I'm not ignoring you other girls, just had to post as quickly as I could to Arlene cause I was excited
Rachael Thanks for the late warning about the hormones

I feel like i'm crying even more than usual at the likes of the x factor haha. That seems a bit stupid getting all that training for a temp job doesn't it? Hopefully it means they will consider keeping you on after your maternity? Surely they wouldn't want to have to train more people if they didn't have to. I did laugh at your OH's comment about your nipples, mines have always been big anyway see I really hope they're not going to get any bigger!! x
Carly Ooh thanks for the nursery ideas hun, I think if it's a boy we will go with a zoo animal theme and if it's a girl Winnie the Pooh or Minnie Mouse. So exciting! Hope you're hubby is having a lovely birthday & you liked your surprise pressie

Natasha Thanks for giving me comfort that things should be good after 12 weeks, everyone else always says oh if you're feeling ill now it's going to get worse so I'm so relieved to hear something say things should get better during 2 tri

I've almost finished my Xmas shopping, I love it! I save up for shopping vouchers all year so just waiting for them to come so I can get my last bits and bobs bought. I just can't stand how busy the shops get in Nov/Dec so try and get it all done before then x
Emma &
Nat hope you ladies are keeping well & looking after yourselves

Shona &
Naomi Course you's are welcome to lurk, same as I will still lurk the ttc thread. Hope you can all join us soon

Well i'm feeling quite good today, not looking forward to another week of work though. The days seem to be dragging and by 3pm each day my back is killing me. Didn't expect to get that till way later on in pregnancy. Got my first midwifes appointment for 5th October, can't wait!

Although I know it will just be getting blood taken and loads of questions it's still a step further.
What's everyone been up to this weekend? I was out last night with friends for my brother's birthday. We had a lovely meal and I told one of my closest friends my news. She was thrilled for me but did put a downer on me a bit by saying it's very early and that fingers crossed everything will be ok

I know she's just cautious for me cause she had a miscarriage at 11 weeks last year but I am trying to keep positive and really don't want to hear things that make me doubt everything will be ok
