise your due date was the end of December, imagine if you have a Xmas baby! That would be so special but I am guessing your child would hate getting all their presents on one day lol. New years day would be lovely to tho! A great way to bring in 2012 x
Wendy- That is soo funny that you mentioned thinking girl ideas for your nursery because I can only think boy ideas for mine, however we have decided to do a neutral nursery. As far as the time goes, for me the first 10 weeks dragged and since then I dont know where the time has gone. The last 6 weeks zoomed by. So hold in there and your midwife appt. will be here before you know it. How are you feeling? Any sickness?

Emma- Sorry about your scan, that kind of stinks that they can't accomadate you. I really hope you share the pictures once you do have the scan done. I am curious to see how they turn out. I am getting a 4d scan between 25-28 weeks so I have been spying on other ladies 3d/4d scans out of curiosity. I am VERY happy we have our names decided. We have had our boys name since I was 19 I believe, and we decided on our girls name about a month or so before we actually found out we were expecting. The only thing left is a middle name for a girl. Now do you have any ideas when it comes to names or are you and your husband going to wait to meet the baby?

Natalie-Such a long journey. But how exciting for a christmas baby. I was born in Jan. and I always loved having my birthday around the holidays. You will have the best gift EVER this year. Are you not finding out gender by choice or is your baby not cooperating at scans? Do you have names chosen yet either way? Nice to meet you.

Well my hubby left this morning for his business trip. We got up early and had breakfast together and watched the roast of charlie sheen. Then I had a bit of a crying meltdown when he left, I think it was really hard for him to leave. Usually its no big deal, but this time was harder. I thought I would fall back asleep after he left but I just couldn't so I have been awake since 5oclock this morning. Hopefully I will get a good nights sleep tonight since I have to work on my project tomorrow. I was wondering what you guys thought of body or pregnancy pillows? Do you think they are worth it??
:hi: ladies!

For those of you that don't already know me I was TTC for 7.5 months. I'm due 24th April :D
Hi ladies :flower:

Lovely to see you her Natalie :hugs:

Wendy, Aw bless your hubby, he is so sweet! I didn't think I would be able to wait for my first scan but it went really quick! Hang in there. Hope your feeling ok x

Carly, we don't have any names picked as of yet, we were planning on waiting until we new the sex of her. We haven't discussed it any further as we have been so busy with DIY recently. We have the middle name picked out as she is going to be named after Gavins mum. I will post up the 3d scan pics when I get it all sorted out for you all to see. Sorry you have had a bit of a cry, if it makes you feel better I had a little cry over curtains I was sewing :haha:

Hey rachael, hope the job is going well :hugs:

Well just a quick one from me as I'm shattered from sewing annoying curtains! Time for cuddles with the hubby. Hope you have all had a good night x
Wendy, my birthday is December 27th :haha: A Christmas birthday isn't so terrible.

Carly, we're team :yellow: by choice. There aren't many surprises in life and I'm so looking forward to finding out for ourselves what we're having. :). Or I guess it will be what we had :haha:

We have names picked out either way though. Could only settle on one boys name though so if it's a boy it had better suit him. We have a top pick girls name and two backup names if a girl just doesn't seem to go with our top name.

And our house is brick inside so there will be nonpainting of the nursery :(. Oh well.
Morning Ladies :flower:

Carly Really? I can't find anything for boys, do share. The only nursery things I have found are pirates or aliens and I think they are a bit much for a baby, I would find them scary at a young age. The other option is cars but i'm not sure about that. For girls I will definitely have Winnie the Pooh, Me to You or Minnie Mouse. I liked Hello Kitty too but I thought it was more for an older girl. I can't wait to find out what i'm having so I can properly choose! What name did you choose for a girl in the end? I know you were looking for a name beginning with A weren't you? I'm sorry about your hubby going away, it will get harder the further along you are. How long is he gone for? I'm not sure about the pillows, I'm hoping I wont need one but we shall see what happens x

Rachael :wave: hun! Lovely to have you with us. How's things going with you? You enjoying the new job? x

Emma Ugh I wish it was going quick for me but it's dragging! I think i've talked hubby out of early scan, I think it would be lovely to have but if something wasn't right I think I would have one hundred and one questions to ask and the person doing it wouldn't be my doctor so I guess I am just going to try and hold off till the 12 weeks. Just wish it was now! How's the renovations going? Hopefully everything is about done and you can start relaxing :hugs: x

Nat Ooh so you may have baby on your birthday! How nice would that be! It's going to be such a special time of year for you. Aww that's a shame you can't decorate the nursery but i'm sure you can get it looking lovely by hanging some pictures and things. How's things going on the job front? x

Well i'm keeping not too bad! I get really tired after work and by 4pm my back is killing me but symptom wise i'm doing better than most! I feel sicky in the morning but haven't actually been sick yet so fingers cross it will continue like that! I told my boss my news as I thought it only fair to give as much warning as I can that I will be off for the majority of next year and he was actually really happy for me. He knew what i'd been going through with the pcos tests so seemed happy I got my wish of a natural bfp :)

Well I best get on with some work, talk to you all later :flower: x
Awww this is nice!!
Hello, im Natasha and im 23 years old (with 1 anniversary, i refuse to be older than 23 lol) I have a 2year old son called Auron (who was not planned, but couldn't imagine my life without him) and im due November 5th with another boy, we're calling Elyjah. We decided to try for another baby in feb (after coming back from visiting my home town) and i had a positive test March 3rd (date's given i was already pregnant before we decided to start trying) so i guess you could say we're either uber fertile, or just meant to have children together! I've been with my fiancé for 4 years next month, and have a massive love for the joker, chocolate and Tim Burton films
:wave: Natasha! Congratulations.. Not long left for you now!! Welcome to the thread :hugs:

Wendypops- I thought that mine was dragging at first as I was waiting for appointments and everything but believe me it picks up lol! Things are nearly sorted in the house.. well for now!! The carpet goes down on Friday so I cant wait to have normality back at home!! Fingers crossed your sickness doesnt get any worse for you! I think it is handy to tell your boss as if you do get bad with your morning sickness or need anything then he is aware of it all and can understand.

Natalie- I really dont know with names as there are so many girls names that are so adorable! I am sure that your nursery will look fab once you have finished with it. You are so creative and inventive so you dont need to worry about painting :hugs:

Well I have a short day ahead of me in work and then home to more DIY, then a half day tomorrow due to my physio and then thats me for the weekend!! I cant wait!
Hi Natasha! Welcome to the thread :flower: Haha I like that! I never wanted to be older than 21 but that didn't exactly go to plan :haha: Aww what lovely names for your boys, quite unusual spellings for both. It's nice to be a bit different x

Emma Good to hear everything is coming together. How is your back? You decided what theme to decorate your nursery or are you going for neutrals? x

Well ladies, none of you warned me that I was going to be so hormonal this early on :haha: I was sitting in the toilets at work crying for five minutes this afternoon cause my work was just pissing me off. I have never been like that before! And believe me, my work pisses me off at the best of times lol. I guess it's all part of being preggers x
Welcome to the thread Natasha!

Wendy - your hormones will be all over :rofl: There I warned you :D

Work is ok. We're in training currently and to be honest most of what we have covered could have been done in about half the time or even less. Quite boring really :wacko:

As for symptoms I seem to be really lucky, just tired and I have sore boobs. OH commented on the size of my nipples (something along of the lines of looking like JCB starter buttons :wacko:) I get the odd bit of nausea, but I do get cravings and food aversions :haha:
Hey Rachael glad you are feeling well and work is going ok.

Emma- I wish I had the skill to sew anything. You still have plenty of time to pick the perfect name. To be honest when I first joined and started talking to you I thought Pippin was actually going to be the babies name. I cant wait to see the 3d pics!!

Nat- Brick sounds beautiful. I am sure your nursery will be lovely.

Wendy- Well I have a few ideas. Gray elephants with white background, Mickey, or Peter Pan. I LOVED Peter Pan and Tinkerbell when I was younger and still collect Tinkerbell things and have a Tinkerbell tattoo. But we have decided to do a neutral nursery sooo we are going to either do winnie the pooh or just light brown, green, and yellow. I agree that Hello Kitty is for an older girl. We still cant agree on a middle name for a girl. IF we have a girl her first name will be Kensi for sure. I have fallen in love with the name Leigh but he doesn't like it at all. So we are back at the drawing board. I am glad things went well with your boss, and your feeling good!!

Hi Natasha-Welcome. I bet you cant wait for november to see your little man. I also love Tim Burton films, which is your favorite?

Well Mike left on Tuesday morning and he will be back on Friday afternoon. His birthday is on the 25th so I wanted to surprise him with his favorite ice cream cake when he gets home. He called me yesterday to tell me he bought me a present. He is such a goof. He is going to his best friends tomorrow to visit their new baby again and have a birthday dinner. Tomorrow I am determined to get my errands done and my school work done. So hopefully I get some motivation between now and then. Hope you ladies have a great day!!! Talk soon!!
Thanx for the warm welcome everyone!! I see some of you aren't very far along yet, so glad that part's over and done with, felt constantly sick until i hit week 12 with both pregnancy's!! 2nd tri was deff my favourite, still able to sleep and be generally comfortable and no sick feeling's with glowing skin and the start of looking pregnant!! Something for you to look forward too :flower:
And for the time being, as uncomfortable as i am, im quite happily going from day to day. On one hand yes im exited to meet little dude and have cuddles, but on other hand it means christmas is coming, and i haven't started shopping for it yet!! Have any of you started, or like me slightly dreading??

mavsprtynpink Favourite..... tricky!! There's soooooo many to choose from!! I can't choose one!! I love batman returns (selena's breakdown give's me shivers every time i watch it!) edward scissorhands (also a massive johnny depp fan!) and of course the nightmare before christmas!! Can't choose one from those 3, it's too hard >.<
What about you, have you any particular favourite's?
Natasha- Nightmare before christmas is probably all time favorite. It is hard not to LOVE Johnny Depp though. There is this really awesome keychain at the disney store of nightmare before christmas and everytime i see it I have to put it back because its soooo heavy.

Hey ladies!!! So obviously by my ticker I I am not far into my second trimester but I am showing WIDE if you know what I mean so I just look fat not pregnant atleast to me. And I am only 5 foot tall so that doesn't help my case. Just starting to feel a little self consious. I have been trying to walk at least 4-5 times a week so I dont grow HUGE and I have actually lost weight since getting pregnant, but I still feel huge. Any ideas?? My husband and I have been out and I have seen women give me looks, trying to figure out if I am pregnant or just fat. My husband is a very fit man, so I think they wonder like hmmmmm? I dont know I am from Chicago and you just grow up thinking everyone is judging you. Now that I live in Kentucky its hard to not think that way. I know people in the south are more kind or so I have heard, but when you spend your whole life wary of people you wonder. Sorry for the ramble, just had to get some thoughts out.

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