arlene what a lovely surprize for your hubby

When i told OH about this pregnancy, he walked in from work and i jus said, "Guess what!!? We're pregnant!", and he gave me a big hug shouted "YAAAAAAAAAAY" and picked up our son and jumped around the lounge with him telling him he was gonna be a big brother lol. Then 5mins later i went to work, such is life
Rachael oh my ouch!! you poor thing!! I hope they've taken your bad back into consideration already with advice/ pain killers ready set go??
Wendy yes, i've been forcing milk down (not a fan unless it's in cereal, coffee or chocolate form lol) but it's not helped -sigh- I dont find that the tablets help either, but i dont want the liquid form, it's just too yuck to think about let alone consume
wantingagirl sorry but im not very good with alot of the text type stuff, what does 2ww mean??

Lucky dust
Unfortunatly my high hopes of having a better week this week all came crashing down when i saw the midwife today! When she tested my pee she said there was trace protine, so it's been sent off and i've gotta ring for results at the end of the week, which is naff as i wont be able to get my test results untill after 2pm and im gonna be on a train on my way to portsmouth to visit my friends and my mum (which im already dreading after the conversation i had with her yesterday, my mum does my head in!)
The midwife wanted me to make an appointment to see her this comming monday as she worried about the lack of growth when she measured my bump, though im not coming back from portsmouth untill tuesday, which is bloody typical, the ONE weekend i'll be away and i should really be here!! So i've been booked into another clinic for next thursday to check my growth as she doesnt want to wait 2weeks. So im kinda really worried about it, especially as she kept asking me if i was feeling plenty of movements, and if i was eating right?!! Then she kept feeling my tummy over and over, im pretty sure that SHE's not even sure how he's laying at the moment the way she kept doin it, and im really freaked out, which is new as im usually pretty relaxed and easy going with pretty much everything you throw at me!! She also said that i need to get lot's of rest and relaxation as having an active job and active 2year old probably isn't helping?!! WTF?? Am i jus supposed to push him into daycare or something (not that i can afford it!) Im finishing work on thursday anyway, though they covered my shift for tonight and tomorrow because i told them i couldn't cope with going in tonight, so thursday is my only shift left now! It's so crap, i just wish there was something more i could do, take a pill, eat certain thing's, i dunno, anything more than having to sit on my arse and get fat

All in all not a good start to my week, and it's going to slightly ruin my time in portsmouth as i'll jus have it niggling away in the back of my mind