pregnancy on social networks RANT

I'm guilty of it too I'm afraid! I do post a lot and instagram lots. My first pregnancy and I live away from my family so it's a good way for them to keep up to date too. Also I'm just so happy I want to share it. If people didn't like it they aren't good friends and can delete me ha ha
Ps: I don't complain or whine so I'm not that bad. Your growing a baby inside you it isn't supposed to be easy! I don't post constantly but every day or so I might. Guilty!
The way I see it is my facebook page is mine - I post what I choose - If "friends" don't like it then they know where the delete button is. I hide people whose posts don't particularly interest me and I'm sure there are people who probably hide mine.
I was an annoying preggo poster too lol :) maybe hide her from your feed? I wouldn't be offended if someone hid me!
This post interested me, I'm not pregnant but stalk different areas of b n b, I personally won't be putting anything up other than an announcement I'm pg and an announcement they have been born but I won't post any pictures, I want to teach my children about internet safety but how can I do that if their whole life is on there from conception and pictures of them. If I tell my child not to post pictures of themselves on the internet they cud easily say but u put lots on when I was a baby. I think ppl should think twice about posting baby pics and so on but a pregnancy update is ok. I have a friend who comments every time her baby kicks or moves and when her older one uses the potty
I kind of agree and kind of don't! Personally yes it DOES annoy me when people go on and on and on about their pregnancy. But equally it is their page so if that's what they want to post about then that's totally up to them!

This is explains how I feel about it quite well. It does frustrate me, but I've just hidden them. I found the people that have posted every single second about their pregnancy have then gone on to post every single second about their baby, so I've just kept them hidden. They have every right to use their facebook page how they wish, I just found it filled up my news feed a ton and I had to scroll through heaps of status' and photos. I view their profiles every now and then to catch up.

Completely agree with storked and smiler; I'm also a LTTTC and had to have IVF to concieve this pregnancy. I hated (and still do hate) those who just whine about how 'dreadful' it is being pregnant and how they cannot wait to get the baby out. It's infuriating when you'd do anything to be pregnant when they're so flippant about the gift they've been given.
I posted an ultrasound to announce, but haven't mentioned much since. Like others I have LTTTC friends and friends who've recently have miscarriages. Not only this do I try and think that probably other friends that were in my position and I wouldn't want to cause them extra pain like others have done to me.

This ^^ I've suffered from two misscarriages and have really had to bite my tongue when people have been complaining about how 'dreadful' their pregnancy is/has been. I'm sure for them it has been dreadful, but for me it's such a precious gift and it was really hard to watch. So i've hidden them too.

You'd hate me then. My first pregnancy, Facebook was my journal ha, then now she's here, every day there's a new picture. Don't like it, delete. She's happy and excited, just join in with her?

Thats me :) I do weekly updates. I am excited and no one can ruin it.

I don't think people want to ruin it. My friends where excited, that's great for them, It just clogged up my news feed and wasn't really what I wanted to be seeing every day all day (back when I was suffering the MCs).

This post interested me, I'm not pregnant but stalk different areas of b n b, I personally won't be putting anything up other than an announcement I'm pg and an announcement they have been born but I won't post any pictures, I want to teach my children about internet safety but how can I do that if their whole life is on there from conception and pictures of them. If I tell my child not to post pictures of themselves on the internet they cud easily say but u put lots on when I was a baby. I think ppl should think twice about posting baby pics and so on but a pregnancy update is ok. I have a friend who comments every time her baby kicks or moves and when her older one uses the potty

itsnowmyturn said pretty much what I was going to say, but for me, I've chosen not to announce on facebook at all. My close friends and family know I'm pregnant, and if you meet me, you'll know I'm pregnant, but I haven't felt the need to shout it from the roof tops to a load of people I don't know REALLY well. That's just me though. We'd already decided we wouldn't be posting photos of our children to social networks or other areas online (except flickr where we remain the owners of the photos and can set them to private except friends and family) so concluded that the ultrasounds where private to us and didn't want them floating around online (except the one public one I have in my profile photo here on b&b).

It's all just personal preference isn't it at the end of the day, but I do get why it's frustrating for you! :)

Itsnowmyturn....very interesting perspective. I guess from seeing posts about fb I know my FB is different than most. I don't have 900friends. Mine are mostly family and friends I know and speak to often. Ones that aren't, I have on limited anyways. However, the one thing I just want to add to the conversation. I think we live in a social era. What we think is "too much" today....when our kids are's gonna be a completely different ball game. I think to say our kids aren't going to be on social media is actually kinda unrealistic because in 5 years technology will probably be unrecognizable to even us. I guess this is just parenting styles coming in to play. In my life I see myself and being a role model for my daughter. See how mommy handles social media...this is how you act responsible.....respect I guess I just plan to teach by example. We can definitely control when our kids use social media, and mine will not be on for a very long long long time!!! (Like 20) Hahaha. But one day they will be an age where we cannot control what they do and so I guess I definitely grew up with a family who didn't resist technology but taugh us to respect it. So that's how I plan to raise my kid. But I do see some of my niece and nephews from my husbands side and the stuff they post makes me wish their parents maybe took your advice! But it doesn't surprise me because it is like mother like daughter and some of the things my in laws posts I would never in a million years so it isn't too surprising to me I guess....
That's interesting what u say about in years and the social media, I think the thing for me is however easy it is for us to access social media and other peoples pictures its easier for people to access it with bad intentions. I just want my kids to learn that pictures on the internet aren't safe because as soon as u put them on social media anyone can click save and bam its saved on their computer, I proved this when I did personal calendars for all my family and raided their fb pages for the pictures to put in them. I wud hate to think someone has got a picture of my child on their laptop.

I agree with what u say about children copy parents, which is why I say I won't put pictures up, I have general pictures of myself and my oh and even my nieces and nephews but teaching them isn't my area n their parents put pics up, I just want to say to my child at 14/15 u shudnt post pictures of urself because of this this and this. What's wrong with a good old photo album. Ppl say they don't live near family, I don't either but I wud prefer to send them a picture message with baby on rather than fb.

One friend from school has 4 kids n I cud pretty much tell u every action they've had since birth and I haven't seen her for about 10 years, even everytime they've used the potty or slept thru the night, that kid doesn't need to write an autobiography because their whole life is documented on fb, I wud rather do a personal journal that I can show to my child when they want to
What annoys me is that I can't seem to mention anything on my Facebook that is NOT related to pregnancy without several of my friends bringing it back to my pregnancy. It seriously drives me insane. I don't want to constantly talk about my pregnancy, and I can't stand when everyone brings my pregnancy into every. single. discussion.
It took us 16 months to conceive which isn't very long in the grand scheme of things but it was a struggle at the time and I found people constantly posting (and especially complaining) about their pregnancies quite difficult to cope with so I promised myself that if we got there, I wouldn't post very much.
I'm so excited though that I've probably mentioned Skeletor (that's our baby's nickname) more than I had planned but still try to be sensitive to others and make sure I never moan about how hard it is (though I've found it a lot harder than I thought I would!)
Skeletor! You guys should make that the official name! :D
Does anybody else find it annoying when as soon as somebody is expecting it becomes a constant post/status? Im 34wks and my sister is also pregnant, she's 16 weeks and she updates fb every few days with a picture and information about her doctor appointments, movement etc. She's not even showing yet. Maybe its my hormones but its excessive! Nobody needs to know every advancement in your pregnancy, especially not this earlier. Phew just needed to vent!

I could be way off base here so apologies if I am, but is there an element of sibling rivalry in this? Maybe it's annoying you because you're sharing the family excitement with someone else?

I really don't mean to offend so please don't take it that way, but I did have a moment of "stole my sodding thunder grrr" when a friend's wife posted the news they were expecting just before I was about to. It's daft but natural! :blush:
il def have sibling rivalry if any of them r pregnant same time as me, they've all had kids n were the only ones pregnant so had all the lime light so when it comes to my turn I won't be happy if they r pregnant as well especially as they all live near each other n I live further away, will mean its all about them n not me, call me selfish n childish if u like but I want my pregnancy to be just as important as theirs have been when they were the only ones pregnant. :haha:
I say if she is happy to share her pregnancy on facebook then why not?...Some people may get fed up seeing her updates, and endless pictures but to be honest, they can always hide her from their news feed if that's the case. I personally haven't announced anything on my facebook this time yet, and i won't until i know everything is OK but I have family who live quite a way from me who likes to keep updated on things and that's the only way we get to catch up so I will be updating my facebook as and when i want with how baby is, and will be putting my scan pictures on. It's personal preference at the end of the day. If this is her first baby, then she will be excited and want to share the news with friends and family. When i was pregnant with my little girl I updated my facebook status', and gave people updates on how she was doing as I didn't have an easy pregnancy and I had to have steroid injections at 23 weeks as we thought she was going to be born too early. I know i always had people text me, inbox me etc for updates on how she was doing so it was easier to update my status.
With the exception of Baby Gaga posting every week and scan pics, I have eight posts that mention the Baby but only four of them are ABOUT the baby if that makes sense? For Example: Steve and I have been together for eight years today and in that time we have faced some of the hardest things people go through in life. I wonder what the next eight years bring. One thing we know we have to look forward to is the birth of our much desired child in October. Looking forward to seeing what the rest brings, after all, it can't be worse than what we've gone through. I love you Darling, Happy Anniversary. X

A lot of people get irritated when they see constant updates about babies etc but they don't know what that couple have gone through to get pregnant. If I want to post every day about my Little Man I will and no one will stop me. It took me 4.5 years to conceive him and I don't give a toss what people think. My MIL said to me once that she got loads of baby updates from my facebook (Baby Gaga once a week and scan pics, she's blocked from viewing my posts) and I simply said if she doesn't like it delete me.

You can chose what you see from people, you don't have to have all the updates.
haha, ya'll wouldn't want to be my friend on fb then, I have baby gaga, post bi weekly bump photos, post about my midwife appointments and his progress, post photos of the things I've bought or what I have left to do to prepare, ect. Eh, I'm excited, I get giddy like a kid in a candy store, I've been broody for over a year before getting pregnant and planned this baby for months, he is also our very last baby, and this is also my very last pregnancy (a bit saddened by that). I haven't whined or complained at all, just mainly gab about how excited I am to meet my baby and can't wait to hold him. All our family and friends live states away from us, so where they don't get to see me at all or speak to me often, I keep everyone updated all at once with a few posts here and there :shrug:
Iv complained a few times - pregnancy is hard, which is made even harder with a 3 year old too - it took us 13 months and a MC to conceive this baby and I am greatful but that doesnt mean I cant moan! X
Iv complained a few times - pregnancy is hard, which is made even harder with a 3 year old too - it took us 13 months and a MC to conceive this baby and I am greatful but that doesnt mean I cant moan! X

Same! I'm all for a good old moan on fb too! I had spd, chronic reflux/heartburn and the itchiest skin you can imagine with puppp, by 40 weeks I did nothing but moan! And it took us 2 years and 2 miscarriages to conceive him so I was so grateful to be pregnant!
I'm not pregnant but on a break from trying but I don't mind at all about pregnancy updates from friends. I do mind a bit about the constant crude pictures from friends who party a lot and post disgusting pictures trying to be "sexual" and flashing the camera, but i'm a bit of a "prude" and think you should respect your body. I don't like when people post constantly on FB about moaning about other people on facebook or making dumb comments e.g. a picture was posted today of a person taking a bed someone chucked out and someone posted "haha homeless minks" .. now i dont think that's right to make fun of someone misfortune so i deleted the person .. oh and someone posted "how can i say goodbye, when i didn't even have the chance to say hello?" .. this was posted from a friend who was PREGNANT .. everyone was very concerned and worried thinking she lost the baby, she replied 13 hours later saying "oh no babies fine its about something else :)" ... I found that extremely disgusting..theres no way she posted that not knowing how it sounded and it made me sick so i deleted her :thumbup: My motto :
"don't like it, delete it!"
Does anybody else find it annoying when as soon as somebody is expecting it becomes a constant post/status? Im 34wks and my sister is also pregnant, she's 16 weeks and she updates fb every few days with a picture and information about her doctor appointments, movement etc. She's not even showing yet. Maybe its my hormones but its excessive! Nobody needs to know every advancement in your pregnancy, especially not this earlier. Phew just needed to vent!

Totally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was 20 weeks before I actually even posted anything on FB! And even still I don't post any updates. I just send them directly to family and friends if I need to! LOL!

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